
Extending Flash Help Panel Content

The TOC file format

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. About the Help panel format
  3. The TOC file format
  4. The search index file format
  5. Converting Flash MX Reference panel content
  6. Creating new Help panel content
  7. Distributing Help panel content

Each book contains a file named help_toc.xml. This file populates the Table of Contents pane, and determines the order and structure of the book.

This section describes the format and tags of the help_toc.xml file.

The help_toc.xml file must meet standard XML requirements, and must contain the following document prolog:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

Download a sample help_toc.xml file



The root element of the help_toc.xml file.


title, directory, language, version, sort

title The title of the book as it should appear in the Help panel TOC.

directory The directory of the book

language The local language code.

version The current version of the book, for tracking purposes. This is an optional attribute.

sort Determines the order of the book in the TOC. The format recommended format is a unique prefix followed by an underscore and a number (for example, myBooks_1). The prefix mm is reserved for Macromedia documents.


This tag must contain one or more level tags.




<book title="Getting Started with Flash" directory="GettingStarted" language="en" version="1.0" sort="mm_1">

level1, level2, level3


Tags that list the topics in a book and determines the level of the topic in the TOC.


href, name

href The relative URL of the topic's associated HTML page. This attribute is not required for level tags followed by subordinate level tags.

name The name of the topic as it should appear in the TOC.




These tags must be contained by a book tag.


<level1 name="Getting to Know the Workspace" />
    <level2 href="03_Working.html" name="Overview" />
    <level2 name="Using the Stage" />
        <level3 href="03_Working2.html" name="Working with the stage" />