
What are web files?

Web files are documents related to website, webpages and servers. Web file formats include programming scripts and other files that are used to deliver and display content from web servers to Internet browsers. This can include static and dynamic webpages, web applications, files referenced by webpages and files generated by web development software.

Web file extensions are usually related to the platforms or programming language in which they are built.

What are web files used for?

Web files are used across the Internet to enable the display of web content and facilitate interactions with it. They contain data for creating web pages and, when combined, these generate websites.

There are many server-side and client-side scripting languages that are used today to dynamically generate web content.

Learn more about web files.

Here’s a list of some common web file extensions:

  • .HTML - This contains Hypertext Mark-up Language, which formats the structure of a webpage.
  • .XPS - This type of document includes fixed page layout details written in the XPS mark-up language. It determines a document's appearance, layout and printing information.

Other common web file types include:

  • .ASP - Usually created by a web developer and sitting on a web server, it may contain VBScript or JavaScript.
  • .CSS - Cascading Style Sheets format the contents of a webpage and describe how HTML elements are displayed.
  • .PHP - This is a web file that contains Hypertext Preprocessor code. It generates HTML from a PHP engine, which runs on a web server.

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Advantages and disadvantages of web files.

Like any class of file type, web extensions can have their pros and cons.


  • Webpage development. Web file formats help build webpages and define their standards of development. They provide a clear structure and format to assist with this.
  • Information storage and updating. Valuable information is stored and served in web files and in some cases can easily be accessed for editing at a later date. This can be extremely useful, as a simple tweak to a single line of code could bring great benefits when the programmer knows what they are doing.


  • Some web file formats can be time consuming. .HTML pages can take a while to create, for example, as they require large amounts of code to be written, even for a basic webpage. Technical knowledge will also often be required to work with web files.
  • Some web files have limitations. .XPS files cannot be edited once saved, for instance and they have reduced compatibility with most processors.

Can you convert web files to PDF?

Yes. Web files such as .HTML and .XPS can be converted into PDF documents using specific applications. You can convert a .HTML document into a PDF using Adobe Acrobat or convert an .XPS file to PDF with Windows Office Suite.

In general, Adobe’s free online converter tool is extremely useful for converting many different types of file into a PDF. If you are able to first save your web file into TXT, RTF or DOCX format first, which is easy to do with HTML documents, this should be pretty seamless. Simply drag and drop or select the file from your device.

Find out more about converting HTML to PDF.

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Web File FAQs.

What are common web files?

Common web files include .HTML, .XPS, .CSS, .ASP, and .PHP. All of these web files play a unique role in building and developing web pages. For example, .HTML helps build the structure of a web page, while .XPS dictates a document’s layout, appearance and printing properties.

How do I open a web file?

To open a web file, simply double-click it and the default application should open the file. If this doesn’t work, you may need to use a different application - or obtain the specific programme with which the format or file extension is associated. If you ever need to convert a web file to a PDF, Adobe Acrobat is an effective solution.

.HTML is probably the most widely used and recognised web document format. It offers universal mark-up language for websites and enables users to format text, create links, add graphics, as well as input forms, tables and frames. It can then be saved in a text file and read and displayed by browsers.

Can you convert a PDF to a web file?

Yes. In fact, converting a PDF document into a .HTML file can help to maximise its accessibility, by making it searchable on the web and shareable on social media. To do this, you can use Adobe Acrobat - simply open your PDF, choose ‘Export To’ from the options and select HTML Web Page.

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