Enterprise Toolkit | Windows Registry Reference
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Preference and summary
4406238:Specifies whether to suppress the confirmation dialog when the Acrobat preference Mark PDF/UA compliant is checked in Microsoft Word.
a(index):Removes a tool from the Tools pane.
a(index):Removes a tool from the Tools tab as well as its associated shortcut in the right-hand pane.
aAddressBook:Remembers a preferred handler for accessing Trusted Identity Manager functions including certificate data import from an FDF file.
aAP:The stamp name of a user favorited stamp.
aarrowBegin:Sets the default measuring start line shape.
aarrowEnd:Sets the default measuring end line shape.
ADC4275034:Specifies whether to disable the color picker in the Fill and Sign tool.
ADC4275035:Specifies whether to remove the forms tools delivered with the October, 2019 release.
ADC4275035_ClickEdit:Specifies whether to automatically enter edit mode when a user clicks a PDF object.
ADC4302862:Specifies whether to past copied elements to the exact location as the copied element.
ADC4318556:Enables playing 3D and multimedia content using a Flash player in PDF.
aDefaultSelect:Controls the default tool to use for the cursor.
aDefDirectory:Default directory to use when searching for digital IDs.
aDirectory:Remembers a preferred handler for directory functions (e.g. LDAP), including for importing directory information from an FDF data exchange file.
Adobe_ARM:Specifies the path to the Updater executable in the Windows Run key.
aFS:Specifies the operating system hosting the XObject.
aHandler:An ASAtom specifying which PDCrypt handler knows how to handle this security policy.
aID:The tool's AppID.
aID:A unique identifier for the action. If this entry is missing, Acrobat generates a GUID.
aPrivKey:Used by DigSig and PubSec to store the handler that accesses private key functions.
aRSAPSSHashAlgorithm:Specifies the hash algorithm used for RSA-PSS signing.
aSignFormat:The format to use when signing a document using public key cryptography when a format is not specified by a seed value, javascript parameter, or the PubSec Handler.
aSignHash:The hashing algorithm to use while signing.
aVerify:Remembers the name of the preferred handler to use when verifying signatures.
b3DEnableContent:Specifies whether to trust and render 3D content.
bAccessOverrideDocColors:Specifies whether to replace black test or line art colors when iAccessColorPolicy is enabled and a replacement color has been specified.
bAcrobatAppInstalled:Specifies whether to show the Acrobat mobile app promotion and link in the Home banner.
bAcroSuppressOpenInReader:Specifies whether to disable and lock the PDF viewer Chrome extension.
bAcroSuppressUpsell:For 12.x and later products, disables messages which encourage the user to upgrade the product.
bActivated:Records whether the application has been activated online after installation.
bAddCustomFile:Specifies whether to load the Welcome PDF file.
bAdobeSendPluginToggle:Toggles the Adobe Send and Track plugin for Outlook
bAllowAPSConfig:Prevents a LiveCycle Right Management Server from being configured by disabling the menu option in the Security Settings Console.
bAllowByteRangeRequests:Specifies whether to enable Fast Web View by allowing display of the PDF before the entire file is downloaded.
bAllowCertNonGreen:Specifies whether a certification signature may be applied to a document containing Legal PDF warnings.
bAllowConnectViaHTTP:If true, the server connection URI uses the format http://server:port/path; otherwise, it uses the format https://server:port/path.
bAllowDocsToHideUI:Specifies whether to allow documents to hide the menu bar, toolbars, and window controls.
bAllowInvisibleSig:Specifies whether to allow invisible certification signatures.
bAllowMultipleExpandedPanels:Specifies whether multiple comments panels can be expanded.
bAllowOCSPNoCheck:Specifies whether the OCSPNoCheck extension is allowed in the response signing certificate.
bAllowOpenFile:Specifies whether to open non-PDF attachments in their native application.
bAllowOtherInfoWhenSigning:Specifies whether the location and contact information UI will appear during signing.
bAllowPasswordSaving:Controls whether certain passwords can be cached to disk; for example, passwords for digital IDs.
bAllowReasonWhenSigning:Specifies whether the reason UI will appear during signing.
bAllowSigCertGreenOnly:Specifies whether any subsequent signers can sign a certified document that does not contain LegalPDF warnings with additional approval signatures.
bAllowSigCertOnly:Specifies whether any subsequent signers can sign a certified document containing LegalPDF warnings with additional approval signatures.
bAllowUserToChangeMsgPrefs:Locks the features associated with bShowMsgAtLaunch and bDontShowMsgWhenViewingDoc so that ends users can't change the settings.
bAlwaysConsult:Determines when the URL is used for an additional URL CRL distribution point.
bAlwaysUseFileNameAsDocTitle:Specifies whether to use the PDF file name as the display name in the application's title bar.
balwaysUseIdent:Uses the login names as the comment author name.
bAntialiasGraphics:Specifies wither to use anti-aliasing (smoothing) for line art.
bAntialiasImages:Specifies wither to use anti-aliasing (smoothing) for images.
bAntialiasText:Specifies whether to smooth (anti-alias) text.
bAppInitialized:Records whether the application has been initialized after installation.
bAskBeforeInstalling:Specifies whether these types of trust anchors should be imported silently or Acrobat should ask permission from the user. To disable this feature, set tLoadSettingsFromURL to 0.
bAskBeforeInstalling:Specifies whether these types of trust anchors should be imported silently or Acrobat should ask permission from the user. To disable this feature, set tLoadSettingsFromURL to 0.
bAskBeforeInstalling:Specifies whether these types of trust anchors should be imported silently or Acrobat should ask permission from the user. To disable this feature, set tLoadSettingsFromURL to 0.
bAttachLog:Toggles whether to attach the accessibility report to the checked document after running accessibility full check.
bAuthReqd:This is an internal copy of bAuthReqd that cannot be modified.
bAuthRequired:Specifies whether or not the timestamp server requires authentication.
bAuthRequired:Specifies whether the timestamp server requires authentication.
bAutoCompleteOnTab:Specifies whether to auto complete form field entries on a tab key action.
bAutoFill:Locks the auto-fill functionality on or off and disables the corresponding user interface item.
bAutoLaunchAtDocClose:Automatically examines the document for hidden content when it is closed.
bAutoLaunchAtSendMail:Automatically examines the document for hidden content when it is sent in an email.
bautoOpenOther:Automatically adds a popup note when another type of annotation is added.
bAutoSaveDocsEnabled:Specifies whether or not to automatically save documents.
bAutoSetLayers:Specifies whether to allow the document's layer state to be set by user information.
bBatesLogOriginalFileName:Specifies whether to use the original filename in the log file when the user selects Bates number-based output filenames.
bBoxConnectorEnabled: Specifies whether to enable connection to the Box cloud when bToggleWebConnectors is set to 1.
bBrowserCheck:If true, check to see if Display PDFs in browser is enabled on application startup.
bBrowserDisplayInReadMode:Specifies whether to open documents in a browser in Read Mode.
bBrowserIntegration:For 10.x and earlier, specifies whether PDF files can be displayed in a browser.
bCertStoreImportEnable:If true, then users can import from MSCAPI certificate stores into their Trusted Identity Manager.
bCheckForUpdatesAtStartup:Specifies whether the application on startup should invoke the Adobe Update Manager (AUM rather than the Acrobat Updater) to look for updates.
bChooseDialog:Specifies wither or not to use the Acrobat editor or an external editor.
bChooseLangAtStartup:Allows the user to choose the language at startup.
bCloudATFeatureEnable:Specifies whether to show the new auto tagging experience or revert to the old experience.
bCombineContent:Specifies whether similar content should be displayed together or separately.
bcommentPanelOnImport:Specifies whether to opens the comment list when comments are imported.
bCommercialPDF:Disables and locks a PDF's ability to display commercial ads.
bComplexScript:Specifies whether to enable support for
bconfirmEBRMerge:Displays an alert on document open asking the user to confirm importing comments into an active review.
