How to write a sponsorship letter + a free customizable sample.
Use a sponsorship letter sample to gather the resources you need.

It takes a village to run a successful small business, especially if you’re planning a big event. Handling everything on your own is tricky, but fortunately, you don’t have to. Sponsors can offer funding, materials, and time to share the work and help you plan a world-class experience. The right partnerships and business tools make all the difference — all you have to do is figure out how to connect with the right people.
But not just any business proposal will do. Whether you’re reaching out to potential sponsors for a local event, community project, or business initiative, crafting a compelling sponsorship letter can make all the difference. Like most business communications, effective sponsorship letters follow a specific formula to get the point across and build goodwill between your brand and a potential sponsor.
If you’ve never written a sponsorship letter before, don’t worry. In this article, we’ll explain what a sponsorship letter is and why it’s so important, as well as share expert tips to help you write letters that resonate with potential sponsors. By using a template for your business letter and other important documents, you can customize with confidence.
What is a sponsorship letter?
A sponsorship letter is a formal request for support from an individual or organization. Most sponsorship letters request either financial support, usually through a donation, or material support, like the provision of food, a venue, or event staff. Sponsorship letters are popular in the non-profit space, which relies on donations to create successful events. However, local businesses also utilize sponsorship letters and write them for events, educational programs, or collaborative community projects.
This formal proposal explains why prospective sponsors should support your cause or event. While you’re free to wing it, following a sponsorship letter template will help you:
- Position yourself professionally. A well-crafted letter shows you’re professional and serious about the request.
- Communicate clearly. A sponsorship letter helps you clearly state what you’re asking for and offering to the sponsor in return, ensuring everyone understands the benefits of the arrangement.
- Connect with sponsors on a deeper level. Ideally, you want to work with sponsors that align with your mission, vision, or purpose. For example, a small business hosting a women’s networking event might connect with sponsors that also support female entrepreneurship. Using a template will speed things up, but you’ll still need to write a unique sponsorship letter for each request that connects your request with the sponsor’s mission.
A sponsorship letter will help you forge beneficial relationships that lighten the burden of planning or financing as long as you can identify a potential sponsor’s interest and align that with your project’s objectives.
A template is a great starting point, but crafting an effective sponsorship letter requires more than clever wording.
The following tips will help you learn how to write an effective sponsorship letter and garner more support for your proposal.
1. Research prospective sponsors.
Nothing turns off potential sponsors as much as an irrelevant request. Sponsorship requests are similar to formatting a business proposal — you should know exactly who will read it. Understand the potential sponsor’s business, values, and previous sponsorship ventures. This knowledge will help you tailor your letter to align with their interests. Nobody wants to receive a form letter or generic message, so put in the effort to customize a letter for each recipient.
2. Be specific when crafting your sponsorship letter.
What would you like to receive from this sponsor? If you need funding, let the recipient know and attach sponsorship information to the letter. If you need food, a venue, marketing, or other in-kind services, ask specifically for that item. Vague requests will only confuse potential sponsors and could complicate the process.
3. Highlight the benefits for the sponsors.
Many businesses will reject sponsorship requests. However, you can increase your odds of acceptance by clarifying what they have to gain from the arrangement. Try to make this as irresistible as possible. Brand exposure, association with a good cause, or access to a new audience could benefit interested sponsors, for example. If you have hard metrics or quantitative data, like total attendee figures or past event engagement data, add that to your sponsorship letter to make an even stronger case for sponsorship.
4. Format your sponsorship letter professionally.
PDFs are the gold standard for digital sponsorship request letters. Even if you write your content in Microsoft Word, you can use the Acrobat Word to PDF tool to convert each sponsorship letter into a PDF before sending it to its recipient. Read over your letter before sending it to ensure the content is grammatically correct and conveys the point clearly and concisely. Choose an easy-to-read font such as Times New Roman or another serif font and never format text smaller than size 12. Include your name, address, contact information, and the potential sponsor’s information at the top of the letter. Add your name, position, and organization, and then sign your name.
5. Follow up.
If you haven’t heard back within two weeks, send a follow-up email or call the prospective sponsor to see if they’re interested. If they still don’t respond, you can assume they aren’t interested, so refocus your attention on other potential sponsors.
