Team Building Quiz: Working better together with PDF Powerhouse

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The old saying goes “if you find a job you love, you’ll never work again”. But even if you land the perfect role, the day-to-day reality doesn’t often match up to the dream.

The same goes for the world of education - where even the most inspiring teachers, tutors and lecturers may fail to get their ideas off the starting blocks.

It all comes down to those familiar friends who seem to follow you from job to job: inefficient practices, tight budgets and poor productivity. They’re going to try their best to bring the fresh-faced ambitions you were hired for crashing down to earth.

So, with these all-too familiar hurdles in mind, how do you get the best from your role, boss your small business?

In this guide, we’ll talk through some common pain points that are holding people back in workplaces, universities and schools across the UK - and how Adobe’s free online tools can help you work smarter, not harder, to overcome them.

Is work still worthwhile?

In 2023, the Chartered Institute for Professional Development (CIPD) Good Work Index shed light on the current state of work in the UK.

It found that while most people enjoy their work and find it satisfying, between six to nine million workers experience “poor quality work” in some aspects of their job.

What’s more, job quality hasn’t improved since 2019.

This has led people to work on a more transactional basis - i.e., simply for the money.

Damningly, the CIPD have said the UK is in “a slow slide towards mediocrity”. Meanwhile, according to the Trades Union Congress, average real pay is still down 2.7% since 2008 - adding fuel to the belief that work in the UK is no longer truly paying off.

It might seem like being your own boss is the answer. But going into 2024, the life of a small business owner or sole trader doesn’t look too great either.

In 2023, 41% of businesses surveyed by the Office for National Statistics reported r ising prices in goods and services. According to the Bank of England, high inflation is set to drag on until 2025. The war in Ukraine continues to drive up energy costs and the impact of Covid-19 casts a long and persistent shadow over the economy.

In short, whether you’re an employee or a business owner, times are tough. But with some smart working practices and a digital-first mindset, you might be able to s ave yourself time and money, while increasing satisfaction and productivity too.

PDF Powerhouse Summary.

Adobe Acrobat online is here to help you to create a more efficient, secure, cost-effective and sustainable office, school or university. To wrap up, here are a few take-home tricks for your PDF powerhouse.

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