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Lockable Preferences: Preventing End User Modification

Acrobat 11.0 introduced a preference lockdown feature for Macintosh. Like Windows, feature lockdown allows IT to create settings that cannot be changed by end users. Settings that can be locked on Windows may also be locked on Macintosh. For details about creating and editing lockdown files, refer to the Administration Guide.

Note: While preference names for unlocked settings do not use Hungarian notation, all locked settings (with the exception of attachment settings) DO USE Hungarian notation. That is, prepend the preference name with its data type ("b" for boolean, "i" for integer, and so on). On Mac, the locked incarnation of a setting uses the same name as if it resides on Windows.

The following subfeatures have lockable preferences:

Accessibility Auto Tagging
Keyname Description
bCloudATFeatureEnable Specifies whether to show the new auto tagging experience or revert to the old experience.

Keyname Description
bDisableCEFNativeViewScrolling Specifies whether to enable Voiceover scrolling support.

Actions (online resources)
Keyname Description
FindMoreWorkflowsOnline Specifies whether to show the menu item that opens the online Actions file library.

Actions (shared folders)
Keyname Description
DIPath Specifies a shared action file location.
Name Specifies a shared action file.

Keyname Description
Specifies whether to enable the AppContainer sandbox.

Keyname Description
[someExtension] A user specified list of file types whose permissions and extensions are specified in iPerm and sExtension.
AttachmentTypeToPermList A container for a list of cabs identifying file extensions and their permissions.
BuiltInPermList Defines a white and black list of file types that can be saved and opened from a document.
DefaultFindAttachmentPerms A container for tSearchAttachmentsWhiteList.
DefaultLaunchAttachmentPerms A container for iFileAttachmentPerms, tBuiltInPermList, and others.
dormant Caches a list of files for which the user has specified the portfolio welcome page should not appear.
Extension The attachment extensions whose permissions are specified by iPerm.
FileAttachmentPerms Prevents users from opening or launching file types other than PDF or FDF and disables the menu option in Trust Manager.
Perm The attachment permissions for the file type specified in sExtension.
SearchAttachmentsWhiteList Specifies a whitelist to of attachment filetypes that can be searched.
UnlistedAttachmentTypePerm Specifies the default permissions for file types that aren't listed in the default or user-specified lists.
UserLaunchAttachmentPerms A container for user-specified attachment permissions.

Keyname Description
EnableBlacklistForOpenSave Reverts the tBuiltInPermList behavior to that of the pre 21.011.20029 build.

Keyname Description
AllowOpenFile Specifies whether to open non-PDF attachments in their native application.
SecureOpenFile Specifies whether to allow opening attachments which are not PDF.

Bates numbering
Keyname Description
BatesLogOriginalFileName Specifies whether to use the original filename in the log file when the user selects Bates number-based output filenames.

Collaborative Reviews (DC)
Keyname Description
DisableSharedReview Specifies whether to enable cloud-based shared reviews.

Create PDF
Keyname Description
EnableFrictionlessInChromeExtn Specifies whether to show Reader users the online Create PDF service option.
GlobalBarMenuFeatureKey Specifies whether to show the Create Split Menu under Create a PDF menu item.

DC Fill & Sign Integration
Keyname Description
ToggleFillSign Disables Adobe Fill and Sign.
ToggleSendACopy Specifies whether to hide the Send a Copy button from the Fill & Sign tool in Acrobat and Reader.

DC Send and Track
Keyname Description
AdobeSendPluginToggle Toggles the Adobe Send and Track plugin for Outlook

Digital Signature Certification
Keyname Description
Specifies whether a document's certification status should appear in the Protected View's DMB

Disabling Privileged Locations
Keyname Description
DisableOSTrustedSites Locks the ability to treat IE trusted sites as privileged locations either on or off so the users can't change the bTrustOSTrustedSites value via the user interface.
DisableTrustedFolders Disables trusted folders AND files and prevents users from specifying a privileged location for directories.
DisableTrustedSites Disables and locks the ability to specify host-based privileged locations.

Disabling Sign Out
Keyname Description
SuppressSignOut Specifies whether the sign-in and sign-out Help menu item should be enabled.