With a sponsorship letter, you aren’t just asking for assistance — you’re trying to forge a valuable partnership that benefits both parties. The success of your request hinges on how well you connect with potential sponsors and convey the value they receive in exchange for their support. Use a template to better understand how to write a sponsorship letter, save time writing your requests, and jump-start the relationship-building process.
Word processing tools can kick-start the sponsorship letter-writing process, but what happens next? Format everything with Adobe Acrobat for business tools to make the best impression with potential sponsors. Add your signature in a few clicks, edit PDFs, compress files, and more.
Sponsorship letter sample.
Sponsors handle a lot of the heavy lifting for you, but you’ll need to put in the hard work of sourcing them. Not everyone will agree, so send more sponsorship requests than you actually need. Each letter needs to be customized for every recipient, reflecting their interests and aligning with your project’s objectives. Save time by using a sponsorship letter template and plugging in your details.

Not sure what these guidelines sound like in practice? No problem. Check out this sponsorship letter sample.
Jane Doe
Acme Coworking
123 Acme Lane
Acme, PA 12345
(123) 456-7890
June 1, 2024
John Doe
John’s Catering
150 Acme Lane
Acme, PA 12345
Dear Mr. Doe,
I hope this letter finds you well. My name is Jane Doe, and I am the owner of Acme Coworking. I am writing to you regarding a unique sponsorship opportunity with John’s Catering. Your support and partnership would be crucial to the success of our initiative, and we greatly appreciate your consideration.
Acme Coworking is a community space that brings together local business owners, entrepreneurs, and visionaries to collaborate, share space, and foster close connections. Just two years after our founding, we have over 100 members and are excited to continue growing.
On August 1, 2024, we are planning to host Acme Coworking Power Hour, which aims to bring all of our members and people from the community together for a night of networking. This initiative is in line with our commitment to encourage local connections and business relationships.
We believe that John’s Catering shares similar values, particularly in bringing people together over food. Therefore, we are excited to offer you the opportunity to be one of our esteemed sponsors for this endeavor.
In exchange for your support, we’ll offer professionally printed banners around the venue advertising your company, as well as multiple email promotions with your company logo to our email list of more than 100 local contacts.
We have various sponsorship levels detailed in the attached sponsorship package. Each level offers different benefits and exposure opportunities, allowing you to choose one that aligns best with your company’s marketing and community outreach goals.
Your support would be instrumental in the success of Power Hour and can significantly impact attendees’ desire to connect and return to future events at the coworking space. We look forward to the possibility of partnering with John’s Catering and building a mutually beneficial relationship.
I would be happy to discuss this sponsorship opportunity further with you at your earliest convenience. Please feel free to contact me directly at (123) 456-7890 or
Thank you for considering this proposal, and I look forward to the possibility of working together for a successful Power Hour.
Warm regards,
Jane Doe
Acme Coworking
Frequently asked questions about sponsorship letters.
How do you write a letter for sponsorship?
Begin with a sponsorship letter template to speed things up. Start by introducing yourself and your organization. Explain the purpose of the letter and provide details about the project for which you’re requesting sponsorship. Highlight how sponsorship benefits the sponsor and make specific asks, such as financial or material support. Always end the letter with your contact information for further discussion.
How do you politely ask for sponsorship?
The best way to ask for sponsorship is with a professional letter via mail or email. Keep things friendly by expressing appreciation for the sponsor’s consideration. Emphasize the mutual benefits of sponsorship and always express gratitude for any support they might offer, regardless of their decision.
How do you write a letter requesting sponsorship for a sports team?
Start by introducing your team and sharing your achievements and future goals. Explain the reason for seeking sponsorship, such as paying for uniforms, equipment, or travel costs. Highlight the exposure and promotional opportunities for the sponsor, like their logo on team apparel or acknowledgment at events. Be clear about what you need, and thank them for considering supporting your team.
How do you write a sponsorship proposal example?
A sponsorship proposal should start with an introduction to your organization or event. Clearly outline the opportunities for the sponsor, including specific benefits like branding, media exposure, or engagement with a particular audience. Detail the sponsorship levels or packages and provide concrete examples of how the sponsor’s contribution will be used and recognized. End with a call to action inviting them to discuss the proposal further.