Adobe DPS - Reading SDK 2.32

Class adobeDPS-UserSignoutTransaction

adobeDPS-UserSignoutTransaction -> adobeDPS-Transaction -> adobeDPS-Class
iOS, Android, Windows

A Transaction that is used to sign-out a user.


[inner] Create a User Sign-out Transaction.


Field Defined By
Inherited from adobeDPS-Transaction
Signal to indicate that the state of this transaction has changed.
Inherited from adobeDPS-Transaction
Signal to indicate that the transaction has completed.
Inherited from adobeDPS-Transaction
Signal to indicate transaction progress.
Inherited from adobeDPS-Transaction
id : String
The Unique id of this Transaction.
Inherited from adobeDPS-Transaction
The state of this Transaction.
Inherited from adobeDPS-Transaction
progress : Number
The progress of this Transaction.
Inherited from adobeDPS-Transaction
The TransactionError associated with this transaction, assuming an error has occurred.
Inherited from adobeDPS-Transaction
isCancelable : Boolean = false
Whether this Transaction can be canceled.
Inherited from adobeDPS-Transaction
isPausable : Boolean = false
Whether this Transaction can be paused.
Inherited from adobeDPS-Transaction
isDeterminate : Boolean = false
Whether this Transaction is determinate (has progress).
Inherited from adobeDPS-Transaction
isFailureTerminal : Boolean = false
Whether failure of the transaction is a terminal state.


Method Defined By
Inherited from adobeDPS-Transaction
Whether this transaction is of type FolioStateChangingTransaction
Inherited from adobeDPS-Transaction
Start this transaction.
Inherited from adobeDPS-Transaction
Pauses a transaction.
Inherited from adobeDPS-Transaction
Resumes a paused transaction.
Inherited from adobeDPS-Transaction
Cancels a transaction.
Inherited from adobeDPS-Class
Gets the string representation of this instance.
Class Detail
[inner] Create a User Sign-out Transaction.
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