Adobe Acrobat

Chat with PDFs

Get trusted document insights by asking questions with Acrobat AI Assistant.Save time and get answers from your documents with Acrobat AI Assistant.Drag and drop one or more PDF, DOCX, PPTX, TXT or RTF files.
Your files will be securely handled by Adobe servers and deleted unless you sign in to save them.By using this service, you agree to the Adobe Terms of Use and Privacy Policy.

How to use Adobe Acrobat to chat with your PDF

Get onboard with Acrobat AI Assistance by following these steps:

Three chat bubbles represent how to chat with PDF documents using AI

  1. Either drag and drop your content into the dotted drop box or click on the select files button to upload from your file browser.
  2. Get quick insights by checking out the recommended questions.
  3. Sign into your Adobe Account and get quick AI answers when you ask your document questions.
  4. Use your PDF AI answers to inform presentations, craft emails, and more.

Upload a file and try our AI Chat tool for free

Two chat icons indicating how you can ask questions and get AI answers in Adobe Acrobat

Chat with any PDF

Simply upload your document, sign in, and ask your document questions to get the answers you need quickly. Discover key information and analyse data fast with Acrobat AI Assistant.

A PDF and lightbulb highlight insights easily found using Acrobat's AI PDF technology

Get insights fast

Get to what matters with an AI-powered overview of your document. Select suggested questions or type in your own for quick and thorough document research and analysis.

A clock represents how document AI will speed up business processes to help with productivity

Make workflows more efficient with document AI

AI Assistant lets you swiftly create emails, social media posts, presentations and more by giving you the information you're looking for.

An icon of a document illustrates how AI technology can quickly verify source information found in a PDF document

Trace answers back to sources

Adobe AI Assistant's answers include numbered attributions and source highlighting, meaning you can verify the information you're given.

A table and pencil are used to analyse complex data using Acrobat AI Assistant

Easily analyse complex data

With an intelligent algorithm, Adobe AI Assistant quickly delivers the answers you need by analysing document content and data.

A shield with a lock in the middle indicating AI PDF file security

PDF AI you can trust

Adobe invented the PDF file format, which means we know how to deliver PDF AI technology you can trust. Use our AI tools with confidence to get what you need from your PDF documents.

Questions? We have answers.

What kind of questions can I ask my PDF?
There are a range of questions you can ask your PDF document but if you're struggling to get started, the Acrobat AI Assistant tool can give you a brief overview of recommend questions. You could ask it for help drafting an email to summarise your document or even task it with delivering the results of a table in the document. Adobe AI Assistant will then answer using easy to understand language.
How does an AI summariser work?

An AI Summariser is a tool that obtains key information from a document. In this instance, when you chat with a PDF, the AI Summariser will use a feature called Generative Summary. This lets it create a document that can outline key headings, sections-specific points, and important links. That means you can get the gist of a document in a much faster timeframe.

Try Generative Summary today by signing into Adobe Acrobat.

Can I summarise individual sections of a PDF document?
Yes, you can. Ask Adobe AI Assistant to summarise the specific section you want and you're good to go. You can further summarise or ask questions based on that summary for more insights on key points.
Is AI Assistant a secure tool to use to chat with PDFs?

Yes, your document is secure with Adobe AI Assistant. If you don't sign in, any documents will be deleted from our servers as a security measure.

Adobe also uses the Microsoft Azure OpenAI Service AI model with our AI technologies. Adobe does not utilise customer content to train AI models and we do not perit third parties to review customer content.

A hand holds a PDF file to try different tools available with Adobe Acrobat Pro

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  • Sign in to try 25+ tools, like convert or compress
  • Add comments, fill in forms and sign PDFs for free
  • Store your files online to access from any device

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