bConsoleInput:Toggles whether or not the console appears if script execution results in an error or message.
bConsoleOpen:Enables the interactive debugger console.
bcopyTextToDrawAnnot:Specifies whether to copy the encircled text into drawing comment popups.
bcopyTextToMarkupAnnot:Copies the selected text into highlight, cross-out, and underline comment popups.
bCrashReporterEnabled:Specifies whether to show the crash reporter dialog on application crash (Windows only).
bCreateBuzzwordDoc:Toggles and locks the Create Buzzword Document feature.
bCreateFormDiscoveryShown:Specifies whether to show the onboarding coachmark when the user invokes the Create Form panel.
bCreateLog:Toggles whether to create an accessibility report when running an accessibility full check.
bCreatePDFOnline:Toggles the CreatePDF Online feature for Reader users.
bCrossDomainLogging:Enables cross domain logging for communication with a server that uses a cross domain policy file to manage the flow of data that does not conform to a same-origin policy.
bCustomPrefsCreated:Indicates whether a custom certificate specific preference (e.g. Identrus) has already been created and written to the registry.
bDeclined:Specifies whether the product should update automatically and silently.
bDefaultSet:Indicates whether a default email client has been set.
bDigitsUI:Specifies whether to display digits in a way that's consistent with right to left language display.
bDisableAcrobatShortcutCustomization:Prevents end users from modifying the tool shortcuts in the right hand pane.
bDisableADCFileStore: Disables storing files on Acrobat.com even when bEnableAcrobatHS = 1.
bDisableDefaultRecursiveFolderTrust:Disables recursive folder trust for folders that are privileged locations.
bDisableExpandEnvironmentVariables:Provides a method for admins to whitelist user libraries as trusted locations when Protected View is enabled.
bDisableJavaScript:Specifies whether to globally disable and lock JavaScript execution.
bDisableOnBehalfOfText:If false, the string "On behalf of" does not append the author's name in the comment when another person opens the document in a shared-review workflow.
bDisableOSTrustedSites:Locks the ability to treat IE trusted sites as privileged locations either on or off so the users can't change the bTrustOSTrustedSites value via the user interface.
bDisablePDFHandlerSwitching:Disables the ability to change the specified default handler (PDF viewer).
bDisablePDFRedirectionActions:Specifies whether to block specific PDF actions (listed below) which result in opening a link.
bDisableSharedReview:Specifies whether to enable cloud-based shared reviews.
bDisableSharePointFeatures:Disables the SharePoint and Office 365 integration features.
bDisableThirdPartyPluginNotif:Specifies whether to notify users with 32 bit plugins that the app will soon update to 64 bit.
bDisableThumbnailPreviewHandler:Specifies whether to disable and lock the user interface option that controls Acrobat-generated PDF thumbnail previews in Windows Explorer.
bDisableTrustedFolders:Disables trusted folders AND files and prevents users from specifying a privileged location for directories.
bDisableTrustedSites:Disables and locks the ability to specify host-based privileged locations.
bDisableWebmail:Specifies whether to disable WebMail.
bDisplayAboutDialog:Specifies whether or not to display the startup splash screen at every launch.
bDisplayedSplash:Indicates whether or not the application has started up and invoked the splash screen.
bDontRemoveOverlapping:Specifies whether to remove hidden content when sanitizing a document.
bDontShowMsgWhenViewingDoc:Specifies whether to show messages from Adobe when a document opens.
bDownloadEntireFile:Specifies whether to allow background downloading of resources the view thinks it needs to properly display the PDF.
bDropboxConnectorEnabled: Specifies whether to enable connection to the Dropbox cloud when bToggleWebConnectors is set to 1.
bEditDiscoveryShown:Specifies whether to show the onboarding coachmark when the user invokes the Edit panel.
bemptyContentToolTip:Displays a tooltip stating the comment being hovered over is empty.
bEnable3D:Specifies whether to trust and render 3D content.
bEnableAcrobatHS:Toggles access to certain Adobe services in Acrobat products (varies across versions) other than shared reviews and forms distribution.
bEnableAcrobatPromptForDocOpen:Specifies whether to prompt users to use Acrobat when both Reader and Acrobat are installed.
bEnableADCFileStore: Enables the user interface items that allow storing files on Acrobat.com even when bEnableAcrobatHS = 0.
bEnableADMAnalytics:Specifies whether to collect usage data for some of Acrobat's dialogs.
bEnableAlwaysOutlookAttachmentProtectedView:Specifies whether Protected View is turned off for Outlook attachments.
bEnableAT:Toggles assistive technology on and off.
bEnableAutoCompleteExactMatchLoader:Specifies whether to show a "Working on it" message when using the cloud-based search service.
bEnableAutoCompleteNoExactMatchHeader:Specifies whether to show a "No exact match" message when using the cloud-based search service.
bEnableAutoCompleteNoInternetConnectionHeader:Specifies whether to show a "Requires internet connection" message when using the cloud-based search service.
bEnableAutoDockUndockHUD :Specifies whether to automatically doc and undock the HUD bar based on the window size.
bEnableAv2:Specifies whether to show the modern viewer first released in July 2022.
bEnableAV2Enterprise:Specifies whether to enable the Modern Viewer.
bEnableBellButton:Specifies whether to hide in-product messages.
bEnableBHCache:Toggles whether to cache files locally that are downloaded from Acrobat.com.
bEnableBlacklistForOpenSave:Reverts the tBuiltInPermList behavior to that of the pre 21.011.20029 build.
bEnableCEFBasedUI:Specifies whether to enable the CEF-based, modern UI for digital signature workflows.
bEnableCertificate:Specifies whether the digital signature UI (signing with certificates) should be displayed.
bEnableCertificateBasedTrust:Elevates (trusts) certified documents as a privileged location.
bEnableCloudBasedAT:Specifies whether to enable cloud-based auto-tagging.
bEnableCloudPoweredSearch:Specifies whether to enable the cloud-based search service in the Find Tool.
bEnableCloudPoweredSearchTokenCaching:Specifies whether to cache locally cloud-based search service suggestions.
bEnableCommentNewLayout:Specifies whether a new layout and popup style deployed May 9 should be enabled.
bEnableContextualTips:Controls whether to automatically display help tips based on the current context.
bEnableContextualToolbar:Specifies whether to show the context toolbar (popup) when selecting a PDF object.
benableDDR:Specifies whether to further smooth text on LCD screens.
bEnableDebugger:Enables the debugger.
bEnableDocCtrInit:Toggles the ability to initiate Acrobat.com shared reviews and data collection via distributed forms using Acrobat.com.
bEnableEchoSignDetection:Displays the Document Message Bar when a blank signature field is detected.
bEnableExtractPageRange:Specifies whether to show the page range UI in the Extract Page dialog.
bEnableFillSig:Specifies whether to remove the Sign Now panel from the Sign Pane.
bEnableFillSign:Specifies whether to remove the Fill and Sign pane without removing the Work with Certificates menu.
bEnableFlash:Specifies whether Flash content should be rendered in a PDF.
bEnableFrictionlessInChromeExtn:Specifies whether to show Reader users the online Create PDF service option.
bEnableGentech:Specifies whether to display the generative AI features in Acrobat Reader (32-bit) for signed out users.
bEnableGentech:Specifies whether to display the generative AI features in Acrobat Reader (64-bit) for signed out users.
bEnableGlobalSecurity:Controls whether or not a script in one sandbox can access a script object in another sandbox.
bEnableHSLibrary:Toggles the ability to access the user's library on Acrobat.com.
bEnableJS:Toggles JavaScript execution on and off globally; when off, the PDF cannot execute JavaScript.
bEnableMenuItems:Toggles off and on JavaScript's ability to execute menu items.
bEnableProtectedModeAppContainer:Specifies whether to enable the AppContainer sandbox.
