Compare two PDFs to quickly view changes.

Spot changes fast with a visual comparison.

PDF comparison is easy with Adobe Acrobat. The Compare Files tool helps you quickly and accurately detect differences between two versions of a PDF. You can compare documents in a side-by-side view or choose single page view to review all changes in your latest PDF document. It lets you quickly compare text, images and graphics so you know exactly what has been changed from a previous version. With the handy highlight bar, each change is conveniently called out for you in the new document.

View only the types of changes you want to see.

You can use the filter drop down to choose what types of changes you’d like to see during file comparison. You can select to view changes to images and graphics, text, headers and footers, formatting, annotations and even backgrounds. View all at once or turn each one off and on as needed to focus on just the types of changes you’re interested in seeing.

Get a summary report of changes.

Our comparison tool automatically creates a document comparison results summary to show you how many changes were made to the original document. The summary shows you how many things were replaced, inserted or deleted. Then, you can peruse the PDF to see the changes in context. It’s a quick way to see how much has changed.

Rely on Adobe — the global leader in PDF solutions.

More than five million organisations around the world rely on Adobe Acrobat to create, edit, sign and convert PDFs from other file types on the go. It also gives you compare tools to view two documents side by side to accurately track changes across versions of a PDF file, saving time and enabling high-quality work. When you need smarter PDF tools that help you to keep business moving, turn to Adobe — the company that invented the PDF format.

Choose the plan with the features you need.

Acrobat Reader


The free global standard for reliably viewing, printing and sharing PDFs.

Acrobat Standard

Starting at


Save over 30% with an annual plan.*

Annual subscription, cancel within 14 days for a full refund.

Simple PDF tools for editing and converting documents.

Secure transaction

Acrobat Pro

Starting at


Save over 30% with an annual plan.*

Annual subscription, cancel within 14 days for a full refund.

The all-in-one PDF & e-signature solution with advanced tools to edit, convert, protect and sign documents.

Secure transaction

*When compared to month to month pricing plans.

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