Adobe DPS - Reading SDK 2.32

Class adobeDPS-UpdateTransaction

adobeDPS-UpdateTransaction -> adobeDPS-FolioStateChangingTransaction -> adobeDPS-FolioTransaction -> adobeDPS-Transaction -> adobeDPS-Class
iOS, Android, Windows

A Transaction that is used to update a BaseFolio.


[inner] Create an Update Transaction


Field Defined By
step : Integer
The current step of the update that is taking place.
Inherited from adobeDPS-FolioTransaction
The BaseFolio that this transaction is acting on
Inherited from adobeDPS-Transaction
Signal to indicate that the state of this transaction has changed.
Inherited from adobeDPS-Transaction
Signal to indicate that the transaction has completed.
Inherited from adobeDPS-Transaction
Signal to indicate transaction progress.
Inherited from adobeDPS-Transaction
id : String
The Unique id of this Transaction.
Inherited from adobeDPS-Transaction
The state of this Transaction.
Inherited from adobeDPS-Transaction
progress : Number
The progress of this Transaction.
Inherited from adobeDPS-Transaction
The TransactionError associated with this transaction, assuming an error has occurred.
Inherited from adobeDPS-Transaction
isCancelable : Boolean = false
Whether this Transaction can be canceled.
Inherited from adobeDPS-Transaction
isPausable : Boolean = false
Whether this Transaction can be paused.
Inherited from adobeDPS-Transaction
isDeterminate : Boolean = false
Whether this Transaction is determinate (has progress).
Inherited from adobeDPS-Transaction
isFailureTerminal : Boolean = false
Whether failure of the transaction is a terminal state.


Method Defined By
Inherited from adobeDPS-FolioStateChangingTransaction
Start a folio transaction.
Inherited from adobeDPS-FolioTransaction
Start a folio transaction.
Inherited from adobeDPS-Transaction
Whether this transaction is of type FolioStateChangingTransaction
Inherited from adobeDPS-Transaction
Start this transaction.
Inherited from adobeDPS-Transaction
Pauses a transaction.
Inherited from adobeDPS-Transaction
Resumes a paused transaction.
Inherited from adobeDPS-Transaction
Cancels a transaction.
Inherited from adobeDPS-Class
Gets the string representation of this instance.
Class Detail
[inner] Create an Update Transaction
folio adobeDPS-BaseFolio The folio that this transaction is acting on
{Error} If the folio passed in is invalid or not a BaseFolio
Field Details
step : Integer
The current step of the update that is taking place. The step is represented by an integer. Depending on the platform and the content that is being downloaded, you may never see certain steps.
The following are possible step values:
0 - Initialized
1 - Downloading
2 - Installing
iOS, Android, Windows
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