bEnablePVCertificateBasedTrust:Specifies whether a document's certification status should appear in the Protected View's DMB
bEnablePVSwitchoutShortcut:Enables a shortcut key that allows users to exit Protected View for a specific document.
bEnablePVSwitchoutShortcut:Enables a shortcut key that allows users to exit Protected View for a specific document.
bEnableRCMNewPOPUp:Specifies whether to disable the new context menu and use the legacy version.
bEnableRecipientMention: Specifies whether to allow participants in a shared review to @mention people who are not review collaborators.
bEnableReflowEditing:Specifies whether to lock ReflowEditing and the reflow feature.
bEnableReviewPromote: Specifies whether to display a Share/Review feature reminder message when users have used those features in the past.
bEnableRSAPSSSigning:Specifies whether a signature should be created with the RSA-PSS algorithm.
bEnableRTCAuth:Toggles the ability for users to embed collaboration into a PDF.
bEnableRTCPart:Toggles all the user interface items that would otherwise appear in PDFs with embedded collaboration.
bEnableShareFile:Toggles file upload and sharing via Acrobat.com (9.x), and the Share Pane and its features (10.x).
bEnableSharePointInChromeExtn:Specifies whether to integrate Sharepoint into the Acrobat's Chrome extension.
bEnableSignatureClear:Specifies whether to disable and lock the ability for a signer to clear their own signature.
bEnableSignPane:Toggles whether the Sign Pane (11.0.08 and earlier) or the Fill and Sign Pane (11.0.09 and later) should appear the user interface
benableTextSelection:Specifies whether to enable text selection for annotations such as highlight, strikethrough or underline.
bEnableTrialistLaunchCard:Specifies whether to prompt Acrobat trial users to complete the purchase.
bEnableWorkflowPart:Toggles a document recipient's ability to participate in shared reviews and form workflows.
bEnforceLoginInReader:Require signed-out users to sign in to Acrobat Reader (32-bit) to use the generative AI features.
bEnforceLoginInReader:Require signed-out users to sign in to Acrobat Reader (64-bit) to use the generative AI features.
bEnforceSecureChannel:Specifies whether to prevent signing when the original message digest and the signed message digest do not match.
bEnhancedSecurityInBrowser:Toggles enhanced security when the application is running in the browser.
bEnhancedSecurityStandalone:Toggles enhanced security for the standalone application.
bEnNonEmbFontLegPDFWarn:Turns on and off warnings about non-embedded fonts.
bExpiredCertGoOnline:Specifies whether to go online to get the revocation information for an expired certificate.
bFavoriteFilesRememberChoice:Specifies the users choice
bFavoritesFeaturesLockDown:Specifies whether to disable and lock the starred file feature.
bFavoritesStripInRFL:Specifies whether to show starred files in the recent files list.
bFDFExportSave:Persists whether user chose to save (1) or email (0) the FDF during export.
bFDFExportSign:Persists whether the user chose to sign the FDF during export.
bFDFRequestExcludeCert:Similar to the bFDFRequestSave.
bFDFRequestSave:Caches a user's answer to the question whether they want to save the request as an FDF or email it directly when that user requests a certificate.
bFillSignDiscoveryShown:Specifies whether to show the onboarding coachmark when the user invokes the Fill & Sign panel.
bFindMoreCustomizationsOnline:Specifies whether to show the menu item that opens the online Acrobat Tool Set Exchange.
bFindMoreWorkflowsOnline:Specifies whether to show the menu item that opens the online Actions file library.
bFIPSMode:Turns FIPS mode on and off thereby requiring stronger encryption algorithm and limiting certain application behavior.
bFirstTimeAppHasRun:Specifies whether to check for updates the first time the application runs.
bFocusRect:Specifies whether to surround a field with a rectangle when it has focus.
bFollowURIsFromAIA:Specifies whether to allow the chain builder to follow URIs in AIA certificate extensions so that certificates can be downloaded if they are not available locally.
bGlobalBarMenuFeatureKey:Specifies whether to show the Create Split Menu under Create a PDF menu item.
bGoogleDriveConnectorEnabled: Specifies whether to enable connection to the Google Drive cloud when bToggleWebConnectors is set to 1.
bGoOnline:Specifies whether to go online to do revocation checking.
bGoOnline:Indicates whether it's acceptable to go online to fetch a CRL.
bHandSelects:Specifies whether the hand tool should be able to select text and images.
bHasAcrobatConsent:Specifies whether the Reader process should automatically open Acrobat for the current file.
bHasLaunched:Records whether the application has been launched after installation.
bHideHelpWelcome:Specifies whether to disable the Welcome menu item under Help.
bHidePopupIfShowSummary:Hide comment popups when comment's list is open.
bHindiDigit:Specifies whether to enable support for Hindi digits.
bHoveringPopups:Automatically open popups on mouse rollover.
bHoveringPopups:Automatically open popups on mouse rollover.
bIgnoreDataSchema:Specifies whether all data in a form is saved rather than only data related to the form's schema.
bIgnoreNextUpdate:Specifies whether to use embedded OCSP responses when nextUpdate is not present and the validation time is less than the greater of thisUpdate or producedAt time plus the value of iMaxClockSkew.
bIgnoreValidityDates:Specifies whether to ignore the response's thisUpdate and nextUpdate times, thereby preventing any negative effect of these times on response validity.
bIgnoreValidityDates:Specifies whether to ignore the response's thisUpdate and nextUpdate times, thereby preventing any negative effect of these times on response validity.
bInfobubble:Specifies whether the popup tooltips for the Tools, Comments, and Share panes should appear.
bInline:Specifies whether to show the tool inline with other tools.
bInlineAutoComplete:Specifies whether to auto complete a field based on remembered values when a user starts typing.
bInstalledCleanupCheckDone:A preference used by the usage measurement feature to determine whether the previously set UsageMeasurement-related keys should be reset.
bInTrialMode:Records whether the application is operating in Trial Mode.
bIsEnabled:Specifies whether the signature revocation status is included in the signature.
bIsFavorite:Determines whether the referenced security policy is displayed as a favorite.
bIsSubscriptionLicensed:Specifies whether the subscription user is currently licensed.
bIsSubscriptionUser:Specifies whether the user has a subscription (vs. a serial key).
bIsUsedShare:Specifies whether to show a popup tip that informs users of the share file feature.
bIsUsedShareReview:Specifies whether to show a popup tip that informs users of the collaborative review feature.
bJSEnable:Toggles Acrobat Database Connectivity (ADBC) on and off.
bKeyPrefsShowVirtualKeyoard:Specifies whether to show the touch keyboard if device is in touch or tablet mode on Win 8 and later.
bKillSwitchOn:Specifies whether to show SMS UI on startup with or without a mobile number text field.
bLastShowStatus:Specifies whether to show "Get Started with Acrobat" on startup.
bLaunched:Caches whether or not the application has ever been launched.
bLigatures:Specifies whether to enable support for ligatures.
bLimitPromptsFeatureKey:Specifies whether to limit the number of prompts a user will see in a 24 hour period.
bLoadAllPluginsAtStartup:Specifies whether all plugins should be loaded when the application is started.
bLoadOnStart:Specifies whether the collaboration executable should be invoked and run as a background process on startup.
bLoadSettingsFromURL:Specifies whether or not trust anchors should be periodically downloaded from Adobe.
bLoadSettingsFromURL:Specifies whether or not trust anchors should be periodically downloaded from Adobe.
BlockEMFParsing:Specifies whether to disable EMF file conversion to PDF.
