Learning how to add text to a PDF can enable you to make edits and fix errors on existing PDF documents. PDFs are locked files, so it helps to know how to be able to add text boxes and make font changes using the right online tools. Find out how to write on PDF documents with a range of methods below.
To quickly get started on adding text to your PDF follow these easy steps. Do note, you require Acrobat Pro to be able to make changes to text and images in your PDF.
Open PDF in Adobe Acrobat. Open Adobe Acrobat and go to File > Open to select your PDF. Click Open in the file explorer once you’ve selected your file.
Add Text. Go to View > Select Tools > Edit PDF > Add Text. You can place the text box that appears wherever suits you.
Type Copy. You can now add text - simply hit Save to keep any changes.
In Detail: How to Write on a PDF Document.
Adding text to a PDF is an easy process, provided you have the right software or online tools.
With a PDF Editor
Using our online PDF Editor, you can quickly add text and make copy changes to your file. It’s a free tool that helps you to collaborate with colleagues and share documents with ease. Follow the steps below to add your text to your document.
1. Upload your PDF file to the Editor via the on-screen prompts.
2. Use the toolbar to add text, comments or any additional changes.
3. Once you’re happy, don’t forget to download your finished document.
Once you’ve downloaded your file, you’re free to save and share it wherever you like.
With Adobe Acrobat
You can use Adobe Acrobat to add text boxes to your PDFs too. You’ll need the Acrobat Pro software install on your PC or device, to begin with, then follow the steps below.
Open the document you want to edit.
Select Tools > Edit PDF > Add Text.
Place the text box where you’d like.
Type your copy and add any edits.
Then, save, print or share your file as you need.
Convert your PDFs to editable documents, add text and more with Adobe’s range ofonline tools.
It’s important to note that in both examples, you can only add text boxes to an existing PDF document. PDFs are locked files, meaning the original work is protected from editing. So, if you want to correct copy in the original work - like a typo - you’ll need to open the original document and make edits there before re-saving it as a new PDF.
How do I write on a PDF on a Mac?
To write on a PDF using a Mac you can either use Adobe’s PDF Editor or Mac’s Preview programme. Simply open the document in Preview, open the Mark-up Toolbar and click the T Icon to open a text box. From there, you can add and edit text on your PDF.
How do I make an image PDF editable?
You can edit an image-based PDF by applying Optical Character Recognition (OCR) to allow your computer to read the text on the image file. Then, you can make your edits as needed using Adobe Acrobat Pro.
Does Windows 10 have a PDF editor?
You can download Adobe Acrobat or use Adobe’s online PDF Editor to write on your PDF using Windows 10. This software is not built-in as standard but it is available for download on Windows 10.
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Whether you’re editing PDFs or inserting existing documents into other files, check out our range of online tools to unlock the potential of Adobe.