Manage Documents
Create a signature
When you first attempt to sign a document using Adobe Acrobat Sign, you are prompted to create and save your signature for future use as well. At any time you can modify or delete your saved signature.
To create a signature:
Open a document and tap
Tap on a signature field.
In the Signature dialog that opens, create your signatuer using one of the following methods:
Type: Type your signature.
Draw: Draw your signature.
Image: Tap the image icon, select an image, and choose Done.
Check Save if you want to reuse this signature. Note that the label varies based on whether you’re logged in.
Tap Done.
If camera or photo access is blocked, see Allow access to camera, photos, and more. To change or clear a signature, see Change your signature.
If you have a Document Cloud or Adobe Acrobat Sign account or use Single Sign On (SSO), you can save your signature for future use. Note the following:
Typed signatures are automatically saved for later use.
Drawn and image signatures are not saved unless you check the Save signature checkbox.
Allow file access
Signing workflows require access to the files that require signing. Granting Adobe Acrobat Sign access to your local and online files streamlines subsequent workflows.
To allow file access:
Initiate any workflow, such as ‘Send for Signature’ or ‘Get Signature in Person’, which requires choosing a document.
Tap one of the following file accesses:
Local documents
Local files in your gallery
Online storage locations (Document Cloud, Dropbox, Google Drive, etc.)
Photos and document scan that you take on-the-fly
Search for a document
Document views which display lists of documents provide a search field. To search for a document, tap . You can search for any part of the text string in the display, including the file name, date, signer’s name, and so on.
View history
Adobe Acrobat Sign provides audit trails with details about your signature workflows, including when a document was sent, who signed it, and so on. To view a document’s history, do one of the following:
Open a document, and tap
From any document list, tap and then tap
View documents in completed/canceled workflows
The ‘Completed’ and ‘Cancelled/Declined’ views enable viewing documents in finished or ended workflows. Tap Completed or Cancelled/Declined to display the document list. From here you can:
Download documents
View file history
Search for documents
Share or print documents
Print agreements
You can not print an agreement that’s in an open workflow. To print, the agreement must be completed or cancelled.
Tap Completed or Cancelled/Declined.
Open a document.
Set your options such as number of copies, page size, and orientation.
Tap Print.
Adobe Acrobat Sign leverages your device’s print capabilities and displays print options specific to your device.