

What is a .DAT file?

Learn what DAT files are and how and when to use them.

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A DAT file containing a PPT, JPG, and CSV data.
When you use a computer program, it saves essential data in a DAT file. DAT files can contain plain text, video, audio, and even PDFs. Computer programs create and run DAT files automatically, but you can create DAT files from scratch as well. Convert DAT files to PDF for easy information sharing.
Every computer program runs on data, which can come in many forms. No matter the type of data, all programs, small and large, need to store it.

What is a .DAT file?

DAT files store specific information and data for a computer program. Almost any program can create a DAT file, but the information inside the file is only relevant to the program that created it in the first place.

Though DAT may look like an acronym, the file extension name (.DAT) is actually a shortened form of the word data. General conventions for file naming reduce an extension file name to three letters. These limits make file names easier to remember, type out, and read. So, when you see DAT, think data.

The term “DAT file” was first used in 1964, just six years after the computer chip was invented. At that time, academics and researchers were the primary computer users. Today, individuals of every generation, profession, and background use computers every day, and countless computer programs are available at the click of a button.

Whether you’re using your desktop or mobile device, playing a video game, or opening an email attachment, DAT files are everywhere. More DAT files are created each day than ever before, but the purpose of the DAT file — throughout the years and across applications — remains largely the same.

How to create, open, or edit a DAT file.

Before you can learn how to open a .DAT file, you’ll need to understand what type of data is inside of it.

  • Plain text. You’ll find that the majority of DAT files contain plain text. You can usually open these files with a text editing program like Notepad or TextEdit. Once finished editing your file, convert TXT to PDF to ensure it looks presentable on any device. If you need to edit again, you can always convert PDF to TXT.
  • Audio or video. If the data in the file is audio or video, a standard media player should be able to open your file.
  • PDF. If the DAT file contains information in PDF format, open and view it using Adobe Acrobat. You can also edit PDF in Acrobat by commenting, adding text, sticky notes, highlights, drawings, and more.

Once you know what type of program you need to open your DAT file, follow these steps:

  • Right-click the DAT file.
  • Select Open with.
  • Choose the specific program on your device that you want to use to open the file.

DAT files are usually created by a computer program automatically. This happens in the background as you use the program, and you may not even realize they exist. If you want to create your own DAT file, use a text editor like Notepad:

  • Type in your desired text.
  • When you have finished typing, click File > Save As.
  • As the file type, choose All Files.
  • Add .dat to the end of the file name.
  • Click Save.

To edit a plain text DAT file that a program created or that you developed yourself, open the file in a text editor. Edit the text as you would in any other file, and save when you’re done.

How to convert a DAT file to PDF.

The most common type of DAT file is text, so don’t be surprised if most of the DAT files you see are text-based files. Since DAT files are more difficult to open, edit, and share, you may want to convert them to a more accessible format.

PDFs preserve file formatting across devices and platforms. And, when you use a program like Acrobat for your PDF files, you can edit, track file sharing, implement permissions and other security measures, and even request digital signatures.

If your DAT file contains a PDF, you should be able to open the PDF directly in Acrobat. If the data isn’t already in PDF format, you can convert the DAT file to PDF using the Acrobat PDFconverter.

  • Open the PDF converter.
  • Click Select a file. (You can also drag and drop your DAT file from your desktop into the conversion window.)
  • Click the DAT file you want to convert. The PDF converter will automatically convert the file in seconds.
  • Download your new PDF file.

Pros and cons of .DAT files.

Different file formats have unique strengths and weaknesses depending on what you are trying to accomplish. This holds true with DAT files as well. Working with this file format comes with a specific set of advantages and disadvantages.

DAT file FAQs.

Is a DAT file executable?

No, DAT files are not executable because they require specific software to be opened and used. An executable file, on the other hand, contains encoded instructions that allow it to be executed by an entire operating system.

How to run a .DAT file?

You don’t need to manually run DAT files. Whenever you open a program or application, it will automatically run or create any DAT files necessary.

How are DAT files different from other file formats?

DAT files can come in almost infinite combinations of data types and computer programs. They are unique because they are simultaneously so flexible and so reliant on a specific program. Here are a few of the most common file types and what sets them apart from DAT files:

  • PDF — the most used document type used for text and visuals, easily shared and opened across devices and applications
  • DOC or DOCX — text documents formatted for Microsoft Word
  • HTML — text files of code that change a variety of elements on a website
  • CSV — plain text files that store data and can be opened in text editors or spreadsheet programs like Microsoft Excel
  • TXT — the most basic plain text documents without font varieties, formatting, or text colors
  • XLS — spreadsheets formatted exclusively for Microsoft Excel
  • PPT — used for uploading and sharing slideshow presentations created in Microsoft PowerPoint
  • ODS — open-source spreadsheet used to organize data in rows and columns
  • ODT — open-source text document for word processing
  • EML — emails saved in plain text used to save and share emails across providers
  • JPEG or JPG — commonly used image format that compresses images while maintaining colors and graphics
  • PNG — used to share logos, web pages, or photographs while maintaining size and quality
  • TIFF — best for high-quality image files for high-resolution photos and hard copy printing

Can I delete the DAT files on my computer?

When you see a large list of DAT files stored on your computer, you may be tempted to clear them out. However, you shouldn’t delete your DAT files unless you are certain your program doesn’t need the information in them to run properly. A good rule of thumb is to only delete DAT files for uninstalled applications that you don’t plan on using again.

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