
What is a PDF/E file?

A PDF/E file is a sub-type of a PDF. It is the international standard file type used for engineering documents, identified by the International Standard Organisation as ISO 24517. PDF/E files are primarily used for creating and exchanging technical documentation.

What does PDF/E stand for?

PDF stands for Portable Document Format and the ‘E’ in PDF/E stands for engineering. For that reason, PDF/E files can also be called PDF Engineering files.

History of the PDF/E file.

PDF/E was developed by Adobe and first announced in March 2004. The following year, PDF/E was submitted to the ISO (International Standard Organisation) to go through its approval process. PDF/E was officially made available in May 2008, under the international standard ISO 24517-1:2008.

The original PDF/E-1 is based on the PDF 1.6 format. PDF/A-4e was launched in 2020 as a successor to PDF/E-1 for PDF 2.0-based engineering documents. It supports Rich Media and 3D Annotations, as well as embedded files.

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What are PDF/E files used for?

Creation of engineering documentation.

As PDF/E is the international standard format for engineering documents, engineers from all over the world use PDF/E files to share, print and archive their work. These technical documents can contain 2D or 3D drawings and are used in areas including manufacturing, construction and geospatial workflows.

Streamlining of engineering workflows.

PDF/E files are used to facilitate the exchange and printing of engineering and technical documentation, as well as collaboration on these documents, in both interactive and non-interactive workflows. This can improve company productivity internally, as well as with external partners, suppliers, customers and government organisations.

Discover more types of PDF and other document files.

Advantages of PDF/E files.

Here are some of the benefits of using the PDF/E format:

  • No proprietary software needed. You don’t need a specific software application to view PDF/E files. You can view any PDF/E file using the free Adobe Acrobat Reader software
  • Supports various media elements. A PDF/E file can contain technical documentation, interactive media, animation and 3D engineering models data. It also allows mark-up
  • Lossless format. Like the main PDF format, you can rely on PDF/E files to transfer and exchange information on any platform without any data loss.

How to open a PDF/E file.

PDF/E files can be opened on Windows or MacOS devices with the Adobe Acrobat reader software, which is free or with any other PDF reader.

To open a PDF/E file with Adobe Acrobat:

  1. Install the Adobe Acrobat reader on your device
  2. Locate the PDF/E file
  3. Right-click > Open with > Choose Adobe Acrobat DC from the list that appears.

How to create and edit a PDF/E file.

Within the engineering industry, The PDF/E standard is supported by various types of specialist software. Common ways to create and edit PDF/E files include using Adobe Acrobat Distiller, Adobe Acrobat PDFMaker and Microsoft Visio.

How to create a PDF/E in Adobe Acrobat Distiller.

From the Default Settings menu, select the predefined PDF/E option and then choose Settings > Edit Adobe PDF Settings.

How to create a PDF/E in Adobe Acrobat PDFMaker.

Go on Settings > Advanced Settings > Show All Settings. Select the PDF/E preset from the list and customise it if needed. Next, click Save As, choose a name for the file, then hit Save.

How to verify the standards information of a PDF/E file.

In Acrobat, you can check if your PDF/E file conforms to its standard. Select View > Show/Hide > Navigation Panes > Standards.

You’ll be able to see the conformance information, including the standard used to create the file, the ISO name and whether the file has been verified as PDF/E-compliant.

Learn more about similar file types.


Learn more about the standard file type for archiving electronic documents in the PDF format.


Find out about the PDF sub-type created to facilitate graphics exchange.


Read more on the standard format used by people who use assistive technology.


Discover the PDF subset designed to support variable data printing in different environments.

Want to learn more about different types of PDF and how they work in different settings? Check out our guide.

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How do I convert a PDF to PDF/E?

You can convert a PDF to the PDF/E standard-compliant using the Standards wizard. Just follow these steps:

  1. Open your PDF file, select Tools > PDF Standards
  2. Click Save As PDF/E in the right-pane.
  3. Choose a name for it and press OK.

What’s the difference between PDF/E and PDF?

PDF is the mother format for portable documents, while PDF/E is a sub-type of the PDF format, used for engineering documents. If you save your engineering file as a regular PDF instead of PDF/E, you’ll see some limitations and conflicts, including:

  • The file’s accuracy could be affected
  • Resolution will be limited to 4800dpi
  • Visual styles in layers will be automatically converted to raster images.

What are the PDF types?

In total, there are eight types of PDF files. They’re split into two main categories.

PDFs based on ISO:

  • PDF - the general standard
  • PDF/A - used to archive files
  • PDF/E - for engineering documents
  • PDF/X - used for graphics
  • PDF/VT - similar to PDF/X, it’s used in variable data printing
  • PDF/UA - helps people with disabilities to read and navigate files

PDFs based on other organisations:

  • PAdES - instituted for PDF digital signatures in the European Union
  • PDF Healthcare - used to securely handle and manage sensitive healthcare information.

Can I remove the PDF/E information from a file?

You can remove the PDF/E-specific information, such as the output condition or the GTS_PDFX version key, using this step-by-step guide. You may want to do this if your file has been modified, you need to start again or the file size is too big because of the ICC profile.

What’s the difference between 3D PDF/E and 3D PFD?

Given their use within the engineering industry, PDF/E files often contain 3D models. However, you can also place a 3D file on a standard PDF page. Acrobat Pro can create 3D PDFs using the 3D tool, but only from U3D ECMA 1 files.

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