How to add a signature to a PDF.

Most of our lives are now stored on devices, from personal admin to important documents related to employment and housing. This digital shift has simplified our daily routines, and knowing how to add a signature to a PDF can streamline these tasks even further. With Adobe Acrobat, adding a signature to a PDF is incredibly easy. Whether you’re on your PC or smartphone, you can sign and send documents in minutes, ensuring important tasks are handled swiftly and securely.

A hand holds a digital pen above the screen of a tablet.

What you’ll learn.

From signing that much-anticipated contract at work to securing a place of your own, digital signatures are extremely important these days. Knowing how to add your signature to a PDF file is invaluable.

In this guide, you’ll learn:

How to add a signature to a PDF using Adobe Acrobat.

With Adobe Acrobat or Adobe Acrobat Reader, you can easily use the Fill & Sign tool to complete and send your forms or documents electronically. Follow these steps to add a signature to a PDF:

  1. Open the PDF document in Acrobat.
  2. Click Fill & Sign from the All tools menu, or click E-Sign from the global bar at the top.
    Screenshot of the highlighted ‘Fill & Sign’ option in the Adobe Acrobat toolbar.
  3. Create your signature and initials if you haven’t already:
    Screenshot showing the functions of the ‘Fill & Sign’ option.
    • From the Quick actions toolbar, select Add your signature or initials.
    • To add a signature, choose Add signature. In the dialogue that appears, type or draw your signature, then select Done.
    • To add your initials, select Add initials. In the dialogue that appears, type or draw your initials, then select Done.
  4. From the Sign panel, select your signature, move to the field where you want to place it, and click to add the signature. Alternatively, select Add your signature or initials from the Quick actions toolbar and choose your signature.
  5. The form fields are detected automatically. Hover over a field to display a blue box. Click anywhere in the blue box to place the cursor, then type your text to fill the field.
  6. To customise your text:
    • Change the colour: From the Quick actions toolbar, select the Colour icon and choose your desired colour. By default, the signature colour is black. To keep the default colour, ensure the Keep signatures black option is unchecked.
    • Adjust the size: Click the small A icon to make the text smaller or the large A icon to make it larger.
    • Delete the text box: Click the garbage can icon.
    • Access more options: Click the ellipsis icon for additional options such as signature, initials, checkmarks, or crossmarks.
    • Move the text box: Hover until you see the drag handle, then move the field as needed.
  7. To move or resize the placed signature or initial, select the field to highlight it, then use the arrow keys. Use the options in the field toolbar to resize or delete the field.

How to add a signature to a PDF on an iPhone.

Looking to sign a document on the go? Follow our guide on using the Adobe Acrobat app to figure out how to add your signature to a PDF on your iPhone.

  1. Open your PDF document using the iPhone Adobe Acrobat app.
  2. Click on the blue pen icon in the bottom right corner.
    Screenshot showing the blue pen icon on the Adobe Acrobat app.
  3. When the options appear, click the Fill & Sign option.
    Screenshot showing the options that appear after clicking the blue pen icon.
  4. From here, you can click on the field that you want to sign and choose your desired functionality (type, symbol, draw etc).
    Screenshot showing the range of options that appear after clicking ‘Fill & Sign’.
  5. If you wish to type your signature, the keyboard will appear once you click on your desired field. From here, you can type, amend font size, or switch to the draw functionality.
    Screenshot showing the typing options that appear after clicking on the signature box.
  6. If you prefer to draw your signature, click the fountain pen icon. You can either draw it freehand with your finger, insert an existing image of your signature, or take a photo of your signature using your camera.
    Screenshot showing the close-up of the ‘Sign Here’ signature line.

How to add a signature to a PDF using online tools.

If you prefer to use an online tool to add a signature to your PDF, the Adobe Acrobat online PDF signing tool makes it easy. Here’s how you can fill in and sign a PDF document:

  1. Access the tool: Visit the Adobe Acrobat online Sign PDF tool.
  2. Upload your PDF: Click the Select a file button or drag and drop your PDF file into the drop zone.
  3. Sign in: After Acrobat uploads the file, sign in to your Adobe account to continue.
  4. Fill and sign the PDF: Use the tools in the Sign panel to complete form fields and add your signature. You can type, draw, or upload an image of your signature.
  5. Complete the process: Click Next when you’ve finished adding your signature and any other required information.
  6. Download or share: Download your completed form or get a link to share your signed PDF online.


How do I create a digital signature?
Creating a digital signature is easy and straightforward. When you draw your signature using Fill & Sign on Adobe Acrobat, you can choose to save it to your Adobe Online Profile for future use. Otherwise, you can take a photo of your signature and save it as an image.
Can I type my name as a signature?
Typing your name on a digital document, such as a PDF, can count as a signature. Using Adobe Acrobat, typing is a valid functionality for adding your signature. However, certain legal documents may require a digital version of your handwritten signature. Be sure to check before you choose your desired functionality.
Why can’t I add a digital signature to my PDF?
Not all PDF files will allow you to use Fill & Sign. Check the security features of your PDF to make sure that you can add a signature. If you can’t, you may need to contact the author of the PDF document to send you an unlocked version for you to complete.
Can I add a signature to a PDF on my iPhone?
Yes, you can add a signature to a PDF on your iPhone using the Adobe Acrobat app. Open the PDF in the app, tap the blue pen icon, and select “Fill & Sign.” Choose the field where you want to add your signature and either type, draw, or insert an image of your signature.
What should I do if my PDF file does not allow me to use the Fill & Sign tool?
If the Fill & Sign tool is not available, check the PDF's security settings to ensure you have permission to add a signature. If not, you may need to contact the document’s author to request an unlocked version of the PDF.
Is it possible to save my signature for future use in Adobe Acrobat?
Yes, when you draw your signature using Adobe Acrobat’s Fill & Sign tool, you can save it to your Adobe Online Profile for future use. This way, you can quickly add your signature to other documents without having to recreate it each time.

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