RoboInfo Service Releases
Microsoft XP Service Pack 2 Support Update - X5.0.2
This update is available via the RoboInfo Auto-Update feature. Please go to "Help | Check for updates" within RoboInfo.
NOTE: This update is for RoboInfo X5 ONLY and should only be installed on systems previously updated to X5.0.1
If for some reason you cannot access the auto-update, you may use the following links.
Only use these links if you are unable to get the update through our auto-update.
RoboInfo XP SP2 update (14.84 MB)
Updates Included
This update to RoboInfo resolves several issues involving systems running Microsoft Windows XP with Service Pack 2 installed, including:
- Stops the Internet Explorer "Info Bar" warnings when viewing FlashHelp:
Changes have been made to the FlashHelp compiler so that the "Info Bar" doesn't come up when FlashHelp is viewed locally or from CD. - All RoboSource Control version control patches to date:
These RoboSource Control patches resolve some minor issues that could prevent communication between RoboHelp and the source control database on some configurations.
Word 2003 Support Update
This update is available via RoboInfo's Auto-Update feature. Please go to "Help | Check for updates" within RoboInfo. This update is for RoboInfo 5 ONLY.
If for some reason you cannot access the auto-update, you may use the following links. Only use these links if you are unable to get the update through our auto-update.
Word 2003 Support Update (EXE, 14 MB)
This update to RoboHelp Office adds support for Word 2003 and addresses the following issues for RoboHelp HTML users:
- Fixes Related Topic controls inside of Dynamic HTML drop-down hotspots that are not functioning
- Fixes intermittent problem with conditional build tag expressions in the preview window
RoboSource Control Update
This update fixes problems when a user (non-admin), fails to connect to the RoboSource Control database.
Check your version number ("Help| About...")
RoboInfo Publisher 5.01 (Word 2003 update) must be installed.
If it is not yet installed, you may obtain this update from:
("Help| Check for Updates")NOTE: Word 2003 is not required to install this update
- Install the update from the link below:
RoboInfo (ZIP, 6.69 MB)
Manually copy/replace the three DLL's below into the locations listed:
- The two DLL's in the Publisher get copied into the Publisher
folder. Rename the existing DLL files and copy file to this location:
C:\Program Files\RoboInfo\Publisher (ZIP, 56K) (ZIP, 144K)
- The one DLL in the RoboSourceControl folder gets copied
in the RoboSourceControl folder (On the server with RoboSource Control).
Rename the existing DLL files then unzip and copy the file to this
C:\Program Files\RoboSource Control (ZIP, 151K)
- The two DLL's in the Publisher get copied into the Publisher
folder. Rename the existing DLL files and copy file to this location:
RoboInfo 3.0 Window Fix
This fix specifically addresses the following issues:
- Blank window in project
- Custom buttons in skins do not display properly. To install this file, close your RoboInfo program and copy the mpj2roboinfo.dll to your RoboInfo Program folder (Most likely: c:\program files\roboinfo\publisher\).
3.0 Window Fix (ZIP, 868K)
RoboInfo 1.0 Service Release 1
Before You Install
Service Release 1 specifically addresses merged chm files missing from compiled project. Only install this Service Release if you are generating HTML Help and have merged chm files. You will need to delete any merged CHM's (TOC and Project Settings) and then add them in again once you install the service release.
How do I know if Service Release 1 is installed?
These are the file names, location and version numbers of DLL's before and after the patch.
File | Location | Old Version # | New version # |
PolarisTargetIdentity.dll | RoboHTML/ | 9.20.566 | 9.20.569 |
RoboHelpForHtmlHelp.dll | RoboHTML/identity/ | 1,0,0,1 | 9.20.569 |
1.0 Service Release 1 (ZIP, 942K)