Enterprise Toolkit | Macintosh Plist Reference

6_6_2023 (June 2023 updates)

New and changed preferences for this release.

This preference category contains the following subfeature(s):


Summary table
MerchandizingEnabled Specifies whether to show the Express Templates options in Acrobat's Create PDF UI.
Supported on WindowsSupported on MacSupported by Acrobat
Data type 0 (bool)
Default Enabled but not locked
Version # June 2023, Continuous track
Lock Path ~/Library/Preferences/com.adobe.Acrobat.Pro.plist/Root/(track)/FeatureLockdown
Summary Specifies whether to show the Express Templates options in Acrobat's Create PDF UI.
Details This feature is an experiment not shown to all users. Possible values include:
  • 0: Do not show the templates
  • 1: Show the templates
GUI mapping N/A

Combine PDFs

Summary table
RCMCombineFeatureKey Specifies whether to display the Combine Files item in a document's right-click context menu.
Supported on WindowsSupported on MacSupported by AcrobatSupported by Adobe Reader
Data type 0 (bool)
Default Enabled but not locked
Version # June 2023, Continuous track
Lock Path Not lockable
Summary Specifies whether to display the Combine Files item in a document's right-click context menu.
Details This preference only applies to machines that display the Modern Viewer (a phased rollout over 2023). When the Modern Viewer is disabled, admins can toggle the Combine Files UI off/on. Possible values include:
  • 0: Don't show the Combine Files UI.
  • 1: Do show the Combine Files UI.
GUI mapping N/A


Admins can disable the following dialog when converting a Microsoft Word document to PDF:

Summary table
bCloudATFeatureEnable Specifies whether to show the new auto tagging experience or revert to the old experience.
EnableCloudBasedAT Specifies whether to enable cloud-based auto-tagging.
Supported on WindowsSupported on MacSupported by Acrobat
Data type 0 (bool)
Version # June 2023, Continuous track
Lock Path ~/Library/Preferences/com.adobe.Acrobat.Pro.plist/Root/(track)/FeatureLockdown
Summary Specifies whether to show the new auto tagging experience or revert to the old experience.
Details Possible values include:
  • 0: Disable the new auto tagging feature in the accessility UI.
  • 1: Enable the new auto tagging feature in the accessility UI.
GUI mapping N/A
Supported on WindowsSupported on MacSupported by Acrobat
Data type 0 (bool)
Version # June 2023, Continuous track
User Path Access
Lock Path Not lockable
Summary Specifies whether to enable cloud-based auto-tagging.
Details When enabled, the app uses an API to call the cloud-based auto-tagging feature. Possible values include:
  • 0: Disable cloud-based auto-tagging
  • 1: Enable cloud-based auto-tagging
GUI mapping Preferences > Accessibility > Other Accessibility Options > Enable cloud-based auto-tagging for accessibility

Create PDF

Summary table
GlobalBarMenuFeatureKey Specifies whether to show the Create Split Menu under Create a PDF menu item.
Supported on WindowsSupported on MacSupported by AcrobatSupported by Adobe Reader
Data type 0 (bool)
Default 0
Version # June 2023, Continuous and Classic track
Lock Path ~/Library/Preferences/com.adobe.Acrobat.Pro.plist/Root/(track)/FeatureLockdown
Summary Specifies whether to show the Create Split Menu under Create a PDF menu item.
Details Possible values include:
  • 0: Don't show the Create Split menu.
  • 1: Show the Create Split menu.
GUI mapping N/A

Modern Viewer

Summary table
EnableAV2Enterprise Specifies whether to enable the Modern Viewer.
Supported on WindowsSupported on MacSupported by AcrobatSupported by Adobe Reader
Data type 0 (bool)
Default null
Version # June 2023, Continuous track
Lock Path ~/Library/Preferences/com.adobe.Acrobat.Pro.plist/Root/(track)/FeatureLockdown
Summary Specifies whether to enable the Modern Viewer.
Details The new app UI is rolling out in phases over 2023. As of June, 25% of users will see the updated user interface. Possible values include:
  • 0: Don't show the Modern Viewer
  • 1: Show the Modern Viewer
GUI mapping In the Modern Viewer, see File > Disable New Acrobat. In the classic viewer, see View > Enable New Acrobat