From students to working professionals, many people use Windows Notepad to jot down quick notes and document drafts. Notepad documents are often saved as TXT files. Learn how to easily convert TXT files to PDFs with a few simple tools.

Text (TXT) is a conveniently lightweight file format that can be viewed on practically any computer but is very basic in functionality. If you’d like to do more with Notepad TXT files, such as add comments or annotations, you can convert them to PDF files with Adobe Acrobat or Adobe Acrobat online services. Both tools make converting Notepad documents to PDFs quick and easy. Not only that, but Acrobat makes it a cinch to manage documents, convert images to PDF, and much more.

Check out this guide to learn how a TXT to PDF converter works, why it’s so helpful, and how to convert your Notepad files to PDF in just a few clicks.

How to convert TXT to PDF.

If you don’t have Acrobat software, try the Convert PDF tool online. It’s free and easy to use. You can find it quickly using any web browser, and you can use it from anywhere — even on a mobile device. Just sign in with a Google, Apple, or Adobe account.

Follow these quick steps to turn your Notepad file into a PDF with the free conversion tool:

  1. Launch the Convert PDF from any web browser.

  1. Sign in with a Google, Apple, or Adobe account.

  1. Drag and drop your Notepad file into the converter. You can also click Select a file to locate your document manually.

  1. After the conversion is complete, download your new PDF to save, share, or send.

If you do have Acrobat software, the steps are similar:

  1. Open Acrobat. In the File menu, select Create > PDF from File.

  1. In the Open dialog box, select the file you want to convert. If you can’t locate the file through browsing, open the file type drop-down menu and select the text file option.

  1. Click Open.

  1. Choose File > Save or File > Save As to name your PDF and decide where to save it.

You can encrypt the file, annotate it, or request digital signatures from here. Acrobat isn’t just a Notepad-to-PDF converter, either. The converter works the same when you need to convert Word or Excel documents or images to PDF — or the other way around.

How to batch convert TXT to PDF.

The Convert PDF tool is helpful if you have a single TXT file to convert, but this option isn’t practical if you need to convert several TXT files. Fortunately, you don’t have to convert everything yourself manually.

If you want to compile all your TXT notes in one PDF, you can do so quickly with the Merge PDFs tool in Acrobat online services. Follow these steps to batch-convert multiple TXT files into a single PDF:

  1. Navigate to the Merge PDFs tool.

  1. Drag and drop your files into the conversion tool. You can also locate your files manually.

  1. Highlight the files you want to combine and click Save.

  1. Download your converted and merged PDF file.

If you need the files to stay separate but want to convert them all at once to save time, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the Convert PDF tool.

  1. Select your files manually or by dragging and dropping them into the drop zone.

  1. Download your PDF files once the converter has finished.


While you might be used to seeing it in Windows, the .txt filename extension isn’t unique to Notepad. It’s a basic file type that can display simple text-based files for various operating systems. For example, you can also create TXT files in WordPad and TextEdit. A TXT file works across platforms and operating systems using an ASCII or Unicode character set. In contrast to a PDF, it works great for jotting down ideas because it loads quickly and is easy to edit.

PDFs are also frequently text-based but can display images and more complex formatting. Even for a text-only document, a PDF format adds polish, professionalism, and finality to the content.

The PDF can serve as the final touch or the first step to enhancing the content you create in a TXT file. With greater possibilities for editing, adding shapes and images, sharing, commenting, and collaborating, a PDF can take the content in a TXT file to the next level.

Once you convert the TXT to PDF, you can immediately begin to work with it. Add comments and notes, highlight text, compress the PDF to reduce file size, and more.

A TXT to PDF converter transforms your plain text file into a shareable, portable PDF. The converter reads the contents of the TXT file, which is plain text without advanced formatting or embedded elements.

TXT files lack the features needed to collaborate with your team. Other users could edit their content, too, creating workflow headaches and potential errors. PDFs, on the other hand, are incredibly helpful for many reasons:

An illustrated view of a computer screen with a sound icon represent how PDFs provide greater accessibility.

Greater accessibility .

PDFs are universally accessible for users on all devices and operating systems. Unlike TXT files, which vary by operating system and could display incorrectly, everyone receives PDFs with the same view as the sender. Not only that, but PDFs are also compatible with tools like screen readers.

Eight black stacked lines with a red arrow pointing to the left represent how PDFs display better formatting.

Better formatting .

TXT files don’t support formatting like bold, italics, headers, images, or tables. PDFs allow you to add these elements, making your document look more engaging and professional. Best of all, they preserve the layout, fonts, and formatting precisely as intended, even when sharing the file with others. You can always use tools like PDF editor to highlight or leave comments in the document. It’s no wonder PDFs are considered the standard for formal digital documents, sharing with clients, or archiving information.

A solid red shield behind a lock icon represent how PDFs provide better security.

Better security .

PDFs are much easier to lock down than TXT files. Encrypt, password-protect, or digitally sign PDFs for an additional layer of security.

Two wrenches crossed over each other represent how PDFs contain additional features and tools.

Additional tools .

PDFs are feature-rich. Annotate copy, search for information, or integrate PDF files into other documents with just a few clicks.

TXT files are fine for jotting down personal notes, but they aren’t appropriate for collaborating or sharing. Thanks to TXT to PDF converters like Acrobat, you don’t have to worry about creating a PDF from scratch. By converting a TXT file to a PDF, you get the best of both worlds: the simplicity of creating a TXT file and the advanced features of converting it to a PDF for better collaboration.

While Acrobat can help you convert TXT to PDF in no time, it has additional hassle-saving features. Add comments and notes, highlight text, compress the PDF to reduce file size, and more.


Is a TXT file the same thing as a Word Doc?

No, a TXT file and Word Doc (.doc or .docx file extension) are two different document types. Word documents allow for many formatting options, including italics, fonts, bolded words, and more. TXT files, on the other hand, showcase plain text.

How do I turn a text message into a PDF?

It depends on your phone. For iPhone, the easiest way to export text messages to PDF is to take a screenshot of the text and use Acrobat to combine your screenshots into a PDF file. For Android, you can export the text messages as a TXT or HTML file and then use a PDF converter. You can also copy and paste the text message copy into an email and then convert the email into a PDF.

The formatting of the text messages should stay the same when you convert your text messages to PDF. Things such as text bubbles, contact names, and more will all appear in your PDF.

What can I use to open a TXT file?

Any text editor should be able to open a TXT file. On a Mac, use Apple TextEdit. On Windows, use Microsoft Notepad or Microsoft WordPad. For a Chromebook, you can open the file with Google Chrome Text.

You can open a TXT file in your internet browser, but you won’t be able to edit it. In Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox, drag and drop your file into the browser window. For Microsoft Edge, copy and paste the file’s location in the Edge address bar.

Are TXT files secure?

While TXT files are a great option for taking notes overall, you may not want to save personal information on one. Instead, opt for a file type that offers more advanced security features such as encryption, password protection, and more features to ensure your personal information is not widely available.

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