Adobe Acrobat

Extract PDF pages

Your files will be securely handled by Adobe servers and deleted unless you sign in to save them.By using this service, you agree to the Adobe Terms of Use and Privacy Policy.(Files are secured using HTTPS w/TLS 1.2 and stored using AES-256 encryption)
Over 300K* files uploaded!
Join thousands of users who have successfully extracted PDF pages using Acrobat.
*Over an 18-24 month period.

How to extract PDF pages online

Follow these easy steps to learn how to extract pages from a PDF:

A PDF page extractor showing a file containing three pages next to a single page.
  1. Click the Select a file button above, or drag and drop a PDF into the drop zone.
  2. Select the document from which you want to extract pages.
  3. After Acrobat uploads your file, sign in.
  4. Select the pages you want to put into a new PDF.
  5. When you’re ready, select Extract. Acrobat automatically creates a new, separate PDF file of your selected pages.
  6. Download the new document, get a link to share it, or give it a new file name.

Try our free PDF page extractor tool.

A PDF page with an arrow showing the process of extracting a PDF page

Extract pages from a PDF file

Do you ever need just some of the pages in a PDF document? Now you can easily create a new PDF extract of selected pages from your original PDF using the Adobe Acrobat Extract PDF pages online tool.

Two files with arrows showing how you can set up the perfect PDF

Organize your PDF pages

Before extracting specific pages, Acrobat lets you organize and select PDF pages to save. Move, rotate, or delete page thumbnails. Then select the pages you want to extract into a new PDF.

Three stacked documents displaying the process of extracting pages from a PDF file

Extract PDFs up to 500 pages

You can extract pages from one PDF with a maximum of 500 pages and a file size of up to 100MB. To reduce the size of a file, you can try the Acrobat Compress PDF tool.

A cloud with the Acrobat icon showing that you can use PDF tools without installing software

No need to install software

Acrobat online PDF tools work in any browser, so there’s no additional software that you need to install. Just open the Extract PDF pages tool in a browser like Microsoft Edge or Google Chrome.

A badge with a lock showing PDF file security you can trust

File security you can trust

Adobe values your privacy and builds security measures into every PDF created with Acrobat. We also delete your file from our servers unless you sign in to save it to your account.

An Adobe Acrobat PDF document that has been extracted from a PDF file

The best online PDF tools

Adobe invented the PDF file format, so you can trust that our online tools are of the highest quality. Give our extract pages tool a try to streamline your workflows with a new PDF file.

Questions about our PDF page extractor? We have answers.

PDF extract resources

a text bubble, pencil icon, and a stacked PDF icon representing free online Acrobat tools

Use Acrobat tools for free

  • Sign in to try 25+ tools, like convert or compress
  • Add comments, fill in forms, and sign PDFs for free
  • Store your files online to access from any device

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