
102 min

Substance in Fashion Design

In this video series Eugene Golovanchuk aka Skeeva takes you through creating a garment from scratch, giving you a full overview of the possiblities of Substance in a Fashion design context.



In this video series Eugene Golovanchuk aka Skeeva takes you through creating a garment from scratch, giving you a full overview of the possiblities of Substance in a Fashion design context.


Fabric Libraries

In this video Eugene Golovanchuk aka Skeeva gives you a quick rundown of how Substance Source's Fabric libraries can be useful for Fashion design purposes.


Material from Photo

In this video Eugene Golovanchuk aka Skeeva shows you how to build a full, detailed Fabric material using just a single photograph, using Substance Alchemist.


Basic Pattern

In this video series Eugene Golovanchuk aka Skeeva shows how to create simple graphic patterns with Substance Designer, that you can use to texture your fashion designs.


Garment Creation

In this video series Eugene Golovanchuk aka Skeeva teaches you how to use Marvelous Designer to create a garment from scratch, and how to preview Substance Materials inside Marvelous Designer.


Texturing in Substance Painter

In this video Eugene Golovanchuk aka Skeeva brings together everything from the previous videos.



In this video Eugene Golovanchuk aka Skeeva wraps up the Fashion design project by taking the finished animated garment and texture into Cinema 4D, setting up lighting and rendering an animated sequence with it.