- tn_15882—SQL Server driver error '80040e4d' - Login failed for user
- tn_15868—UltraDev freezes when using JDBC, the JConnect driver and Sybase
- tn_15804—80004005 - Driver's SQLSetConnectAttr failed
- tn_15761—Search/results page set always returns the same record
- tn_15749—Active Server Pages error 'ASP 0126'
- tn_15717—VBScript compilation error '800a0401
- tn_15486—Connections do not appear in the Connections dialog box
- tn_15385—80004005 - Field cannot be a zero-length string
- tn_15362—UltraDev rewrites ColdFusion code
- tn_15352—Application server test
- tn_15265—Setting default file extensions
- tn_15244—Error 405 Method Not Allowed
- tn_15221—Logout User Server Behavior destroys custom session variables
- tn_15131—Log In User server behavior security issue
- tn_15036—JRun tag libraries cannot be used in the UltraDev development environment
- tn_15035—Delete Record server behavior causes 500 series runtime errors using Jakarta Tomcat
- tn_15034—Go To Related Page and Move to Specific Record server behaviors cannot be used together
- tn_15033—Rollover images within a repeat region fail to exhibit swap behavior
- tn_15029—Data type mismatch error is thrown when using text data types with user authentication server behaviors
- tn_15027—'Unspecified Error' when installing the UltraDev 4.0 trial version
- tn_15026—UltraDev 4.0 - Windows 2000 Issues
- tn_15004—Reference panel's context-sensitive lookup fails when both ASP and JSP reference extensions are installed
- tn_14978—Remote Database Connectivity reveals unfamiliar DSNs when connecting to IIS
- tn_14976—Error in Insert Record server behavior dialog box: 'MM_ERROR: [Microsoft][ODB�'
- tn_14975—IError 80040e10 - Count field incorrect
- tn_14970—Cannot unbind dynamic data from dropdown list/menu
- tn_14969—Cannot adjust a column width when using Test SQL Statement
- tn_14961—Remote Database Connectivity - Restricting Access to DSNs on IIS4.0 and IIS 5.0
- tn_14951—ColdFusion error: Attempt to access a Session variable when session management is not enabled
- tn_14937—Passing form data from a login page to successive pages is unsuccessful
- tn_14935—ASP server-side scripts do not work when they are modified or created in the Property inspector
- tn_14929—Only the system tables are displayed in recordset dialog box
- tn_14927—Bullets and numbered lists don't work with dynamic data
- tn_14904—Error when inserting Rollover Image objects on a CFML page
- tn_14903—Error message when previewing Live Data CFML pages
- tn_14901—Changes made to the Code Colors preferences are not applied to all keywords
- tn_14900—Creating a dynamic image does not work as expected
- tn_14899—Edited formats do not display properly in the Data Bindings window in Windows 98
- tn_14878—JSP redirects using WebSphere
- tn_14877—Framesets cannot be previewed in browser
- tn_14851—SQL with space in alias name gives no data
- tn_14849—Common causes of UltraDev instability on Windows
- tn_14846—Error 800a0bcd - Either BOF or EOF is True
- tn_14824—Why can't a recordset be marked as an editable region?
- tn_14813—What version of Microsoft's MDAC does UltraDev require?
- tn_14792—FoxPro Connection Error 'File dbcname.dbc.tablename Does Not Exist'
- tn_14784—Math formats do not function for Websphere
- tn_14781—JavaScript error occurs in connection dialog
- tn_14778—UltraDev will not start properly on my Macintosh
- tn_14768—Unable to retrieve tables from this connection - error occurs when using Excel or FileMaker Pro
- tn_14622—'80040e14' - Syntax error in INSERT INTO statement
- tn_14523—0156 ASP: 80004005 Header Error - The HTTP headers are already written to the client browser
- tn_14520—80004005 - Operation must use an updateable query
- tn_14519—80040e21 ODBC error with Insert or Update Record Server Behavior
- tn_14518—Microsoft JDBC-ODBC bridge requires complete login information in connection string
- tn_14517—Error 80040e10 - Too few parameters
- tn_14511—Dynamic drop down list generates invalid loop when populated with separate Recordsets
- tn_14508—JRun errors when pages are named default.jsp
- tn_14507—Server Behavior selection becomes problematic when a page has two sets of tags
- tn_14501—Dynamic images cannot be created unless an image file is selected
- tn_14492—SQL statement invalid with double quotes in Recordset dialog box
- tn_14487—Error '80040e07' - Data type mismatch in criteria expression
- tn_14479—Error 800a138f - Cannot filter Recordset with field from another Recordset
- tn_14477—004005 - data source name not found and no default driver specified
- tn_14476—80004005 - Microsoft Jet database engine cannot open the file (unknown)...
- tn_14474—UltraDev ASP does not handle Oracle's LONG datatype correctly
- tn_14473—Form names beginning with a number cause display errors in the Server Behaviors inspector
- tn_14472—500 Internal Server Error when using JRun 2.3.3
- tn_14470—Oracle stored procedures do not execute on a Macintosh
- tn_14469—Using reserved words as column names causes the database to produce ADODB errors when updating