Text files: FAQs.
What is the difference between rich text and plain text?
Rich text allows you to include visual features such as formatting, colours, images, styles and media. Plain text is much more basic in that it offers far fewer customisation options. That said, plain text files are often smaller in size, more easily transferable and compatible with many different devices and programmes.
How does a text file store information?
The data values in text files are stored as a series of characters. The computer memory stores each character as one or two bytes and data (plain text) is generally arranged in rows, with each row containing several values.
What is an example of a text file?
Common examples of text files include saved email messages, word processing documents and log files. Popular text format extensions include .TXT, .DOCX and .RTF.
Is a PDF a text file?
Developed by Adobe and ideal for sharing securely, a PDF is a document format that can contain both text formatting and images. Text files, meanwhile, often include plain text only. PDFs are also generally more secure than simple text formats, partly thanks to the ability to password protect them.
What is the simplest text file format?
There are a number of different plain text files out there that could be classed as the simplest. ASCII, for example, is one of the simplest, most widely supported and durable formats out there, offering only line breaks for formatting. But for everyday use, you might find it simpler to go with a straightforward .TXT file.