Enterprise Toolkit | Windows Registry Reference
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Selection (Cursor behavior)

These preferences control cursor behavior

This preference category contains the following subfeature(s):

Cursor Tool

Summary table
aDefaultSelect Controls the default tool to use for the cursor.
bHandSelects Specifies whether the hand tool should be able to select text and images.
bImagesFirst TBD
bUseFixedSnapshotResolution TBD
iColumnSelectHalo TBD
iSnapshotResolution TBD
Supported on WindowsSupported on MacSupported by AcrobatSupported by Adobe Reader
Data type atom: String value > REG_SZ
Default 0
Version # 8.x+
HKCU Path Selection
HKLM Path Not lockable
Summary Controls the default tool to use for the cursor.
Details End users can double click the tool to make the choice persistent across application launches. Possible values include:
  • Select: Use the selection tool as the default (arrow).
  • Hand: Use the hand tool as the default (hand)
GUI mapping The arrow and hand icons on the toolbar.
Supported on WindowsSupported on MacSupported by AcrobatSupported by Adobe Reader
Data type boolean: DWORD value > REG_DWORD
Default 0
Version # 8.x+
HKCU Path Selection
HKLM Path Not lockable
Summary Specifies whether the hand tool should be able to select text and images.
Details With the DC 10/13/2015 release, this setting also works on Windows Touch devices. Possible values include:
  • 0: Don't select text and images.
  • 1: Select text and images.
GUI mapping Preferences > General > Basic Tools > Make hand tool select text and images.
Supported on WindowsSupported on MacSupported by AcrobatSupported by Adobe Reader
Data type boolean: DWORD value > REG_DWORD
Default 0
Version # 8.x+
HKCU Path Selection
HKLM Path Not lockable
Summary TBD
Supported on WindowsSupported on MacSupported by AcrobatSupported by Adobe Reader
Data type boolean: DWORD value > REG_DWORD
Default 0
Version # 8.x+
HKCU Path Selection
HKLM Path Not lockable
Summary TBD
Supported on WindowsSupported on MacSupported by AcrobatSupported by Adobe Reader
Data type integer: DWORD value > REG_DWORD
Default 0
Version # 8.x+
HKCU Path Selection
HKLM Path Not lockable
Summary TBD
Supported on WindowsSupported on MacSupported by AcrobatSupported by Adobe Reader
Data type integer: DWORD value > REG_DWORD
Default 0
Version # 8.x+
HKCU Path Selection
HKLM Path Not lockable
Summary TBD