BlockXPSParsing:Specifies whether to disable XPS file conversion to PDF.
bMerchandizingEnabled:Specifies whether to show the Express Templates options in Acrobat's Create PDF UI.
bMergeMenuBar:Specifies whether to merge the application's title bar and menu bar into a single bar.
bMixRecentFilesFeatureLockDown:Specifies whether to show shared files in the Recent file list.
bMSStoreTrusted:Locks the UI so that end users cannot change the value set by iMSStoreTrusted
bNeedSynchronizer:Disables the synchronizer.
bnoisyAnnots:Enables playing sound when adding and deleting annotations.
bOldRecentFilesMigrated:Indicates whether the recent files list has been migrated.
bOneDriveConnectorEnabled: Specifies whether to enable connection to the OneDrive cloud when bToggleWebConnectors is set to 1.
bOpenInPlace:Specifies whether to open cross document links in the same window.
bOrganizeDiscoveryShown:Specifies whether to show the onboarding coachmark when the user invokes the Organize panel.
bOrganizePagesFromThumbnails:Specifies whether to show shortcut UI for the Organize tool from thumbnails.
bOverprintPreviewUseShiftClick:Specifies whether to use Shift + Click for multiple selection or for adding sticky notes containing color value when output preview dialog is open.
bOverrideLineArtColors:Limits color changes to black text and line art when iAccessColorPolicy is enabled and a replacement color has been specified.
bOverridePageLayout:Toggles the ability of the application to override the page layout embedded in the PDF.
bOverrideZoom:Enables the zoom setting drop down list so that the user can specify a default zoom setting for all documents and overrides Page Display settings.
bPinHUD:Specifies whether to pin the HUD to the toolbar.
bPopupsOpenIffSelected:Specifies whether to open a popup when it is selected.
bPopupsScrollWithPage:Specifies whether whether popups are visible when a document is scrolled.
bPreviewModeBeforeSigning:Specifies whether a signer is forced to use preview mode during signing.
bPreviouslyEnabledSharePointInChromeExtn:Stores the previous state of the Sharepoint FeatureLockDown settings.
bPrintAnnots:Specifies whether to print notes, popups, and other annotations.
bprintCommentPopups:Enables printing of comments and other annotations.
bprintNotesOpaque:Makes popups opaque regardless of other settings.
bPrintSaveToner:Specifies whether to optimize content so that the printer uses less ink.
bPromptBeforeClosingMultipleTabs:Specifies whether to warn the user before closing document open in multiple tabs.
bProtectedMode:Enables Protected Mode which sandboxes Acrobat and Reader processes.
bPurchaseAcro:For legacy products, disables the Help > Purchase Acrobat menu item in Adobe Reader.
bRCMCombineFeatureKey:Specifies whether to display the Combine Files item in a document's right-click context menu.
bReaderRetentionExperiment:Specifies whether to prompt Acrobat subscribers using Reader to download Acrobat.
bReasons:Prevents users from modifying reason's settings.
bRecordNewEntries:Specifies whether to remember form field entries for use with future auto-complete actions.
bRedactDiscoveryShown:Specifies whether to show the onboarding coachmark when the user invokes the Redaction panel.
bReflowEditing:Specifies whether to enable reflow mode when editing a PDF.
bRegisterProduct:For 9.x and earlier, disables UI items that allow users to register the product.
bRemoveCommaDelimiter:Specifies whether to remove the comma in comma-delimited addressbook entries.
bReqRevCheck:Locks Security\cASPKI\cASPKI\cVerify\iReqRevCheck and disables the user interface item.
bReqSigPropRetrieval:Indicates whether retrieving a signature property must succeed.
bReqSigPropVerification:Specifies whether signature property verification must succeed for a signature to be valid.
bRequireAKI:Specifies whether the Authority Key Identifier extension must be present in a CRL.
bRequireOCSPCertHash:Specifies whether a certificate public key hash extension must be present in OCSP responses.
bRequireValidSigForChaining:Specifies whether to allow the chain builder to build chains with invalid RSA signatures on certificates.
bReturnRevInfoToUser:If true, the revocation information is maintained within the SignatureInfo object and can be retrieved through JavaScript.
bRevCheckTrust:Specifies whether to perform revocation checks on intermediate trust anchors (those which aren't roots).
bRTLUI:Specifies whether to enable right to left language options.
bRulersVisible:Specifies whether to show or hide rulers for every new document launch.
bRuntimeHighlight:Specifies whether to show a field border color on hover.
bRuntimeHighlight:Specifies whether to highlight fields during data entry.
bSaveBreakpoints:Stores breakpoints in a PDF file
bSavePassword:Indicates whether the password has been cached for this server.
bScanAppInstalled:Specifies whether to show the Adobe Scan mobile app promotion and link in the Home banner.
bSDIMode:Specifies whether to open documents in a new window or in tabs in the same window.
bSecureOpenFile:Specifies whether to allow opening attachments which are not PDF.
bSelfSignCertGen:Specifies whether or not the Create a self-signed ID option in Add ID workflows is available.
bsendFinalApprovalEmail:Specifies whether to send a notification email when the current approval is identified as the final one.
bSendMailShareRedirection:Change the email icon behavior so that it attaches the document to an email.
bSendNonce:Specifies signature validation behavior with respect to nonces.
bSerialized:Specifies whether the user is licensed via a serial number (vs. subscription).
bShouldUseScalableCursor:Specifies whether to disable the scalable cursor.
bShowAdsAllow:Specifies whether ads can be dynamically added to a PDF.
bShowAllChains:Specifies whether to show all chains in the Certificate Viewer.
bShowAnnotConnector:Specifies whether to show lines connecting comment markups to their popups on mouse rollover.
bShowAnnotSequence:Specifies whether to show tab order of fields for Acroforms and XFA forms.
bShowConnectDialog:Specifies whether to display the Connect dialog in Shared Reviews.
bShowDistAcrobatDotCom:Specifies whether to allow Acrobat.com access from the Forms Central application.
bShowEbookMenu:Removes the Digital Editions menu item from the UI.
bShowedSkipCard:Specifies whether to show the skipped onboarding coachmark.
bshowEULA:Toggles on and off whether the end user license agreement appears.
bShowExistingAttachedReportAlert:Toggles whether to show an alert when a user tries to attach a report if there is already a report attached.
bShowHorizontalScrollbar:Specifies whether to show a horizontal scrollbar when the viewing are is narrower than the width of the loaded document.
bShowInsertionBar:Specifies whether to enable the thumbnail insertion bar when hovering between thumbnails.
bShowKeyboardSelectionCursor:Specifies whether the keyboard selection cursor should always be active in the document.
bShowLabels:Specifies whether to show the tool's label in the Tools tab.
bshowMarkupModifiers:Specifies whether to show markup tool-tips and text indicators.
bShowMsgAtLaunch:Specifies whether to show messages from Adobe when the product launches.
bShownHomeOnboarding:Specifies whether to invoke the home onboarding tour when the modern viewer is invoked the first time.
bShownViewerOnboarding:Specifies whether to invoke the new viewer onboarding tour when a PDF opens in the modern viewer the first time.
bShowOptionsDialog:Toggles whether to display the options dialog when running a accessibility full check.
bShowRhpToolSearch:Specifies whether to show "for purchase" tools when searching for tools in Reader.
bShowScanTabInHomeView:Specifies whether to disable the Scan tab in Home view.
bShowSignerWarnings:Specifies whether to show a warning that there is a greater forgery risk when revocation information is embedded in the signature.
bShowSignMenu:Specifies whether to show the Sign menu in Acrobat's top level menu bar.
bShowTrialNag:Specifies whether a "Trial Expired" dialog should appear after 30 days.
bShowTSWarnsInDMB:Specifies whether to show timestamp warnings in the Document Message Bar.
bShowWarningForChanges:Determines whether or not to show a blue i on validated signature(s) if the document changes after it was signed.
bShowWelcomeDialog:Specifies whether to show the Welcome dialog when a shared review is initiated.
bShowWelcomeScreen:For pre-DC products, disables the Welcome screen on application startup.
bsideNotes:Creates new popups aligned to the edge of the document.
bSigAPStatusIconDisable:Controls whether the signature status icon is displayed in the signature appearance on the document.
bSignRequest:Specifies whether the OCSP request should be signed.
bSmoothZooming:Specifies whether smooth zooming should be enabled.
