linear-gradient(180deg, rgba(254, 142, 119, 1) 0.0%,rgba(254, 81, 70, 1) 23.0%,rgba(179, 11, 0, 1) 100.0%

Print to PDF in just a few clicks.

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Learn how to print to PDF and save your files with ease.

Turn just about any file format into a high-quality PDF. Simply click Print and then choose to save as a PDF document. In most Windows and macOS applications, you can also convert your files to PDFs by selecting Save as Adobe PDF. Once you’ve chosen one of these options, you can rename your file and open your new document.

PDF printing is easier with Adobe Acrobat. After saving your new PDF in whatever application you’re using, you can print a hard copy. Just click the Print button in Acrobat to view your options and customize your PDF settings before printing.

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A website browser with a full screen document, and a pop up showing that it is being Saved as PDF

Everything you need, in one place.

Acrobat makes it easy not only to print to PDF, but to share, store, edit, and create PDFs for more simplified workflows. You can even collaborate more freely by reviewing and commenting from any device, anywhere. Collecting and viewing feedback from others is also a breeze because every comment is securely stored in real time and viewable by anyone who’s invited to see the file.

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A PDF document on a desktop with multiple icons shown around the border representing the many ways Acrobat lets you work with PDFs

Explore what else you can do with Adobe Acrobat.