Adobe Acrobat

JPG to PDF converter

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Over 12M* files uploaded!
Join millions of users who have successfully converted JPGs to PDFs using Acrobat.
*Over an 18-24 month period.

How to convert image to PDF online

Learn how easy it is to use our image to PDF converter to save any image as a PDF, including JPG, PNG, BMP, GIF, or TIFF files:

  • Click the Select a file button above or drag and drop files into the drop zone.
  • Select the image file you want to convert to PDF.
  • After uploading, Acrobat automatically converts the file from an image format to PDF.
  • Download your new PDF file or sign in to share it.

Try our free image to PDF converter

It's quick and easy to convert image to PDF with our online tool. With only a couple of clicks, you can convert a JPG to PDF on any device, and any browser. The tools also supports other image file formats, such as GIF, BMP or TIFF files. | Two document icons with arrows showing how to convert files between PDF and image.

Convert JPG to PDF online

When you use our image to PDF converter, you don't need to download any software or install anything. It's a free online tool with no size limits and no watermarks. | A clock representing a fast PDF image converter.

A versatile JPG to PDF converter

Not only does Acrobat work with almost any image file format, but it's also browser-based, which means it works in any web browser, such as Microsoft Edge or Google Chrome and supports all operating systems too, like Mac, Windows, or Linux. | A PDF icon representing the best JPG to PDF converter

Make your images smarter

When you convert an image to PDF, you can use Acrobat's OCR technology to recognize text and turn a plain image into an editable document. You can also adjust orientation and margins. | Three stacked image icons where the middle image has a red border

A secure image to PDF converter

Our JPG to PDF converter handles all your files securely and privately. All files are deleted unless you sign in and save them. | An Adobe PDF icon with a vertical scale demonstrating high image quality

Retain high image quality

Our Acrobat online converter makes sure that image quality is high in the resulting PDF document. Your images will look as expected in the PDF file format. | A desktop icon with a PDF check mark showing that you can convert image to PDF on any browser.

Do more with your PDFs

After using our JPG to PDF converter, you can add pages to the same PDF, edit your new document or merge with other files.

Image to PDF FAQs

How to turn a picture into a PDF on Android
Converting pictures and photos to PDF on Android is quick and easy with Adobe Acrobat online services’ Convert JPG to PDF tool. Note that you can also convert JPG, PNG, BMP, and many other photo formats, despite the tool’s name. Just follow the four easy steps above.
How to convert JPG to PDF on Windows 10

If you want to convert file types in Windows without going online, you can also follow these steps:

  1. Open the JPG file you want to convert. Your computer will open it with its default viewer. (With Windows, this should be the Photos app.)
  2. Click CTRL+P to bring up the Print dialog box.
  3. Click the Printer icon to open a dropdown list.
  4. Select Microsoft Print to PDF.
  5. Click Print. (This won’t actually print your document, but instead prompt the File Explorer dialog box to open.)
  6. In the new dialog box, your document now has the PDF file extension. Choose where you want to save this file as a PDF and click Save to finalize.
What type of image files can I convert to PDF?
You can convert JPEG, PNG, BMP, GIF, and TIFF files into PDF documents using the Acrobat online tool.
Will my converted PDF have the same image quality as my original file?
Yes, your converted PDF will have the same image quality as in your original file.
How do I merge multiple JPG files into one PDF?
It’s easy to convert an image to PDF. Just drag and drop an image file into the tool above, then download the converted PDF. Use the PDF online service again to convert another image file. You can then merge the PDF files into a single PDF file when you start an Adobe Acrobat Pro 7-day free trial.

The Acrobat Pro free trial for Mac or Windows provides a complete set of PDF tools. You can edit PDFs, edit scans with OCR, combine files, organize pages, rotate PDF page orientation, reduce PDF file size, and insert bookmarks or watermarks. You can also convert HTML to PDF, convert PDFs to and from image formats, or convert to and from Microsoft Word documents, Excel spreadsheets, and PowerPoint presentations.
How do I save a JPG image as a PDF file?
The first step is to drag and drop files into the Acrobat online tool above. After Acrobat converts your image file to PDF, you can download the new PDF document and save it to your desired location.

Image to PDF resources

Content as a Service v2 - jpg-to-pdf - Friday, May 24, 2024 at 15:58 | a text bubble, pencil icon, and a stacked PDF icon representing free online Acrobat tools

Use Acrobat tools for free

  • Sign in to try 25+ tools, like convert or compress
  • Add comments, fill in forms, and sign PDFs for free
  • Store your files online to access from any device

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Try these Acrobat online tools

Convert from PDF

Convert to PDF

Reduce file size


Sign & Protect

Generative AI

Convert from PDF
Convert to PDF
Reduce file size
Sign & Protect
Generative AI