How to open, view and edit an .RPT file.
You may sometimes have seen file names with the .RPT extension and wonder what the meaning is. Find out how to open, view and edit .rpt files and discover the answers to frequently asked questions today.
You may sometimes have seen file names with the .RPT extension and wonder what the meaning is. Find out how to open, view and edit .rpt files and discover the answers to frequently asked questions today.
If you come across the .RPT format, it’s most likely a report file. How you open it may however depend on the programme you’re using. This is because different applications may use reports that have the RPT format suffix.
As the abbreviation suggests, RPT stands for ‘report’. Though these files could originate from different programmes and you can open them in different ways, RPT files are always report files.
The RPT file could have potentially originated from a variety of sources. The most common usage of the RPT file extension is as the proprietary file format for SAP Crystal Reports. This software was created in 1991 as a business tool for generating analytical reports from a variety of data sources.
The RPT file extension also occurs within the AccountEdge Pro small business software, used on Macs. These reports usually refer to accounting, payroll, sales and inventory. AccountEdge was first created in 1989.
RPT files may also refer to plain text files used in different reporting applications.
Convert RPT to PDF and manage documents easily with Adobe's free online tools.
The most common usage for RPT files is as data files for either SAP Crystal Reports or AccountEdge Pro business software.
Within Crystal Reports, RPT is used as report or output files, storing data from multiple sources and databases. Users can filter and sort them interactively on PCs and Macs.
As report files in AccountEdge Pro, RPT contain data from specific fields to report data in a customisable layout for users. Such reports can be exported to formats, including PDF.
RPT files may contain text-based reports generated by a variety of applications, including system utilities or document preparation programmes. As most of these are in text format they can be opened in text editors including Apple TextEdit or Microsoft Notepad.
Discover more document file types and data file formats today.
How you open an RPT file depends on the type you want to view. If it’s a Crystal Reports programme, you can open the file on Windows or MacOS:
You can also open an RPT file in AccountEdge Pro on a Windows or Mac device:
To open a text-based RPT file, simply open any text editor and click the file you want to view.
Depending on which type of RPT file you wish to create and/or edit, you’ll need either the SAP Crystal Reports software or AccountEdge Pro software.
To create and edit RPT files that are plain text documents in Windows:
To create and edit RPT files that are plain text documents on a Mac:
Files in the RPT format can be converted to PDF by using online software, such as Adobe’s free convert to PDF tool. However, depending on the type of RPT file and if you’re using Windows, you may need to convert the RPT to OXPS first (see below).
Usually, online software lets you drag and drop these files into a window to begin the conversion.
RPT files can be converted into PDFs, one of the most popular file formats available.
The HTML format contains the standard mark-up language for web page creation.
VCF files are useful for storing business contact information.
One of the most common plain text files, used worldwide.
Discover more document file types and data file formats today.
You may need to convert an RPT file to a PDF for a number of reasons. If you have a business report, it may help to be able to work across different devices, so you can open them at your convenience. PDFs also have security measures that other file types don’t, as you can lock viewing and editing behind a password. In addition, PDF is the most popular business file format, used by many different companies and institutions.
Sometimes, converting an RPT file to a PDF in Windows involves first converting it into the OXPS format. To do this:
If you’re struggling to open an RPT file, it could be that you’re using the wrong programme or it could be that the file extension is spelt differently. For example, you may actually be trying to open an RPF file. These are Rich Pixel Format graphic files and won’t open with RPT openers.
You can access plain text RPT files with Microsoft Excel, provided you’re working on a Windows device:
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PDF files are designed to be readable on any device, making them a great way to share information.
PDFs are a great way for your business to share information – for example menus, price lists, and reports. Displaying these on your Facebook Business page is an effective way of engaging with customers using social media.
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Adding a PDF for a Kindle can mean it’s easier to read – and for longer PDFs, much easier to navigate than a desktop.
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