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Join millions of users who have successfully converted PDFs to Excel files using Acrobat.
*Over an 18-24 month period.

How to Convert PDF to Excel Online

Turn a PDF document into a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet in four simple steps:

  1. Drag & drop your PDF into the box above or Click the Select a file button above.
  2. Choose the PDF you want to convert to XLSX format.
  3. Let Acrobat automatically convert your PDF to an editable excel file.
  4. Download your excel file or sign in to share it.

Try Our Free PDF to Excel Converter

Learn how to convert PDF to Excel with our online tool. It’s free, easy to use, and works on any device, allowing you to convert PDFs to Excel files anytime, anywhere.

An Acrobat PDF and a spreadsheet with arrows showing how you can convert PDF to Excel online

Convert PDFs into Excel files

It couldn't be easier to turn your PDFs into spreadsheets. Simply drag and drop your file into our PDF to Excel converter and hey presto. When done, you can download or share easily.

A clock representing how fast you can convert PDF to Excel

Quickly turn PDFs into XLSX files

Turn a PDF into an Excel file in seconds with the Acrobat PDF converter tool. Acrobat transfers your PDF tables and other content into Excel rows and columns that you can edit.

A spreadsheet with a pen demonstrating how you can edit your Excel file

Edit your Excel file with ease

Acrobat's online tool has transformed your PDF into a spreadsheet. What next? You can easily edit it online using Microsoft Excel for the web. Simply sign into your Adobe account and get started.

A download arrow with a cloud showing how you can download and share converted Excel files

It's easy to download and share your files

What do you want to do with your new Excel file? Download it to your computer or share with colleagues? To get a shareable link, you just need to sign into your Acrobat account. Get everyone's feedback on one online file.

A desktop with an Acrobat PDF and a mobile device showing how you can convert PDFs to Excel on any device

Choose your platform

Convert PDFs into Excel documents using your choice of web browser and operating system, whether you’re using a MacBook, iPad or iPhone on iOS, or a PC or laptop on Windows.

An Acrobat PDF ready to be converted to Excel

The best PDF to Excel converter around

Adobe invented the PDF file format in the early 1990s – we know it inside out. Try our trusted, user-friendly online PDF tools, offering premium Excel conversion, to work smarter and faster.

PDF to Excel Questions? We have answers.

More PDF to Excel resources

a text bubble, pencil icon and a stacked PDF icon representing free online Acrobat tools

Use Acrobat tools for free

  • Sign in to try 25+ tools, like convert or compress
  • Add comments, fill in forms and sign PDFs for free
  • Store your files online to access from any device

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