Quick list: How to Insert a PDF into PowerPoint.
Here’s a quick and easy guide to embedding your PDF in PowerPoint.
1. Check it’s closed. The first step is to ensure your PDF is closed.
2 . Find the right slide. Navigate to the slide where you want to insert your PDF into PowerPoint.
3 . Find your PDF. Navigate to the menu bar at the top of the PowerPoint and click Object.
4. Insert the PDF. In the pop out box, select Create from file > Browse to select the PDF you want to insert into the PowerPoint.
In Detail: How to Embed a PDF into PowerPoint Step by Step.
Before starting, it’s worth noting that when using this method to insert PDF into PowerPoint, once you have embedded the PDF, you will not be able to edit it in this view. To edit the PDF, you will need to remove it from your PowerPoint presentation before opening the original PDF file.
This method is best when you need to use the information inside a PDF as supporting documents for your presentation. Let’s get started by taking an in-depth look at how to import PDF to PowerPoint.
1. Ensure you have finalised the content in your PDF file. This will need to be done in the original file. Once you’re happy with the contents of your PDF, save it to an easily locatable place for when you come to find it.
2. Right click your file, select Save As and then give it a name. Once you’ve done that, remember to close the PDF.