bSpellingUnderline:Turns off and on spell checking as you type.
bSplashDisplayedAtStartup:Toggles whether the splash screen appears on startup.
bStampsPaletteInvisible:Specifies whether to show the stamps palette automatically when the commenting toolbar is displayed.
bStoreCredentials:Specifies whether the user logon credentials for the Tracker should be stored.
bStoreNumericEntries:Specifies whether to store user entered numeric values.
bSuperFastDrawing:Specifies whether to use fast, low resolution intermediate representation during scrolling, zooming, etc.
bSuppressMessageBar:Prevents the appearance of the document message bar.
bSuppressSignOut:Specifies whether the sign-in and sign-out Help menu item should be enabled.
bSuppressStatusDialog:Prevents the Document Status dialog from appearing when a certified document opens.
bToggleAdobeDocumentServices:Disables Document Cloud service access except those features controlled by the other preferences.
bToggleAdobeReview:Specifies whether to remove all UI related to the Document Cloud Review service.
bToggleAdobeSign:Disables Adobe Send for Signature (Acrobat Sign).
bToggleBillingIssue:Specifies whether to show a Call to Action UI item in the top bar if a billing issue is detected.
bToggleDCAppCenter:Specifies whether to show the UI that helps users find and download additional apps.
bToggleDocumentCloud:Specifies whether to enable Document Cloud storage.
bToggleFillSign:Disables Adobe Fill and Sign.
bToggleFSSSignatureSaving:Specifies whether to save a newly created signature in the cloud.
bToggleFTE:Specifies whether to enable the First Time Experience (FTE) feature (Welcome tour/page).
bToggleManageSign:Specifies whether to remove the Signature tab from the Home page's left-hand pane, notifications, and sign tracking cards.
bToggleNotifications:Specifies whether to disable all in-product and desktop notifications.
bToggleNotificationToasts:Specifies whether to hide desktop notifications.
bTogglePDFOwnershipToasts:Specifies whether to show a notification on machine startup that allows the user to make Acrobat the default PDF viewer.
bTogglePrefsSync:Disables preferences synchronization.
bToggleSendACopy:Specifies whether to hide the Send a Copy button from the Fill & Sign tool in Acrobat and Reader.
bToggleSendAndTrack:Disables Adobe Send and Track (some UI is renamed to "Share" since October, 2018)
bToggleShareFeedback:Specifies whether to show the Send Feedback icon.
bToggleSophiaWebInfra:Summary: Specifies whether to show users messages which promote (Trials, Acrobat, PDF Pack etc.)
bToggleToDoList:Specifies whether to show a "to do" list on the Home screen.
bToggleToDoTiles:Specifies whether to show To Do Cards in the Recent Tab view
bToggleWebConnectors:Specifies whether to enable cloud storage connectors.
btransparencyOK:Specifies whether to use the stroke color as the fill color for highlight annotations.
bTrueTypeFontPDFSigQWarn:Turns on and off warnings about True Type fonts.
bTrustCertifiedDocuments:Elevates (trusts) certified documents as a privileged location.
bTrustOSTrustedSites:Elevates locations that Internet Explorer trusts to privileged locations so that they may bypass security restrictions.
bUIDensityAutoDetectionEnabled:Specifies whether to disable the auto detection logic and bezel for changing Acrobat's display size.
bUnixLanguageStartup:A UNIX preference that toggles whether the splash screen appears on startup.
bUpdater:Disables both updates to the product's web-plugin components as well as all services.
bUpdater:Disables the Updater and removes associated user interface items.
bUpdaterShutdown:This is an Adobe Update Manager setting which is deprecated since 9.3.2 and 8.2.2.
bUsageMeasurement:For Acrobat, specifies whether to send usage measurement data back to Adobe and controls the welcome screen.
bUse2DGPUf:Specifies whether 2D graphics acceleration should be used.
bUseDetailsNavigator:Specifies whether to show portfolio component files and file details in an accessible list.
bUseExpiredTimestamps:Specifies whether expired timestamps should be used.
bUseLocalFonts:Specifies whether to use local fonts.
bUseMUI:For MUI installers, specifies whether the application should use the OS language for all users.
bUsePageCache:Specifies whether to cache pages that have been loaded.
bUserAskedToEnableAutoComplete:Specifies whether the user is asked to enable auto complete at runtime.
bUseStructTabOrder:Specifies whether to use the PDF document structure for determining the tab order.
bUseSystemSelectionColor:Specifies whether the default selection color (blue) is overridden with a color that the system specifies.
bUseThinCode:Specifies whether to enhance thin lines to improve visibility.
bUseTSAsSigningTime:Specifies whether the timestamp time should be displayed in the signature appearance.
bUseWhitelistConfigFile:Allows the user of policy whitelist to allow behavior that Protected Mode would otherwise prevent.
bValidateOnOpen:Specifies whether to automatically validate all signatures on document open.
bVerifyUseAlways:Qualifies the use of aVerify.
bWebBuyFDF:Enables WebBuy FDF file processing.
bWhatsNewExp:Specifies whether to disable the What's New experience.
bWinCacheSessionHandles:Specifies whether to retain cryptographic service provider (CSP) handles when a user authenticates to a digital ID.
c(someInteger):The default chain scope in which to look for the policy OIDs.
c[someExtension]:A user specified list of file types whose permissions and extensions are specified in iPerm and sExtension.
cAccounts:Contains entries for user accounts on roaming ID servers that the provider knows about.
cACs:Contains a set of attribute certificates as binary data.
cAlwaysTrustedForJavaScript:Stores the privileged location ID for items that should be trusted to run JavaScript even when the JavaScript engine is disabled.
cAttachmentTypeToPermList:A container for a list of cabs identifying file extensions and their permissions.
cAttest:Stores a list of the most recently used attestations regarding LegalPDF warnings in a document.
cAuthMechanisms:An array of text entries (t0-tn) where each entry contains the name of a registered provider.
cCertIssuerInfo:Contains a subkey for each certificate with extended information.
cCredentials:The value is provided by the server.
cCrossdomain:Stores the privileged location ID for items that should allow cross domain access even though a server policy is not present.
cDataInjection:Stores the privileged location ID for items that should allow data injection.
cDefaultFindAttachmentPerms:A container for tSearchAttachmentsWhiteList.
cDefaultLaunchAttachmentPerms:A container for iFileAttachmentPerms, tBuiltInPermList, and others.
cDefaultLaunchURLPerms:A container for subkeys which provide permissions for access to content by protocol.
cDialogs:xSelHandler:The last on-screen coordinates of a handler's digital ID selection dialog
cDictionaryOrder:A list of text entries (t0, t1, t2, etc.) containing the name and order of spelling dictionaries to use.
cDictionaryOrderID:A list of text entries (i0, i1, i2, etc.) containing the ID and order of spelling dictionaries to use.
cDigitalIDFiles:Contains an array of subcabs for all application-known digital ID files.
cDirectoryProvider:An array of text entries (t0-tn) containing the name of a registered provider.
cDisabled:A cab containing an index list of current right hand pane shortcuts.
cDormant:Caches a list of files for which the user has specified the portfolio welcome page should not appear.
cEmbeddedFilePath:The path last chosen for extracting an embedded file from a WebBuy FDF.
cExportPath:Default path for exporting credentials.
cExtendedCertInfo:Contains a subkey for each certificate with extended information provided by attribute certificates.
cExternalStream:Stores the privileged location ID for items that should be trusted to allow access to external streams (XObjects as defined by the PDF Reference) such as external images.
cFavorites:A cab containing an index list of current right hand pane shortcuts.
cFavoritesCommandsBrowser:Specifies available tools when the application is running in a browser.
cFavoritesCommandsDesktop:Specifies favorited desktop tools.
cFavoritesDefaultsDesktop:Specifies the default desktop tools.
cfavoriteStamps:A list of cabs that stores the stamp name and title of a user's favorite stamps in c0, c1, etc.
cFileAttachments:Stores the privileged location ID for items that should be trusted to open non-PDF or FDF file attachments without a warning dialog.
