Save your converted PDF as PPT
It's super simple to access and use our online tool for converting PDFs to PowerPoint presentations. Just drag and drop your PDF and download or share the converted PPTX file when it's finished.
Convert your PDF documents to Microsoft PowerPoint presentations in a few simple steps:
Discover how to convert a PDF to PowerPoint effortlessly with our online tool. Free and easy to use on any device, it lets you convert PDFs to PowerPoint anytime, anywhere.
It's super simple to access and use our online tool for converting PDFs to PowerPoint presentations. Just drag and drop your PDF and download or share the converted PPTX file when it's finished.
Acrobat converts a PDF file formats to a PPTX file instantly. Access the pdf tool from anywhere and on any browser or device to convert PDFs to Microsoft PowerPoint presentations online.
Acrobat's tried and tested functionality provides consistently high-quality results. Acrobat converts a PDF document to a PPT without altering any styling or formatting.Reuse content from your PDF file.
You won't need to locate the original PDF document to reuse any content. Save time and convert the PDF to a PPT in just a few clicks.
After you convert your PDF into a editable PowerPoint presentation, you can edit your file in Microsoft PowerPoint for the web right from Acrobat. Just sign in.
As Adobe invented the PDF document format, you can rely on the Acrobat PDF to PPT converter to give you the best results.
The Acrobat PDF to PPT converter is available on any browser and any device. All you need is an internet connection to get started. Use the PDF to PPT converter to select the PDF you wish to convert and the tool will convert every PDF page to a PowerPoint slide. All formatting from your PDF document will be retained during this process, so you get great results on both Mac and Windows operating systems.
Why not try other Acrobat tools available with a 7-day free trial off Adobe Acrobat Pro? You can convert PDF files to and from Microsoft Word documents as well as Excel workbooks. Working with graphics? Convert image files in formats such as JPG, PNG and GIF in seconds. It's even possible to convert HTML pages to PDF documents, edit PDFs in our tool for optical character recognition (OCR), split or merge PDFs, reduce file size and use tools to annotate your PDFs. Achieve this and more with Adobe Acrobat Pro.