Adobe Acrobat

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Join millions of users who have successfully converted Word documents to PDF using Acrobat.
*Over an 18-24 month period.

How to Convert Word to PDF Online

Turn any Microsoft Word file into a PDF in just a few steps:

  1. Click Select a file or simply drag and drop your Word document into the drop zone above.
  2. Choose the RTF, TXT, DOCX or DOC file you’d like to turn into a PDF.
  3. Adobe Acrobat online converts the file in seconds.
  4. Save your new PDF file or sign into your Acrobat online account to share with collaborators.

Try Our Free Word to PDF Converter

Discover how to convert Word to PDF using our online tool. It's free, easy to use, and works seamlessly on any device, allowing you to create PDFs from Word documents anytime, anywhere.

The process of converting Microsoft Word files to PDF using the Acrobat converter

Convert Word files to PDF online and on the go

Adobe online tools let you convert any Microsoft Word document into a versatile PDF for free. Select the file you’d like to turn into a PDF, then download it onto your device. Sign into your Acrobat account to share with others and create more PDFs.

A clock representing how fast you can convert Word files to PDF

Convert Word to PDF quickly and easily

Get fast and convenient file conversion. Upload any DOC or DOCX file and let Adobe online tools handle the rest. Our Word to PDF converter lets you save new PDF files in seconds, helping you keep momentum on a busy project.

An Acrobat PDF file with a bar representing trusted file conversion to a high-quality file

Conversion tools you can trust

Adobe converts your Word docs into professional PDFs without losing your formatting. Your PDFs will look the same to anyone who opens them, too, making them easy to share and collaborate on.

A comment on a PDF file in a shared document review

Streamline document reviews

Adobe online tools lets you gather comments and feedback from multiple collaborators in one PDF file. Sign in and securely share your file with shareholders and reviewers. Respond to comments and @mention people directly to review files efficiently online.

A text document with a pen icon showing it's easy to edit your document online

Edit Microsoft Word files for free online

Make changes to online Word documents for free with Adobe online tools. Sign in and edit your files in Microsoft Word for the web. Update documents using an online version you can save and access anywhere.

An Acrobat PDF icon representing the best converter

File conversion tools from the creators of the PDF

As the inventors of the PDF file format, our online suite of tools produces high-quality results every time. Try our range of file conversion and editing tools to merge PDFs, edit PDFs, password protect them and more.

Questions about the Word to PDF converter? We have answers.

More resources to convert Word to PDF

a text bubble, pencil icon and a stacked PDF icon representing free online Acrobat tools

Use Acrobat tools for free

  • Sign in to try 25+ tools, like convert or compress
  • Add comments, fill in forms and sign PDFs for free
  • Store your files online to access from any device

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