Document Message Bar
Keyname Description
SuppressMessageBar Prevents the appearance of the document message bar.

Editing Reflow
Keyname Description
bEnableReflowEditing Specifies whether to lock ReflowEditing and the reflow feature.
ReflowEditing Specifies whether to enable reflow mode when editing a PDF.

Enhanced Security
Keyname Description
EnhancedSecurityInBrowser Toggles enhanced security when the application is running in the browser.
EnhancedSecurityStandalone Toggles enhanced security for the standalone application.

File migration
Keyname Description
OldRecentFilesMigrated Indicates whether the recent files list has been migrated.

Keyname Description
EnableFlash Specifies whether Flash content should be rendered in a PDF.

Form Preferences
Keyname Description
AutoFill Locks the auto-fill functionality on or off and disables the corresponding user interface item.
IgnoreDataSchema Specifies whether all data in a form is saved rather than only data related to the form's schema.

Home Screen and Startup
Keyname Description
ToggleFTE Specifies whether to enable the First Time Experience (FTE) feature (Welcome tour/page).
ToggleToDoList Specifies whether to show a "to do" list on the Home screen.
ToggleToDoTiles Specifies whether to show To Do Cards in the Recent Tab view

In Product Messaging
Keyname Description
AllowUserToChangeMsgPrefs Locks the features associated with bShowMsgAtLaunch and bDontShowMsgWhenViewingDoc so that ends users can't change the settings.
DontShowMsgWhenViewingDoc Specifies whether to show messages from Adobe when a document opens.
ShowMsgAtLaunch Specifies whether to show messages from Adobe when the product launches.

Mobile Link
Keyname Description

Modern Viewer
Keyname Description
EnableAV2Enterprise Specifies whether to enable the Modern Viewer.

Network and Protocol Access
Keyname Description
DefaultLaunchURLPerms A container for subkeys which provide permissions for access to content by protocol.
FlashContentSchemeWhiteList A list of protocols Flash content can use to access external content.
SchemePerms A list of protocols a PDF can use to access external content.
SponsoredContentSchemeWhiteList A list of protocols sponsored content can use to access external content.

Password Caching
Keyname Description
AllowPasswordSaving Controls whether certain passwords can be cached to disk; for example, passwords for digital IDs.

PDF Link Blocking
Keyname Description
Specifies whether to block specific PDF actions (listed below) which result in opening a link.

Removing Tools
Keyname Description
a(index) Removes a tool from the Tools tab as well as its associated shortcut in the right-hand pane.
Disabled A cab containing an index list of current right hand pane shortcuts.

Right-hand Tools Pane Customization (DC)
Keyname Description
a(index) Removes a tool from the Tools pane.
DisableAcrobatShortcutCustomization Prevents end users from modifying the tool shortcuts in the right hand pane.
Favorites A cab containing an index list of current right hand pane shortcuts.

Keyname Description
EnableAutoCompleteExactMatchLoader Specifies whether to show a "Working on it" message when using the cloud-based search service.
EnableAutoCompleteNoExactMatchHeader Specifies whether to show a "No exact match" message when using the cloud-based search service.
EnableAutoCompleteNoInternetConnectionHeader Specifies whether to show a "Requires internet connection" message when using the cloud-based search service.
EnableCloudPoweredSearch Specifies whether to enable the cloud-based search service in the Find Tool.
EnableCloudPoweredSearchTokenCaching Specifies whether to cache locally cloud-based search service suggestions.

Services (Acrobat.com: 11.x and earlier)
Keyname Description
bDisableADCFileStore Disables storing files on Acrobat.com even when bEnableAcrobatHS = 1.
EnableADCFileStore Enables the user interface items that allow storing files on Acrobat.com even when bEnableAcrobatHS = 0.
EnableBHCache Toggles whether to cache files locally that are downloaded from Acrobat.com.
ShowDistAcrobatDotCom Specifies whether to allow Acrobat.com access from the Forms Central application.

Services (SharePoint-Office365)
Keyname Description
DisableSharePointFeatures Disables the SharePoint and Office 365 integration features.

