What is a Document Search?
At one time, documents would have been stored in filing cabinets and transferred by email, fax or - going way back - courier. Document management systems changed all that, allowing people to access documents stored digitally from anywhere in the world. But they’re not without their complications.
In a digital filing system of many thousands of pages, it’s easy to lose track of your documents. That’s why most document management systems have a function that allows you to find your file by simply searching the file name, vendor name, tag or indexing terms.
You can also perform a full-text search. This allows you to search for content within the documents - a good backup if you don’t have a specific file or vendor name to hand. With this, you could search for a memorable name, date or sentence instead. This less specific method may generate multiple results for your query, but it can be useful in a pinch.
Performing a search is simple. Just enter your index title, document title, vendor name or document text into the search function of your Windows or Mac file manager, click enter and wait for your document to appear. Depending on how many files you have stored, this could take a few minutes.
How do You Search a Document?
At times, you might have a long document like a report or whitepaper and need to search for a specific term, name, number or section within it. Let’s go through how to do that on a few different programmes.
If you’re working with PDFs, you can use the search function in Adobe Acrobat to find what you need. Simply open Acrobat and use the search bar at the top of the page. The best bit? With Adobe’s Optical Character Recognition (OCR) technology, you can even search in PDFs created from paper documents.
To search a Word document, you’ll need to use the Find tool.
- Start by opening your document.
- Select Home > Find. Alternatively, you can simply click Cntrl + F.
- Next, choose either Find or Advanced Find.
- For the regular Find option, simply enter the text you wish to search for and choose from the results that appear underneath the search bar.
- For Advanced Find, you can search by page, bookmark, section and more.
How to Search a Document and Replace.
Sometimes, you might need to replace a specific word, sentence or chunk of text with an entirely new one. Think if a brand changes its name or needs to update a specific stat or paragraph in a statement in line with a new policy.
To do this in Adobe Acrobat:
- Open a PDF, click Edit > Find.
- Enter the text you want to search for into the textbox, then click the burger menu and select Replace text.
- Then, enter your replacement text.
The process is very similar in Word:
- Click Find > Advanced search.
- From there, click the Replace tab.
- Then, simply enter the text you want to find in the top field and the text you want to replace it with in the lower.
- Click the Replace button and you’re done.