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How to Convert to or from a PDF Online

Convert a file to PDF or export a PDF to a different format in four simple steps:

Three files and an Adobe Acrobat PDF displaying the process our PDF converter uses for free PDF conversions to and from any documents.

  1. Drag and drop your file into the on-screen box above. Or you can navigate to it via the Select a file button.
  2. Acrobat will then convert the file to your chosen format automatically.
  3. You can then download or login to your free Adobe Acrobat account to share your file with others.

Try Our Free PDF Converter

Two documents with arrows displaying the process of converting a file to a PDF online

Convert your files to and from PDF

Transform Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, or Excel spreadsheets into PDFs with our free online PDF converter. Changed your mind? You can convert them back easily, too.

A stack of image files representing types of files that can be converted to PDF

Export image formats too

You can also convert JPG, PNG, and TIFF image files to and from PDF with the Acrobat PDF converter tool.

Fast PDF Conversion

Quick and simple PDF conversion

Drag and drop or upload your file and let the PDF convertor tool work its magic. Download it to your computer or sign into a free Adobe Acrobat account to get a shareable link.

A stack of files with a circular arrow showing files that you can reuse content when you convert to and from PDF

Recycle existing content

Want to work faster and smarter? Use the Acrobat PDF converter tool to recycle existing content and save time on starting from a blank page.

An Acrobat PDF with a lock representing trusted file security

Adobe offers peace of mind

Sophisticated security technology is baked into Acrobat online tools, so you can share your files with complete peace of mind that that they’re secure.

A high-quality compressed PDF file

The best online PDF converter around

We created and pioneered the PDF file format at Adobe. Use PDF tools like our online PDF converter developed by those who know it best.

Questions? We have answers.

How do I convert PDF files?

It's easy to convert PDFs into other file formats using free Adobe Acrobat online tools. Simply load the page, then drag and drop the file into the box on-screen. Alternatively, you can navigate to the file and upload it that way. You can export your PDFs to and from these file types (and more):

  • DOCX
  • XLSX
  • PPTX
  • PNG
  • DOCX
  • XLSX
  • PPTX
  • PPT
  • GIF
  • PNG
  • TIF

Simply upload your chosen file and let the tool do its thing.

Need more functions and flexibility? With a 7-day free trial of Adobe Acrobat Pro, you can convert, edit and annotate files, or merge and split PDFs.

Do I need special software to convert PDF files?
No, you don't need any special software to convert PDF files. All you need is a web browser. Simply open our free online PDF converter tool, drag and drop your file, and let Acrobat convert it for you.
How do I turn a photo into a PDF?
Our online PDF converter handles image files just as smoothly as Word documents or Excel sheets. Just drag and drop your JPEG, PNG, BMP or other photo file into the dropzone above and let the convertor do its thing. It only takes two ticks.
What happens when you convert a document to PDF?
When you convert a document to PDF, you lock down its images, fonts and other features so you can share it with others. This helps you ensure that each user gets a consistent visual, and the formatting doesn’t go awry between different programmes and devices. PDFs are a great choice for professional documents, brochures, posters and more.
Is converting files to and from PDF safe?
Yes. We’re committed to your privacy and security, so you can use our tools with complete peace of mind.
Do I need a PDF converter?
Sometimes, you might be able to save certain files – like Word documents – as a PDF rather than converting it online. However, if you’re looking for a more versatile option that can handle different file types and then complete other PDF editing tasks for you, then a converter is a better choice. As the inventor of the PDF, Adobe Acrobat online is the perfect place to do it. And it’s 100% free.
Which devices can I use to convert files?
You can use any device with an internet connection and access to a web browser like Google or Safari. Use your desktop, phone, or laptop to convert a file to or from a PDF with our free Acrobat PDF converter online tool.

More resources

a text bubble, pencil icon and a stacked PDF icon representing free online Acrobat tools

Use Acrobat tools for free

  • Sign in to try 25+ tools, like convert or compress
  • Add comments, fill in forms and sign PDFs for free
  • Store your files online to access from any device

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