Check:Specifies the default time interval in hours to check for updates.
cImportPath:Default path for importing credentials.
cJavaScript:Stores the privileged location ID for items that should be trusted to run high privileged JavaScript.
cJavaScriptURL:Stores the privileged location ID for items that should be trusted to allow JavaScript invoked URLs.
cJSEditor:Whitelists 3rd party JS editors when Protected Mode is enabled.
cModules:Array of dynamic library paths to PKCS#11 modules.
cMultiMedia:Stores the privileged location ID for items that should be trusted to play multimedia content that use a 3rd party player.
CompanySize:Identifies the user's company size for the Adobe Product Improvement Program.
cOpenCategories:An array of binary IDs for all categories in the tree view that were opened.
cP11Credentials:Contains an array of subcabs for all known PKCS#11 digital IDs.
cP11Path:Stores the last folder in which the user browsed for a P11 module.
cProfilePath:Default path for storing profile files such as PKCS#12 files.
cProtectedModeConfigFiles:Provides a method for specifying file extensions exempt from Protected Mode restrictions.
cProtectedModeConfigFiles:See FeatureLockDown.
cReasons:Stores a list of signing reasons.
cRecentFiles:Lists a user's most recently opened files.
cRecentServerURLs:Contains an array of roaming ID server URLs recently entered by the user.
cRevocationChecker:An array of text entries (t0-tn) containing the name of a registered provider.
cRXOLocation:A cab containing the location of referenced XObjects.
cSAML_Assertion:Holds an encrypted SAML assertion obtained during last successful authentication.
cScriptInjection:Stores the privileged location ID for items that should be trusted to allow script injection.
cSettings:Stores the user specified settings set via Preferences > Convert From PDF
cSettings:Stores the user specified settings set via Preferences > Convert To PDF
cSilentPrint:Stores the privileged location ID for items that should be trusted to allow silent printing to a file or a hardware printer.
cSpellColor:A list of digits defining the RGB underline color of misspelled words.
cSuppressStatusDocList:Contains a list of entries for previously opened certified documents.
cTrustCertifiedDocumentsByOIDs:Stores certificate OIDs with that should be trusted to bypass security restrictions in certified documents.
cTrustedFolders:A list of folders AND files that identify privileged locations that host trusted content.
cTrustedFor3D:Stores the privileged location ID for items that are permitted to render 3D content.
cTrustedSites:A list of sites (or hosts) that identify privileged locations that host trusted content.
cTrustedSitesPrivate:Provides a method for specifying trusted hosts with less stringent wildcard restraints.
cUnsafeJavaScript:Stores the privileged location ID for items that are permitted to run blacklisted JavaScript.
current:Specifies the current application language when UseMUI is not present.
cUserLaunchAttachmentPerms:A container for user-specified attachment permissions.
cValue:An array of strings containing the policy OIDs for a certificate to be considered acceptable.
cValue:An array of strings c0-cN containing the required certificate policy OIDs.
cWeblink:Stores the privileged location ID for items that should be trusted to allow navigation via URLs when the Trust Manager is set to block all URLs.
Disable_Repair:Specifies whether to disable the Help > Repair Installation menu for standard users on virtualized installations.
DisableMaintenance:Specifies whether to disable the Help > Repair Installation menu for all users on virtual and and regular installs.
DisableScannedDocumentEditing:Specifies whether to disable text recognition while editing scanned PDFs.
DisableSignInOffice:Specifies whether to install PDFMaker's Acrobat Sign integration component so that the sign user interface appears in Microsoft Office products.
dNoteFontSize:Sets the font size.
dSplitBySizeMaxSize:Specifies the file size in MB into which a file may be split.
ENABLE_CHROMEEXT:Specifies whether to install the Chrome extension for PDF viewing.
EnableFlashEditing:Specifies whether to enable the Flash tools for adding annotations or Flash in the Rich Media app.
EnablePDFMakerGroupImagesTagCorrectionFeature:Specifies whether to disable accessibility fixes for tagging grouped images.
EnablePDFMakerSplitTextPathElemsFeature:Specifies whether to enable the "SplitTextPathElemsFeature" tags correction feature when creating a PDF with Acrobat.
EnablePDFMakerTableHeaderCellTagAndScopeUpdateFeature:Specifies whether to disable accessibility fixes for tagging table headers.
EnableSignInOffice:Specifies whether to install PDFMaker's Acrobat Sign integration component so that the sign user interface appears in Microsoft Office products.
EULA:For Reader, indicates whether the EULA has been accepted.
EULAAcceptedForBrowser:For Acrobat's browser plugin, caches whether the browser-based EULA has been accepted.
iAccessBackgroundColor:Specifies the default document background color (accessibility feature)
iAccessColorPolicy:Specifies whether all the controls in the Replace Document Colors panel should be enabled.
iAccessTextColor:Specifies the default document text color (accessibility feature)
iAntialiasThreshold:Specifies whether to smooth text, line art, and images.
iAPIndex:Remembers the last used signature appearance index.
iaskFormsSelectEmailCLient:Specifies whether the dialog confirming selection of desktop vs. internet email on XFA form submit appears.
iAuthMechanisms:Specifies which registered provider(s) to use.
iAutoAcceptEDCPrivacyNotification:Specifies whether to show an alert confirming acceptance of the privacy policy.
iAutoAddLTV:Specifies whether LTV information should be automatically added to all signatures.
iAutoSaveDocsInterval:Specifies the time interval in minutes at which to automatically save docs.
iAVARMNoAutoUpdateWarning:Specifies whether to turn of the "Updater has not been able to check for updates recently" dialog.
iBasicSharePaneStickyStatus:Specifies whether to remember the the Tools Pane state across sessions.
iCheck:Specifies the Acrobat Updater's update mode; for example, manual or semi-automatic
iCheckEvery:The polling interval to check the specified server for an updated security settings file.
iCheckEvery:The value in seconds that the application should check for new certificates to download from Adobe.
iCheckEvery:The value in seconds that the application should check for new certificates to download from Adobe.
iCheckReader:Specifies the Reader Updater's update mode for Adobe Reader 10.1 and later; for example, manual or semi-automatic.
iClientType:Identifies the Yahoo Mail client type for WebMail.
iClientType:Identifies the Gmail Mail client type for WebMail.
iCreateNewSigFieldAVAlert:Specifies whether to show the alert asking whether a new signature field should be created.
iDefaultZoomScale:Specifies the zoom scale % to use when a PDF opens.
iDefaultZoomType:Specifies the default zoom type (other than a %) to use when a PDF opens.
iDelayBeforeQuitBrowser:Specifies the number of seconds the browser-based application stays in memory before it shuts down.
iDelayBeforeQuitViewer:Specifies the number of seconds the standalone application stays in memory before it shuts down.
iDictionaryAddID:Specifies the ID of the dictionary which has been customized.
iDictionaryDefaultID:Identifies the default spelling dictionary ID.
iDirectoryProvider:Specifies a directory provider for signature validation.
iDisablePromptForUpgrade:Specifies whether the application should show a prompt suggesting the user upgrade to the next major version (for example, 10.0 to 11.0).
iDisplayValidIcon:Determines when the signature status icon is displayed in a signature appearance.
iDonotShowFSSWarningDlg:Toggles whether an alert should appear in Reader when a user tries to use an dynamic XFA form.
iDonotShowSendSignedDocDlg:Toggles whether a dialog should appear asking users if the e-signed document should be sent to someone.
idontShowAllImagesHaveAltText:Toggles whether to show an alert when a user executes the Set Alternate Text dialog and there are no images missing alternate text.
idontShowSetAltTextInfo:Toggles whether to show an informative alert when a user executes the Set Alternate Text dialog.
iEmailClientSelection:Specifies the email client to use when submitting an XFA form.
