How to open a PDF/E file.
PDF/E files can be opened on Windows or MacOS devices with the Adobe Acrobat reader software, which is free or with any other PDF reader.
To open a PDF/E file with Adobe Acrobat:
- Install the Adobe Acrobat reader on your device
- Locate the PDF/E file
- Right-click > Open with > Choose Adobe Acrobat DC from the list that appears.
How to create and edit a PDF/E file.
Within the engineering industry, The PDF/E standard is supported by various types of specialist software. Common ways to create and edit PDF/E files include using Adobe Acrobat Distiller, Adobe Acrobat PDFMaker and Microsoft Visio.
How to create a PDF/E in Adobe Acrobat Distiller.
From the Default Settings menu, select the predefined PDF/E option and then choose Settings > Edit Adobe PDF Settings.
How to create a PDF/E in Adobe Acrobat PDFMaker.
Go on Settings > Advanced Settings > Show All Settings. Select the PDF/E preset from the list and customise it if needed. Next, click Save As, choose a name for the file, then hit Save.
In Acrobat, you can check if your PDF/E file conforms to its standard. Select View > Show/Hide > Navigation Panes > Standards.
You’ll be able to see the conformance information, including the standard used to create the file, the ISO name and whether the file has been verified as PDF/E-compliant.
Learn more about similar file types.
Learn more about the standard file type for archiving electronic documents in the PDF format.
Find out about the PDF sub-type created to facilitate graphics exchange.
Read more on the standard format used by people who use assistive technology.
Discover the PDF subset designed to support variable data printing in different environments.
Want to learn more about different types of PDF and how they work in different settings? Check out our guide.