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How to request signatures on PDF files online

Send your PDFs to be e-signed in these simple steps:

Documents being sent for for signature requests
  1. Drag and drop your file into the box above, or click Select a file to upload from your computer.
  2. Sign into your free Acrobat account once the file has uploaded and is displayed on screen.
  3. Enter the email addresses of the people you're sending it to. Select Next.
  4. Annotate the file so the recipients can see where they need to e-sign.
  5. Tap Send and hey presto! The document is on its way to their inboxes.

Request e-signatures for free with Adobe online tools

Multiple people with a plus sign demonstrating how easy it is to collect online signatures from others

Online e-signatures for PDFs

Need to get a signature on a PDF, pronto? With Adobe Acrobat online tools, you can send a PDF document to be signed electronically in seconds. Request e-signatures from colleagues and associates quicky and easily to keep work flowing.

A stack of files with an Acrobat Sign logo showing that you can let others e-sign your documents

Send documents to be e-signed with ease

Signing paper documents used to be drag. Now, with Adobe Acrobat e-signatures for PDF, it's a breeze. To get started, simply upload your PDF file, sign into Acrobat, then add the email addresses of the people you need e-signatures from. Mark the document up to show them exactly where they need to sign and hit Send.

A browser with the Acrobat Sign logo representing free easy e-signing

Super simple e-signing for your recipients

An email will land in your signees' inboxes notifying them that there's a document for them to sign. The whole thing can be complete in minutes. They open, sign, and that's it. If there are more people to sign, it gets sent to them too. If not, you get a notification and the signed PDF. There's nothing to download or print.

An analogue clock representing how fast workflows move with e-signatures

Finalise contracts faster than with paper and ink

In business, you want to get stuff done fast, right? The free Adobe e-signing tool helps you finalise contracts faster as there's no need to send paper copies via courier for a wet ink signature. With Acrobat online, people can e-sign a contract online within minutes, not days.

A signed file with a lock demonstrating e-signatures you can trust

With baked-in Adobe Sign for added security

Speed doesn't compromise on security, either. Acrobat Sign technology is baked-in to the Acrobat e-signature tool. The result? Signed agreements that are safe and secure. And, what's more, you're in control of the process – from end to end.

A PDF that represents high-quality e-signing tools from Adobe Acrobat

Try high-quality Adobe online tools for free

Want to give it a try? Sign up for a free Adobe Acrobat account for two request e-signatures transactions every 30 days (on a rolling basis) with zero charge. Want or need more? Subscribe to a 7-day free trial of Acrobat Pro today.

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More resources

a text bubble, pencil icon and a stacked PDF icon representing free online Acrobat tools

Use Acrobat tools for free

  • Sign in to try 25+ tools, like convert or compress
  • Add comments, fill in forms and sign PDFs for free
  • Store your files online to access from any device

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