Wedding photoshoot ideas to capture the moment.

Use these creative wedding photoshoot ideas to capture unique images of the special day.

Shooting a wedding can be hectic. That’s why it’s important to have a few wedding photoshoot ideas planned and ready to go, so you can keep up with the action.

Capture little details during your creative wedding photoshoot.

While people are certainly the main focus of any wedding photoshoot, don’t forget about the little details that make the day so special:

Take time to capture every detail with its own miniature photoshoot. When the couple looks back, they can remember all the things they might not have noticed at the time.

Shoot at different camera angles.

Not every picture has to be at eye level. Get creative with your altitude and take some shots from different perspectives.

Shooting from the ground up can give your subjects a “larger than life” feel, while shooting down on subjects can evoke a sense of freedom in your photos. If you’re shooting outdoors and you really want to get creative, try out some drone photography and get bird’s eye view shots from above.

Don’t forget the getaway car.

When the wedding is over, most couples run to the car and ride off into the sunset. While it offers some great shots of the couple leaving, many photographers forget to get actual pictures with the getaway car.

Take time for a quick photoshoot in front of the vehicle before they embark on their lifelong journey — especially if it’s a unique car.

Looking for more? Get other helpful photography tips.

Once you’ve captured the perfect wedding shots, don’t forget to process your pictures using editing software like Adobe Photoshop and Lightroom to turn your pictures from ordinary to extraordinary.