iEULAAcceptanceTime:The amount of time granted to users after installation to accept the end user agreement.
iExceptions:Specifies how exceptions should be handled.
iFavoriteFilesAccessOption:Specifies what action to take when starring a file.
iFileAttachmentPerms:Prevents users from opening or launching file types other than PDF or FDF and disables the menu option in Trust Manager.
iHashAlgo:Identifies the hashing algorithm used to hash the timestamped data.
iIMAPPort:Identifies the My Profile Mail IMAP server port number for WebMail.
iIMAPSecurity:Specifies whether to enable the My Profile Mail IMAP security for WebMail.
iImportAddressBook:Specifies whether the addressbook.acrodata file should be imported during a new install.
iInterval:Sets the time that can elapse without a successful update before the Watchdog dialog appears suggesting the user manually update.
iIntlSelectFont:Specifies the font to use.
iKillSwitchCheckDay:Specifies the time at which the screen controlled by bKillSwitchOn should next appear.
iLastD:Records the last day the Updater checked for updates; iLastY records the year.
iLastStatus:The certifying signature's status the last time a document was opened.
iLastY:Records the last year the Updater checked for updates; iLastD records the day.
iLogLevel:Specifies the log level during chain building and validation.
iLogLevel:Sets the log level to either brief (0) or verbose (1).
iMaxClockSkew:The maximum difference in minutes the signing time is allowed to be after the validation time for the signature to be valid.
iMaxClockSkew:The number of minutes the local machine time can vary from the response's published time to account for a network delay, time synchronization issues, and so on.
iMaxContacts:Specifies a maximum limit for the number email contacts to retrieve from the users address book.
iMaxMRUCnt:Stores the number of recent files that should be listed in the recents list.
iMaxMRUCntToBeStored:Stores the number of recent files that should be listed in the recents list.
imaxPDFCommentsSize:Sets the comment threshold size for determining whether comments are embedded or sent as FDF files.
iMaxRevInfoArchiveSize:The maximum size of the revocation archival information in kilobytes.
iMaxRevokeInfoCacheLifetime:Maximum lifetime in hours the cached CRL is used for revocation checking.
iMaxVerifySession:Specifies the maximum number of nested verification sessions allowed.
iMSStoreTrusted:Controls whether or not certificates in the Windows Certificate Store are trusted for signing and certifying.
Industry:Identifies the user's industry for the Adobe Product Improvement Program.
inoteEmailSubmitOnFocus:Specifies whether the dialog that warns that sending an email can be dangerous is shown.
iNoteOpacity:The opacity in percent of all comments.
iNumSessionAV2:Specifies whether to show the the UI switcher coachmark based on the number of user sessions.
iNumSwitcherContextualToolTipAV2Shown:Specifies whether to show the "Acrobat has a new look" coachmark after launching Acrobat the first time.
iNumSwitcherContextualToolTipAV2Shown:Specifies whether to show the the UI switcher coachmark.
iNumSwitcherContextualToolTipAVShown:Specifies whether to show the "Try the new Acrobat/Reader" coachmark after launching Acrobat the first time.
iPageLayout:Specifies the user selected page layout override.
iPages:Toggles whether to check all pages of a document or a subset of pages when running an accessibility full check.
iPageViewLayoutMode:Specifies the default page layout when a PDF opens.
iParaDir:Specifies the paragraph direction.
iParagraphDirection:Specifies the paragraph direction.
iPerm:The attachment permissions for the file type specified in sExtension.
iProtectedView:Specifies whether to use Protected View never (default), for files from an untrusted location (recommended), or always.
iRememberView:Specifies whether to restore last view settings when reopening documents.
iReqRevCheck:Specifies whether revocation checks are required to succeed.
iReqRevCheck:Indicates whether revocation checks are required to succeed on the OCSP response.
iReqRevCheck:Indicates whether revocation checks are required to succeed on the CRL response.
iReqRevCheck:Indicates whether revocation checks are required to succeed to create the signature.
iReqRevCheck:Indicates whether revocation checks on timestamps are required to succeed before signing.
iRequireReviewWarnings:Specifies whether the user is required to review document warnings before signing via the signing dialog.
iResourceID:An internally used number created by Acrobat when it first sets up the "resource" pointed to by the URL. It is not user customizable.
iResourceID:An internally used number created by Acrobat when it first sets up the resource pointed to by the URL.
iResourceID:An internally used number created by Acrobat when it first sets up the resource pointed to by the URL.
iResponseFreshness:Specifies the amount of time in minutes after the response's published thisUpdate time for which the response will be valid.
iRevocationChecker:Specifies a provider for revocation checking.
iRevokeInfoCacheLifeTime:Specifies the length of time to cache the CRL.
irightPaneState:Specifies whether to automatically open the Tools Pane on launch.
iRSAPSSSaltLength:Specifies the Salt Length the RSA-PSS algorithm uses.
iRXOPolicy:Sets XObject access to either Never (0), Always (1), or Only PDF/X-5 Compliant Ones (2).
IsAMTEnforced:Allows deployment of Acrobat on AppV for December, 2018 and later products.
iSendMailDefaultAccountAlert:Specifies whether a dialog should appear asking if a PDF should be sent via the user's default email account.
iSendNonce:Specifies signature validation behavior with respect to nonces.
iSens:Last-used compare documents sensitivity (for compare pages).
iShowDocumentWarnings:Specifies whether a button to allow reviewing document warnings shows up on the signing dialog.
iShowOrder:Specifies the type of grouping order to display in the touchup reading order panel.
iSHS:Indicates (in pixels) the position of the horizontal window splitter.
isignDone:Specifies whether to show a dialog indicating that a document was successfully signed.
iSigVerificationTime:Indicates the time at which signature validation should occur.
iSize:ASPKI requires the signature property to predict the size (in bytes) so that enough space can be set aside.
iSMTPPort:Identifies the My Profile Mail SMTP server port number for WebMail.
iSMTPSecurity:Specifies whether to enable the My Profile Mail SMTP security for WebMail.
iSVS:Indicates (in pixels) the position of the vertical window splitter.
iType:Last-used compare documents type (pages/text/text+fonts).
iUnknownURLPerms:Specifies whether to ask for, allow, or block access to web sites that are not in the user specified list.
iUnlistedAttachmentTypePerm:Specifies the default permissions for file types that aren't listed in the default or user-specified lists.
iURLPerms:Specifies whether to allow or block all websites or use a custom setting.
iURLToConsult:Specifies how the revocation checker chooses which responder to use.
iUseArchivedRevInfo:Indicates whether the revocation information archived with the signature is used for revocation checking.
iValidityModel:Specifies the validity model for validating signatures and certificates.
iZoomScale:Specifies the value in % to zoom when iZoomType is set to a % value and overrides Page Display settings.
iZoomType:Specifies the zoom scale for all other documents other than a % scale and overrides Page Display settings.
JobFunction:Identifies the user's job function for the Adobe Product Improvement Program.
JobOptions:Specifies the default joboptions file.
lastBBRURL:Specifies whether to remember the last browser based review (BBR) URL used.
Mode:Specifies the Updater's update mode; for example, manual or automatic.
MUICache:An application generated key created for MUI products when the application should use the OS language.
next:Specifies the application language to use on next startup when UseMUI is not present.
OpenInAcrobatSetting:Specifies whether to show the "Open PDFs in Acrobat" UI in Outlook.
OptIn:Specifies whether to send usage measurement data back to Adobe.
optin:For Acrobat, specifies whether to send usage measurement data back to Adobe.
Path:Specifies the path of the current installation.
ProtectOldExperience:Specifies whether to use the disable the new Protect tool and revert to the old menu
sDI:A binary representation of the XObject's location.
sDIText:A text representation of the XObject's location.
select:Specifies that the language should be selected at application startup.
