Adobe Acrobat

Password protect a PDF

Your files will be securely handled by Adobe servers and deleted unless you sign in to save them.By using this service, you agree to the Adobe Terms of Use and Privacy Policy.(Files are secured using HTTPS w/TLS 1.2 and stored using AES-256 encryption)
Over 1M* files uploaded!
Join millions of users who have successfully password protected PDFs using Acrobat.
*Over an 18-24 month period.

How to password-protect a PDF

Follow these easy steps to create a PDF password:

  1. Click the Select a file button above, or drag and drop a PDF into the drop zone.
  2. Enter a password, then retype it to confirm the password.
  3. Click Set password.
  4. Download the password-protected PDF document, or sign in to share it.

Try our free password protection tool | A PDF file with a lock representing a password protected PDF

Password-protect PDF files

Add PDF password protection with the Adobe Acrobat online tool. By adding a password to your PDF file, only people with the password can view the file content. | A badge with a lock representing protected content

Protect sensitive content

Adding a password helps make sure that sensitive data like birth dates or medical information is accessible only to approved people and remains unavailable to everyone else. | A lock with a no symbol showing how you can restrict unauthorized access to your PDF

Restrict unauthorized access

When you password-protect a PDF, you control file access. For someone to open the file, you'll need to give them the password, keeping your content private. | A PDF with a scale showing that you can choose your password strength

Choose your password strength

Adobe wants to make sure that your file is well protected. When you create a password, we’ll let you know if it is weak, medium, or strong using password standards. | A cloud with the Acrobat logo showing that you can use Adobe Acrobat online services without installing any software

No software to install

Acrobat online PDF tools work in any browser, including Microsoft Edge and Google Chrome. Just drag and drop a file to get started — there’s no need to install any additional software. | A PDF protected with trusted password security

Trusted PDF password security

As the inventor of the PDF file format, Adobe delivers document security you can trust. Password-protect your PDFs with confidence.

Questions? We have answers.

How do I choose a strong password?
To create a strong password, increase the length of the password and add a mix of letters (both upper and lower case) and numbers. The addition of symbols can also increase password strength. When you enter passwords, avoid using personal information or common words found in a dictionary that can be guessed more easily.
How do I unlock a password-protected PDF?
When you open a PDF protected by a password, a dialog will prompt you to enter the password before you’re able to see the file content. Type in the document open password and click OK to open the file. The document owner can also remove the password with an Adobe Acrobat Pro subscription or 7-day free trial.
What is the difference between password protection and encryption?

When you protect documents with a password, people who enter the correct password can access the file or folder. A stronger security method is encryption, with common types being 128-bit key or 256-bit AES encryption. Encryption turns document content into unreadable cipher text. To decrypt the document, authorized users need a key, which is typically a password or a digital certificate.

When you use the Acrobat online tool to add password protection to a PDF file, it encrypts the file for added security. If you need more advanced PDF security, you can start an Adobe Acrobat Pro 7-day free trial for Mac or Windows. The seven-day free trial lets you add encryption options, encrypt PDFs with certificates, or manage security settings and permissions to restrict editing, printing, or copying. Acrobat Pro also lets you edit PDFs, organize PDF pages, and convert PDFs to and from Microsoft Office apps, including Microsoft Word documents, PowerPoint presentations, and Excel spreadsheets.

More resources

Content as a Service - password-protect-pdf - Thursday, September 14, 2023 at 17:19 | a text bubble, pencil icon, and a stacked PDF icon representing free online Acrobat tools

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