Family Budgets and Financial Plans are Made Easy With PDFs.

Working out a budget to plan your finances is key to living within your means and having some financial security — that is being able to cover all your living and daily expenses with the income you bring in, build up emergency funds for unexpected expenses, and meet any savings goals you may have. Once you get into the habit of tracking your income and expenses, you’ll soon see the benefits of knowing when and where your money is going, and whether you are meeting your financial goals.

PDFs can help make family budgeting and financial planning simple. You can create simple or extensive financial plans with PDFs from the comfort of your home. Whether solely for your personal use or to share with financial experts that help you with your finances, a budget and financial plan can help you manage your money more efficiently.

What you’ll learn

The benefits of using PDFs for financial planning.

There are several benefits to using PDFs for budgets and financial planning. Benefits include:

A simple explanation of financial planning.

Financial planning is just about taking a few steps to plan out what you do with the money you bring in. Financial planning can be as simple or complex as you want to make it. It involves creating a budget to manage your income and expenses so you can meet current needs and achieve any long-term financial goals.

Within a budget, you’ll want to include everything you spend money on and all your income. Some typical expenses to include in a budget are:

Tips for creating a budget or financial plan with PDFs.

Follow these handy tips and steps for creating your budget or financial plan with PDFs, and you’ll be on the way and on-track in no time.

  1. Choose reputable software.
    Make sure any software and apps you use to create, record, and store your personal financial information are reputable and secure. Get started on your budget or financial plan in PDF with our free Acrobat trial and try out the different features available.
  2. Save time with a template.
    You can create your own PDF template, so you easily create a new copy of your budget or financial plan when you need to that is personalized to your situation. Or you can use and adapt a ready-made PDF template for Excel or other software that you have to then convert into a PDF. Using templates will save you time, and ensure you record all the information you need.
  3. Choose a budgeting period that suits you.
    People often calculate their budgets on a weekly, fortnightly, or monthly basis to tie in with the frequency of their pay, and/or how often they pay regular bills such as housing, utilities, and food. If you develop a budget or use a template where you can calculate what something costs weekly/fortnightly/monthly and annually, even better. It can be eye-opening to see how much those occasional weekly takeaways or other ‘treats’ add up to over a year.
  4. Track and monitor your incomings and outgoings.
    Creating a budget or financial plan is the first step. The next is to track and monitor what you then spend and earn going forward on a weekly or monthly basis to help you stay on track and see if you are spending as you thought you would.
  5. Revise and update your budget and financial plan regularly.
    There are a lot of factors that can change your budget – some within your control, and some not. Costs of living and inflation can kick in, but on the positive side, investment opportunities can improve for the money you can save.
  6. Make it visual.
    Family budgeting and financial planning does not just have to be about black-and-white numbers. Add colours and use fonts to make it visually appealing to you. If you’re saving for a certain goal – a house, a holiday, a new car, retirement, or just more money in the bank – make the most of visual imagery to keep you on track and insert images into pdfs, and/or convert jpg files to pdf.

Make money management easy with PDFs.

PDFs are a cost-effective, time-efficient, and secure way of creating personalized family budgets and financial plans. PDFs are easy to share with your family, friends, and financial experts to keep them involved in the process. You can easily create a PDF that outlines your financial goals, budgeting strategies, how you are progressing, and more.

Frequently asked question.

Are there risks with using PDFs for financial planning?

The main risks associated with using PDFs for financial planning are like anything you would consider with electronic documentation and communications. There is potential for authorized access and tampering. However, you can manage these risks by: