Adobe Acrobat

PNG to PDF converter

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Over 900K* files uploaded!
Join thousands of users who have successfully converted PNGs to PDFs using Acrobat.
*Over an 18-24 month period.

Convert PNG to PDF online

Learn how to easily convert PNG to PDF files:

  1. Click the Select a file button above, or drag and drop an image into the drop zone.
  2. Select the PNG file you need to convert to PDF.
  3. Acrobat will convert the image file to PDF.
  4. Download your converted PDF, or sign in to share the PDF document with others.

Try our free PNG to PDF converter

With no limit in size, no watermark and no registration required, our online tool is the best PNG to PDF converter. It's quick and easy to use and supports any browser on any device. | PNG files ready to be converted to PDF

A high-quality PNG to PDF converter

Our online tool makes it easy to convert a PNG image file into a PDF while retaining the high quality of your image. | Two files with arrows representing a PNG to PDF converter online

Convert PNG files in any browser

Turn a portable network graphic (PNG) image into a new PDF file directly from any web browser, whether you prefer Microsoft Edge, Google Chrome, or Safari. | A cloud with the Acrobat logo inside showing that you can use PDF tools without installing any software

No software to install

You can use the Acrobat PNG to PDF converter tool without having to install any software. Take your new PDF a step further and try our other web tools. | A badge with a lock representing trusted file security

Trusted privacy and file security

Acrobat uses encryption to keep your data secure when working with files online. Adobe also builds security measures into every PDF created with Acrobat. | A desktop and a mobile device showing that you can convert PNG files on any device

Multiple image file formats

With our PNG to PDF converter, you can actually convert multiple image file formats, such as JPGs, GIFs and more. | A PNG file that has been converted into a high-quality PDF

The best PNG to PDF converter

Leverage best-in-class online PDF tools to convert PNGs into PDFs and do so much more. Adobe invented the PDF format, so you can trust us with your document needs.


Why should I convert PNG images to PDF format?
If you have image files taking up storage space on your hard drive or mobile device, like PNG files of recipes or tax files, you can quickly convert and store them as PDF documents online. Converting a PNG file to the PDF format also lets you share the image more easily on any device without losing quality.
How do I save a PNG as a high-quality PDF document?
The Acrobat online PNG image converter makes it easy to convert an image file into a high-quality PDF document. Just select the PNG image you want to convert, or drag and drop your image file into the PDF conversion tool. You can then save the new PDF file on your device.
How do I merge multiple PNG files into one PDF file?

To merge multiple PNG files into one PDF file, you first need to use the Acrobat PDF online tool above to convert an image file and download the converted PDF. Then sign in to Acrobat to convert another image file to PDF and download it. You can then start an Adobe Acrobat Pro 7-day free trial to use the Merge PDFs tool to combine your new PDF files into a single PDF file.

The Acrobat Pro free trial for Mac or Windows also lets you convert PDFs to other files types like Microsoft Office (DOCX, PowerPoint, and more), annotate or edit PDF documents, edit scans with OCR, crop PDF files, change page size, reduce file size, split a PDF into multiple PDF files, password-protect a PDF, and more.

What other types of image file formats work with the Acrobat PDF converter?
The Acrobat online tool also lets you quickly and easily convert JPG, BMP, GIF, and TIFF image formats into PDF documents from your web browser or mobile device.
How do I convert a PNG to PDF on Windows 10?

Windows 10 has a built-in PDF printer you can use to convert a PNG into a PDF.

  1. Open the folder where the PNG image is stored in a File Explorer window.
  2. Right-click the file and choose Print.
  3. In the Print Pictures window that opens, choose Microsoft Print to PDF.
  4. Choose the paper size, quality, how you want the image to appear, and how many copies or pages you want to save in the new PDF file.
  5. Click Print.
  6. In the Save Print Output As dialog box, select the folder.
  7. Name your file.
  8. Click Save.

PNG to PDF resources

Content as a Service v2 - png-to-pdf - Friday, February 2, 2024 at 13:48 | a text bubble, pencil icon, and a stacked PDF icon representing free online Acrobat tools

Use Acrobat tools for free

  • Sign in to try 25+ tools, like convert or compress
  • Add comments, fill in forms, and sign PDFs for free
  • Store your files online to access from any device

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