Converting a PDF to TXT can help you work directly with locked-down text. Then, you can edit, copy, and share text with others easily. This simple text format allows you to share essential information in a storage-friendly manner.

PDF, or portable document format, files are increasingly essential for everyday file sharing for business and personal use. In fact, over 400 billion PDFs were opened in Adobe Acrobat last year.

What makes PDF files unique is their ability to preserve document settings, including fonts, images, and formatting, so that they render correctly when transferred between users or viewed from various devices or any operating system, including mobile platforms. Many PDF files cannot be modified or altered by recipients, providing an additional layer of security and version control.

However, PDFs may not be the best file format in some scenarios. For example, you may want to extract data from a PDF business financial report and convert it to TXT for easy data extraction or manipulation.

Thankfully, you can easily convert a PDF to TXT format. A TXT, or plain text file , includes content that is not locked down or formatted. While this file will not include any images, it will ensure that the essential information from the source PDF is easily and clearly presented for you to work with. A PDF can host both text and images, while a TXT file is simply plain text.

How to convert a PDF to TXT.

You can use several different methods to convert PDF to TXT files, depending on the software you are using. Access to tools like Acrobat can simplify the process by working as a PDF to TXT converter for you while also helping with document management, electronic signatures, and approvals.

The steps to convert a PDF to one of these file formats are similar to those to convert PDF to TXT when using Acrobat:

  1. Open the PDF file in Acrobat.

  1. Open the Convert toolbar.

  1. Under the Export PDF To section, select the file format.

  1. Click Convert.

  1. Save the file with a unique name.

  1. View the file in your preferred application.

You can also accomplish this by opening your file in Acrobat and selecting File > Export a PDF > Text (Plain).

Either of these methods can convert your PDF into a TXT file.

How to convert PDF to other file formats.

TXT files are among the most common formats used for writing, reviewing, and editing plain text, whether working locally or online. However, plain text has a few limitations, including:

  • No formatting capabilities for easier reading
  • Unable to standardize how data is presented
  • Not suitable for working with large amounts of data

    In these instances, you may want to consider converting your PDF to another file format. Acrobat isn’t just for converting PDF to Word or Word to PDF. With Acrobat, several built-in options are available to make this process quick and easy. These include:
  • Microsoft application formats, including Word, PowerPoint, and Excel files
  • Image files, including JPEG, TIFF, and PNG
  • Web formats, such as HTML and XHTML
  • Design files, including EPS, SVG, and PS
  • Text files, such as RTF and TXT

    If you don’t have Acrobat software, you can convert PDF to TXT by following these steps:

  1. Convert PDF to Word by choosing your PDF file and waiting for Acrobat to work its file conversion magic.

  1. Open your new file in Word.

  1. Click File > Save As (or Save a Copy if you’re on a Mac).

  1. Click File format > Plain text (.txt).

Why convert a PDF to TXT.

A lot of time and effort can go into designing the perfect PDF document and ensuring the text, visuals, security, and navigation are set exactly the way you want them. PDFs offer a great deal of flexibility and can help ensure recipients can view the information you provide. Most PDF files are accessible via a web browser, and they can even be compressed to send larger documents when file size restrictions exist.

However, PDFs may not always be the best choice when it comes to sending, receiving, or working with documents and their contents. Here are just a few reasons why you might want to consider using a PDF to TXT converter:

An image of a piece of paper with a pencil represents how TXT files provide easy text manipulation.

Easy text manipulation .

A text file can be easily edited by opening your computer’s native text editing app, and then you can immediately adjust text as needed. It may be quicker to open the text app and start typing, but Acrobat does allow you to edit PDFs from anywhere with its PDF editor tool.

A red caution triangle with a blank piece of paper represents how to reduce error by extracting content from PDF to TXT.

Eliminating errors .

Manually typing content also leaves room for typos. If you convert a PDF to a TXT file, you can accurately pull content from the source without introducing inadvertent errors. If you are working on a project where you need to quote information or use exact language that already exists, typing the same content again and again is simply inefficient. Instead, you can extract the text from a PDF and easily copy and paste the information you need into the destination document or project you are working on.

A sound icon in front of a computer screen represents how TXT files may be more compatible with screen readers.

Ensuring accessibility .

While PDF readers like Acrobat have improved accessibility for visually impaired users, in some cases, text-based applications may be more compatible with screen readers that look for plain text formats.

Bar and line graphics display how tables with formatted data can be extracted from PDFs as a TXT file.

Working with numbers .

PDFs can present tables with formatted data from reports, but they can make it more difficult to work with those numbers. Rather than retyping data into a spreadsheet, you can use Acrobat to extract the data as plain text and then import it into a reporting application of your choice. You can also convert the file directly to an Excel format.

A black square with two red arrows in opposite corners pointing toward each other represents reducing file size with TXT.

Reducing file sizes .

Some PDF files can get quite large in page count and file size, making them more difficult to share and transfer to other users. One workaround is to convert the PDF to text and send the necessary copy without the images and extra formatting. Keep in mind that Acrobat also includes tools to help you compress a PDF file while retaining your document’s formatting.

The process is also secure when you convert a PDF to TXT using Acrobat. Acrobat Pro includes local conversion options, meaning your content never reaches the internet to be processed. Instead, everything is converted on your computer and saved where and how you want, which can be especially important for PDFs that contain sensitive information that should be kept confidential and off remote servers like those that process PDFs through a web browser.

While there are many benefits to converting a PDF, you may not need to convert the file to text in all instances. For example, suppose you want to provide feedback on a document, such as suggesting changes or including comments to the writer. You can use the Acrobat PDF editor to add text boxes with comments without extracting the text into a different file. This tool even lets you mark up or draw on the PDF and share it with others to get their input.

Convert PDF to TXT with Adobe Acrobat.

PDF files are as widely used as they are versatile, and tools like Acrobat make working with information between PDF and TXT files seamless. If you need to convert a PDF to TXT, our step-by-step instructions will walk you through the process in just minutes.

Acrobat also helps with organizing, securing, and sharing documents with others. Discover how you can create PDF files, edit them, convert them, and more with Acrobat.

Frequently asked questions.

How do I open a TXT file?

You can open a TXT file in any web browser by right-clicking the file and selecting Open > your preferred browser. Edit your TXT file with the following applications:

  • Mac: Apple TextEdit
  • Windows: Microsoft Notepad or Microsoft WordPad
  • Chromebook: Google Chrome Text

Is PDF a TXT format?

PDF and TXT files are two different formats. PDFs are formatted files that can contain images, colors, fonts, and other text customization. While a PDF can contain text, it is likely formatted using colors, fonts, images, and other styles to make it unique. TXT files, or text files, are plain text files that contain only letters, numbers, and select symbols without any formatting or structure. They do not include any formatting and cannot contain images.

How to extract a PDF into text?

If you have the right permissions to the PDF, you may be able to highlight, select, and paste the copy into a text editor such as Notepad. If the PDF is locked down, you will need to convert it using a PDF program like Acrobat. Open the file, select the option to convert it, and select TXT as the file format. You can then save your file and use the text as needed.

How do I change a file to TXT?

Some programs, such as Microsoft Word, offer a Save As option so you can change the file from, for example, a DOCX file to a TXT file. If you are working with a PDF, you can use PDF software like Acrobat to change the file to text using the Convert menu.

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