PDFs are one of the most popular document types in the world. They’re so widely used, you can view PDFs on most computers, smartphones and tablets. But unless you’re using Adobe Acrobat PDF viewer as your default viewer, you may not be getting the most out of your files.
Find out how to change your default PDF viewer to Adobe, no matter your device.
Quick List: How to Change Default PDF Viewer to Adobe
Changing your default PDF viewer to Adobe is easy - just follow these simple steps.
1. Right-click a PDF. In your PC find a PDF file and right-click it then select Properties.
2. Click Change in Properties Dialogue Box. In the pop-up box click the Change button.
3. Set Adobe Reader as default. You’ll be asked how to open PDF files from now on - choose Adobe Reader or Adobe Reader DC as the default application. Then click ok on the properties dialogue box.
In Detail: How to Make Adobe Your PDF Viewer
Whether you’re a small business owner, a freelancer or a working parent, you likely use PDFs. Electronic documents are replacing paper across the world — from signing forms to reading instructions for a device, there are plenty of reasons you may need a PDF viewer.
Computers, tablets and smartphones come equipped with default PDF viewers. However, to get the most out of PDFs, you may want to change your default PDF viewer to Adobe Acrobat PDF viewer. Then, you’ll have more features to enjoy PDFs to the full, which can include the ability to make edits or be involved in collaborations with co-workers.
How to Change Default PDF Viewer from Microsoft Edge to Adobe.
On a Windows computer, the default app for opening PDFs is Microsoft Edge. Here’s how to set your default PDF reader on a Windows PC to Adobe Acrobat Reader:
Find the PDF you want to view and right-click on the thumbnail.
In the menu that comes up, click Properties.
In the first subsection of the dialogue box that appears, look for Opens with. This will display which PDF viewer is set as your default. Click Change.
Select Adobe Acrobat Reader from the list as the new default reader.
Click OK.
How to Change Default PDF Viewer in Windows 10 to Adobe.
Changing your default PDF viewer to something else on a computer with Windows 10 as the operating system is simple.
Click the Windows symbol in the bottom left of your screen.
Click the settings icon - it’s the cog symbol, above the power symbol.
In the Windows Settings menu, click Apps.
In the Apps section of the Apps & features menu, select ‘Default apps’.
5. Scroll down to find and click Choose default applications by file type.
6. Scroll down until you find .pdf. Click the icon directly to the right, which is your current default PDF viewer.
7. Choose your application will pop up. From there, select Adobe Acrobat Reader to be your new default.
How to Change Default PDF Viewer to Adobe on a Mac.
If you’re a Mac user, the default app for viewing PDFs is automatically Preview. This is how to change your default PDF viewer on a Mac:
Find the PDF you want to open and right-click on the thumbnail.
A menu will appear. Click Open with.
A new menu containing detailed info on your PDF will show up. Look for the Open with section and select Acrobat Reader from the drop-down list.
Click OK to save and apply the changes.
How to Change PDF Viewer from Chrome to Adobe.
If you’re ever wondering, 'Why are my PDFs opening in Chrome,’ you may have Google Chrome set as your web browser. When you try to view a PDF, it may automatically open up in Chrome instead of Adobe. This could be for several reasons, including:
You might have the Adobe Chrome extension install on your browser.
You haven’t turned off the automatic setting in Chrome that sets it to work as a PDF viewer.
To make Adobe your default viewer instead of Chrome on a PC:
Select Edit in the menu, then Preference.
Click General in the left panel of the menu.
Scroll down until you can see Select as Default PDF Handler.
Click the button.
How Do I Remove Chrome as My Default PDF reader?
Click the Actions menu — it’s the three dots in the top right of the Chrome browser.
Click Settings.
Click Privacy and security.
Click Sitting Settings.
Click Additional content settings’.
Click PDF documents
In Default behaviour, toggle to Download PDFs instead of Open PDFs in Chrome.
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