Services (Unified Share)
Keyname Description
bSendMailShareRedirection Change the email icon behavior so that it attaches the document to an email.
ToggleSendAndTrack Disables Adobe Send and Track (some UI is renamed to "Share" since October, 2018)

Services-Acrobat Sign (DC)
Keyname Description
ToggleAdobeSign Disables Adobe Send for Signature (Acrobat Sign).
ToggleFSSSignatureSaving Specifies whether to save a newly created signature in the cloud.
ToggleManageSign Specifies whether to remove the Signature tab from the Home page's left-hand pane, notifications, and sign tracking cards.

Services-Cloud Storage (DC)
Keyname Description
bBoxConnectorEnabled Specifies whether to enable connection to the Box cloud when bToggleWebConnectors is set to 1.
bDropboxConnectorEnabled Specifies whether to enable connection to the Dropbox cloud when bToggleWebConnectors is set to 1.
bGoogleDriveConnectorEnabled Specifies whether to enable connection to the Google Drive cloud when bToggleWebConnectors is set to 1.
bOneDriveConnectorEnabled Specifies whether to enable connection to the OneDrive cloud when bToggleWebConnectors is set to 1.
bToggleWebConnectors Specifies whether to enable cloud storage connectors.
ToggleDocumentCloud Specifies whether to enable Document Cloud storage.

Services-Master Switches (DC)
Keyname Description
ToggleAdobeDocumentServices Disables Document Cloud service access except those features controlled by the other preferences.
Updater Disables both updates to the product's web-plugin components as well as all services.

Services-Preference Synchronization (DC)
Keyname Description
TogglePrefSync Disables preferences synchronization.

Services-Scan app integration (DC)
Keyname Description
ShowScanTabInHomeView Specifies whether to disable the Scan tab in Home view.

Shared Reviews
Keyname Description
DisableOnBehalfOfText If false, the string "On behalf of" does not append the author's name in the comment when another person opens the document in a shared-review workflow.

Signature Clearing
Keyname Description
EnableSignatureClear Specifies whether to disable and lock the ability for a signer to clear their own signature.

Keyname Description
ShowSignMenu Specifies whether to show the Sign menu in Acrobat's top level menu bar.

Signing: Format
Keyname Description
SignFormat The format to use when signing a document using public key cryptography when a format is not specified by a seed value, javascript parameter, or the PubSec Handler.

Signing: User interface
Keyname Description
EnableCEFBasedUI Specifies whether to enable the CEF-based, modern UI for digital signature workflows.

Starred files
Keyname Description
FavoritesFeaturesLockDown Specifies whether to disable and lock the starred file feature.

Tool Sets (online resources)
Keyname Description
FindMoreCustomizationsOnline Specifies whether to show the menu item that opens the online Acrobat Tool Set Exchange.

WebMail (Custom)
Keyname Description
IMAPDraftsFolder Identifies the My Profile Mail draft folder for WebMail.
IMAPDraftsURL Identifies the My Profile Mail path to the draft folder for WebMail.
IMAPHostName Identifies the My Profile Mail IMAP server name for WebMail.
IMAPPort Identifies the My Profile Mail IMAP server port number for WebMail.
IMAPSecurity Specifies whether to enable the My Profile Mail IMAP security for WebMail.
ProfileID Identifies the My Profile Mail ID for WebMail.
SMTPHostName Identifies the My Profile Mail SMTP server name for WebMail.
SMTPPort Identifies the My Profile Mail SMTP server port number for WebMail.
SMTPSecurity Specifies whether to enable the My Profile Mail SMTP security for WebMail.

WebMail (Gmail)
Keyname Description
ClientType Identifies the Gmail Mail client type for WebMail.
ProfileID Identifies the Gmail Mail ID for WebMail.

WebMail (Yahoo)
Keyname Description
ClientType Identifies the Yahoo Mail client type for WebMail.
ProfileID Identifies the Yahoo Mail ID for WebMail.

Webmail Basics
Keyname Description
DefaultProfile Specifies the default WebMail profile.
DisableWebmail Specifies whether to disable WebMail.

What's New Experience
Keyname Description
bWhatsNewExp Specifies whether to disable the What's New experience.

Windows Explorer Integration
Keyname Description
Specifies whether to disable and lock the user interface option that controls Acrobat-generated PDF thumbnail previews in Windows Explorer.