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Errors and issues
Why is the app asking for photo and camera access?
Adobe Scan requires access to camera or photo, which should be granted during app installation. For configuration details, see Set permissions.
Why can’t I install Adobe Scan on my device?
The app can only be installed on devices with Android 7.0 and later.
How do I troubleshoot this error: “Error connecting to Adobe cloud storage. Please check your internet connection.
Verify you have a good network connection. For example, open a browser and try to open a web page.
If you do not have wifi enabled, verify you have checked Allow cellular data usage.
Why do I see “Unable to Modify Scan: Files that have been altered outside of Adobe Scan cannot be modified”?
Although the current release has a modified scan feature, you cannot modify scanned files that have been altered outside of Adobe Scan. For example, if you open a scan in Acrobat and add comments or attachments, or organize pages, you cannot modify the file in Adobe Scan.
Why can’t I select, edit, and comment or markup text?
To be able to copy and search text from the scan app, ensure that OCR is enabled. Working with converted text requires Acrobat Reader. If you’ve installed Acrobat Reader, tap Open in Acrobat to work with the text.
Troubleshoot OCR
Why does OCR not appear to work on parts of my document?
Because OCR is a complex conversion that relies on consuming recognizable text, certain document characteristics may degrade the quality of optical character recognition output. For example, the following conditions may impair OCR quality:
A dark colored background
A source document with multiple languages
A rotated source document
Scanning under light conditions that are too bright or dark
A network connection and an Adobe cloud storage connection is required
Why does OCR (text recognition) not work or produce a result in English?
The app is localized in 19 languages and supports text recognition for all of those languages. However, note the following:
If the app is installed on an OS using an unsupported language, the default output is English.
If you’ve selected a language to recognize that doesn’t match the document language, OCR produces no output. For example, the scanned document is German and you set Danish as the text recognition language.
Determine version and user
How can I see the current version of my Adobe Scan app?
Tap About Adobe Scan.
The About Adobe Scan field displays the app’s current version.
How can I determine my Android version?
Open your device’s settings screen.
Tap About Phone (or About Device).
The Version field displays your software version.
Note that the path may vary on different devices.
How do I know who is logged in?
To view the currently logged-in user, tap
from the all scans or the recent scans view. The logged in user appears at the top of the screen.