Paint 3D textures in real time.
Access Painter in the Adobe Substance 3D Collection plan for €49.19/mo.
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Access Painter in the Adobe Substance 3D Collection plan for €49.19/mo.
Are you a business? Call us for a consultation: 1800 946 197
Substance 3D offers the tools you need to texture 3D assets. Modernise your texturing process with advanced brushes and smart materials.
Painter is the go-to texturing app for 3D professionals everywhere.
Painter can help no matter what 3D style you’re aiming for, from photorealism to stlylised art.
Parametric brushes and tools allow you to paint the perfect look for any asset.
Painter’s state-of-the-art viewport lets you view your work in real time, with effects like lighting and shadows.
Every action and stroke is recorded and can be recomputed at any time. Modify paint strokes or even change resolution at any time without ever losing any work.
Paint with dynamic brushes, projection tools, particles, including Photoshop brush presets.
Apply realistic surface details, from subtle dusting to extreme wear and tear and more.
Mimic real-world material behaviours such as sheen, anisotropy, clear-coat, subsurface scattering and more.
Export to any renderer or game engine easily. Create customised export presets to fit Painter into your 3D design pipeline.
Imported models don't need any special preparation to get them ready for texturing.
Painter supports multi-tile painting (UDIMS), Alembic, camera import and Python scripting and is compliant with the VFX Reference Platform.
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