Enterprise Toolkit | Macintosh Plist Reference

06_14_2022 (June 22 updates)

New and changed preferences for this release.

This preference category contains the following subfeature(s):

What's New Experience

Summary table
bWhatsNewExp Specifies whether to disable the What's New experience.
Supported on WindowsSupported on MacSupported by AcrobatSupported by Adobe Reader
Data type 0 (bool)
Default 0
Version # June, 2022, Continuous track
Lock Path /Library/Application Support/Adobe/Acrobat/(track name)/Preferences/FeatureLockDown/
Summary Specifies whether to disable the What's New experience.
Details This feature is rolling out incrementally over 2022. When enabled, the default user on first launch will see a What's New screen as well as a See new features notication. These UI items appear once. Possible values include:
  • 0: Enable the What's New experience.
  • 1: Disable.
GUI mapping N/A

Create PDF

The December 2018 Acrobat release disabled the default support for XPS and EMF file conversion to PDF. For security reasons, features with low usage such as XPS and/or EMF to PDF conversion, are disabled by default. However, if you trust the document origin, you can enable the feature by creating and setting the preferences below.

Summary table