SessionRestorePromptAbnormalExit:Specifies whether the app should display a "Reopen closed PDFs" dialog after an abnormal exit.
sExtension:The attachment extensions whose permissions are specified by iPerm.
sHashAlgo:The hashing algorithm OID used to hash the data to be timestamped.
sId:A string containing the security-policy.acrodata file key used to reference the policy that is being applied.
sLDAP:The LDAP server to get CRLs from in the form www.ldap.com.
sLDAP:Specifies the URL of an LDAP server to be used for path discovery.
sLogFilePath:Specifies the full path of the text log file; for example: C:\ASPKI.log.
sPassword:The server log in password.
sProductInfoCache:Caches information about the product.
sServiceName:The administrator-specified roaming ID Kerberos service name.
sSuppressListOrder:An indexed of the most recently accessed documents. This is initialized as the string 'abc...zABC...z'.
sURL:The URL used to fetch OCSP responses.
sURL:The URL used to fetch CRL responses for an additional URL CRL Distribution point.
sURL:A timestamp server URL such as http://www.example.com/tsp.
sUser:The server login username.
t(ID)_recursive:Prior to 10.1, the _recursive suffix on t(folder ID) makes the trust recursive.
t(ID-files-folders):Lists files and folders which are known to be trustworthy and should be exempt from security restrictions.
t(ID-Sites):Lists host names (http or https) which are known to be trustworthy and should be exempt from security restrictions.
tAddressBook:The filename the Trusted Identity Manager uses to read and write addressbook data.
tauthor:The author name specified by balwaysUseIdent.
tBaseFolderName:An alias referring to a particular folder.
tBlackList:Enables the selective blocking of vulnerable JS APIs.
tBrokerLogfilePath:Specifies the path and log file name for the Protected Mode log.
tBuiltInPermList:Defines a white and black list of file types that can be saved and opened from a document.
tChosenPath:Sets the folder location for the accessibility report.
tContactInfo:When bAllowOtherInfoWhenSigning is true (on), the signing dialog displays a location and contact field.
tCredProvider:Identifies credential service provider interface for the default signing digital ID.
tCredProvider:Identifies credential service provider interface for the ASPKI provider which exposes this digital ID.
tDefaultProfile:Specifies the default WebMail profile.
tDescription:The tool's tooltip.
tDescription:A description of the action that is shown in various places in the UI.
tDictionaryAdd:Specifies the name of the dictionary which has been customized.
tDictionaryName:Identifies the default spelling dictionary name.
tDIPath:Specifies a shared action file location.
tEditorFontName:Specifies the font for the script editor.
tEditorFontSize:Specified the font size for the script editor.
tEditorPath:Provides a path to an external editor.
tFileFormat:The version number associated with the file format.
tFlashContentSchemeWhiteList:A list of protocols Flash content can use to access external content.
tFromPage:Specifies the start page when checking a subset of pages with an accessibility full check.
tHostPerms: Stores a list of URLs to trust when iURLPerms is set to Custom Setting.
tHostWhiteList:Specifies whether to show an dialog asking whether to navigate to an URL when Protected Mode is enabled.
tIMAPDraftsFolder:Identifies the My Profile Mail draft folder for WebMail.
tIMAPDraftsURL:Identifies the My Profile Mail path to the draft folder for WebMail.
tIMAPHostName:Identifies the My Profile Mail IMAP server name for WebMail.
tLastEnvelope:The ASPath to the last envelope used for Secure PDF Delivery.
tLastSearchPath:The last path used for selecting files to include in an eEnvelope.
tLastServerURL:The last APS server used to open a document and the server used for off line key synchronization.
tlastT_Acrobat:For 10.1 and later, records the last date the Updater checked for Acrobat updates.
tlastT_Reader:For 10.1 and later, records the last date the Updater checked for Reader updates.
tlastUsedStamp:Remembers the last used stamp.
tlastViewedStampCategory:Remembers the last viewed stamp category in the stamps palette.
tLoadSettingsCERT:Specifies a certificate that must be used to sign the imported security settings file.
tLoadSettingsFromURL:Specifies whether to load security settings from a server.
tLoadSettingsNAME:Specifies the signing certificate for the imported settings file.
tLoadSettingsURL:The server URL where the acrobatsecuritysettings file to import resides.
tLocation:Specifies the location in the Tools tab.
tLocation:Stores the location information of the signer.
tLockboxId:Set if bSavePassword is not 0 to look up the password in a user's secure password cache.
tName:The user-defined server name.
tName:The user defined name for this server.
tName:The security policy name.
tName:Specifies a shared action file.
tNoteFontName:Sets the comment font name for the viewer.
tPath:Specifies the name of the tool's .aapp file.
tProfileID:Identifies the Yahoo Mail ID for WebMail.
tProfileID:Identifies the Gmail Mail ID for WebMail.
tProfileID:Identifies the My Profile Mail ID for WebMail.
tRelativeDIPath:The path relative to the base folder path.
tSAML_Assertion_Expiration:Holds the time after which roaming ID provider will not attempt to use the SAML assertion stored in cSAML_Assertion.
tSAML_Assertion_Source:Holds the URL of the authentication server from which the SAML assertion stored in cSAML_Assertion was obtained.
tSAML_Name_Format:SAML_NAME_<Value, Format, Qualifier> comprise the subject name identifier taken from the SAML assertion received during the account's last user authentication.
tSAML_Name_Qualifier:SAML_NAME_<Value, Format, Qualifier> comprise the subject name identifier taken from the SAML assertion received during the account's last user authentication.
tSAML_Name_Value:SAML_NAME_<Value, Format, Qualifier> comprise the subject name identifier taken from the SAML assertion received during the account's last user authentication.
tSASL_Mechanism:The SASL id of the authentication mechanism.
tSASL_UserName:The mechanism-specific persistent data.
tSchemePerms:A list of protocols a PDF can use to access external content.
tSearchAttachmentsWhiteList:Specifies a whitelist to of attachment filetypes that can be searched.
tServer:The server URL.
tServer:The DNS server name (i.e. alrms.adobe.com).
tServerName:A user friendly roaming ID server name.
tServerName:The Adobe LiveCycle Rights Management Server selected by the user as the default.
tServerURL:The default server URL.
tSharePointUrls:A pipe-separated list of Sharepoint URLs to whitelist.
tSignHash:A text entry that contains the OID of the hashing algorithm.
tSMTPHostName:Identifies the My Profile Mail SMTP server name for WebMail.
tSponsoredContentSchemeWhiteList:A list of protocols sponsored content can use to access external content.
tTitle:Specifies the title (name) of the tool displayed in the Tools tab.
ttitle:The stamp title of a user favorited stamp.
tTitle:A cached title for the action.
tToPage:Specifies the end page when checking a subset of pages with an accessibility full check.
tURL:The URL of the Roaming ID server.
tWhiteList:The whitelist of menu items that can be executed via JavaScript.
UI:For Acrobat, stores the language selected at the time of installing the initial major version using Setup.exe.
UseMUI:For MUI installers, specifies whether the application should use the OS language.
UseMUI:For 10.1 and later, if UseMUI is not present in HKCU, then this value specifies whether to use the OS language.
xCategory:A binary ID of the last-selected category in the tree view.
xCertSHA1:Identifies the default signing digital ID by its SHA1 hash of the public key.
xCertSHA1:Identifies the default encryption digital ID by its SHA1 hash of the public key.
xdata:The default color for required fields in forms.
xdata:The default color for regular fields in forms.
xdata:Binary data used for internal purposes.
xdata:Binary data used for internal purposes.
xdata:Binary data used for internal purposes.
xDefEnrollmentURL:The destination URL when the user selects <b>Enroll at an online CA</b> while adding a new digital ID.
xDocID:An application generated binary ID which is used to identify the document.
xLockboxId:If a timestamp server requires authentication, the authentication data is stored in a secure store such as Microsafe and is identified by this ID.
xLockboxId:If a timestamp server requires authentication, the authentication data is stored in a secure store identified by this ID (e.g. Microsafe).