What is the ideal size of a YouTube banner?



If you want to increase traffic to your YouTube channel, you're going to have to optimize all your visual assets. One of your first actions should be to get the maximum value out of your channel’s design.

While browsing YouTube channels, you've probably noticed that the vast majority of them have a large rectangular photo that looks like a Facebook-style cover photo. This is what’s known on YouTube as a banner or channel art, and it’s a key factor in the visibility and number of followers that your channel will get.

An original and attractive YouTube banner is a powerful way to instantly capture viewers' attention and make them understand why they should subscribe to your channel. In order to make that happen, we have rounded up eight tips to create an eye-catching YouTube banner.

Choose the right dimensions of your YouTube banner.

The banner is the first visual element that will be shown to visitors of your YouTube channel. If it seems incomplete or inadequate, your YouTube channel will probably lose credibility. When creating, choose YouTube banner dimensions suitable for display on different media.

Choose the size of your banner taking into account this information:

Remember that the size of a YouTube banner best suited to all these media is 2560 x 1440 pixels. However, when creating your YouTube banner, select your "safe zone," that is to say the portion of your banner that you want to appear on all media, regardless of sizing and display changes. Select the YouTube banner format that displays correctly to all your visitors, based on the screen they are using.

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A YouTube banner in the image of your channel.

Your YouTube channel banner is an invitation that encourages your visitors to extend their experience and watch your videos. Take care of your banner and allow your visitors, at a glance, to have a clear idea of what your channel will offer them. Not to mention, this also gives your channel a professional finish. Take advantage of this tool to briefly present your activity by highlighting elements such as the main themes of your content, the frequency of the video drops, or what you’re planning for future content.

Encourage your visitors to subscribe.

To build and retain a community around your channel's topics, keep your channel members regularly updated on new releases. To do this, invite your visitors to subscribe to be notified when your new videos are released. Insert illustrations representing the "subscribe" button, like an arrow or a bell, and show your visitors how to subscribe.

If you want to get a sleek and refined look for your YouTube banner without having to start from scratch, learn how to create a YouTube banner using a ready-made template. Review the YouTube banner templates on Adobe Express and select the one that's right for you. Each part of the template is customizable. Change texts, font, add graphics, insert your own photos, add your logo, apply textures, and make all the necessary changes to achieve your own perfect image.

Select a background image that captures attention.

Selecting the background image of your YouTube banner is an important step. When visiting your channel, your audience members will be drawn to the largest part of your YouTube banner, the main image. It should convey the message of your channel at first glance. Select an image that is consistent with your branding. To find the perfect background for your YouTube banner, choose from the examples offered on Adobe Express and get a banner that reflects your content offerings in minutes.

Choose a clean and efficient design.

Although it is tempting to insert as much information as possible into your banner, do not overload it. Many simple customizable banner templates are available on Adobe Express. Try to keep consistency in typography and colors to properly represent your branding. For example, use the font that appears regularly on your content and insert your logo. The information must be spaced far enough apart to be readable and impactful. Aim to create a banner that is understandable in seconds.

Update your banner regularly.

The YouTube banner is a communication tool for your channel. You can use your banner to regularly communicate new information about your upcoming videos. In addition to bringing a form of dynamism to your channel, it informs your community about the last video you have published, the latest merchandising you have released, the opening of your online store, or other recent activities on your channel. To update your YouTube banner in moments, make changes with Adobe Express directly to your current banner template and save it to your favorites.

The promotion of your social networks is an essential element to increase your visibility. If your followers or casual visitors have seen and enjoyed one of your videos, give them the opportunity to find you and follow you on other platforms. Use networks like Facebook, TikTok, or Instagram to keep your community informed when your latest videos are released.

Frequently asked questions.

How to create a beautiful YouTube banner ?

The most beautiful banners balance each other, catch the eye, and blend well with the profile pictures next to them.

Start with a YouTube banner size tailored to your requirements:

No matter where you view them (on a mobile device, laptop, tablet, or even a huge computer screen), good YouTube banners are sharp.

Create a banner for your YouTube niche:

The advice we offer is to make the design fun and simple. You want your banner to be understandable in seconds, just like YouTube thumbnails. This means using exactly the right amount of visuals — text, a few photos that represent your target market, and a solid background with adequate YouTube banner dimensions to get your message across. Avoid patterns that look cluttered.

What is YouTube image format?

The banner size recommended by YouTube for it to display correctly and smoothly on all devices is 2560 × 1440 pixels (Smart TV, laptop or desktop, tablet, and smartphone).

The part of your YouTube banner still visible to users is in a safe zone at 1235 x 338 pixels in the center of your image.

As the screen size increases, your YouTube banner will be more visible. Only the security zone will be visible and resized on smartphones by YouTube according to the screen size of the user's smartphone. YouTube advises that uploaded images (jpg or png) do not exceed 2 MB.

The minimum dimensions for importing the image are 2152 x 2048 pixels.

How do I resize an image for a YouTube banner?

The process begins with opening a template on Adobe Express. Of course, you will have to create a document and manually enter the dimensions if the template is not used. The key element of this process is to determine the new dimensions of the image.

You must drag and drop your selected banner, thumbnail, or image into the Adobe Express window after completing the document. It is crucial to note that the image you drop will already be in Transform mode, immediately allowing all types of scaling.

Shift+Alt or Shift+Option key combinations (for Windows and Mac, respectively) can make the whole process much simpler while ensuring that your image retains its original aspect ratio and remains in the center of the document after resizing. This is true even if it is possible to resize the image manually as is. Both the Enter key or the checkmark icon on the Adobe Express toolbar can be used to save the results of your resizing.