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SendMail (Mail Integration)

See also WebMail.

This preference category contains the following subfeature(s):

Mail Integration

Summary table
bDefaultSet Indicates whether a default email client has been set.
bRemoveCommaDelimiter Specifies whether to remove the comma in comma-delimited addressbook entries.
iMaxContacts Specifies a maximum limit for the number email contacts to retrieve from the users address book.
Supported on WindowsSupported on MacSupported by AcrobatSupported by Adobe Reader
Data type integer: DWORD value > REG_DWORD
Default 0
Version # 11.0
HKCU Path SendMail
HKLM Path Not lockable
Summary Specifies a maximum limit for the number email contacts to retrieve from the users address book.
Details The following email clients are supported: Yahoo, Gmail, Lotus Notes. Possible values include:
  • null or -1: Retrieve complete contact list.
  • 0: Do not retrieve any contacts.
  • > 0: Retrieve the specified number of contacts.
Supported on WindowsSupported on MacSupported by AcrobatSupported by Adobe Reader
Data type boolean: DWORD value > REG_DWORD
Default 0
Version # 11.0+
HKCU Path SendMail
HKLM Path Not lockable
Summary Indicates whether a default email client has been set.
Details Possible values include:
  • 0: Default webmail client is not set.
  • 1: Default webmail client is set.
Supported on WindowsSupported by AcrobatSupported by Adobe Reader
Data type boolean: DWORD value > REG_DWORD
Default 0
Version # 11.0+
HKCU Path SendMail
HKLM Path Not lockable
Summary Specifies whether to remove the comma in comma-delimited addressbook entries.
Details During shared review workflows, the user invoke the addressbook to invite participants. In cases where the addressbook is comma-delimited, pre DC versions of the product display an error dialog. Use this prefererence to remove commas. Possible values include:
  • 0: Don't remove commas.
  • 1: Remove commas.