How to Create and Share PDF To-do Lists.

As the saying goes, many hands make light work. Sharing a task or to-do list with other people to achieve steps to reach a goal or complete a project makes life a lot easier. Shared PDF to-do checklists can be worked through with family, friends, and colleagues — putting everyone on the same page.

Illustration of different people busy with different tasks in different locations and settings.

What you’ll learn

Tips for creating content in shared to-do lists.

To-do lists, especially shared ones, are most effective when they’re compiled in a way that will help motivate people to get the tasks done. Follow these tips to create to-do lists that are effective when working with others —

  • Make the length of a shared to-do list realistic.
    To-do lists should be short enough to be manageable but with enough individual items and tasks to complete the project or reach a goal. For example, the tasks needed for everyone in a household to complete the weekly housework, or all the steps a team of coworkers need to complete to launch a new product or service.
  • Create a focused shared to-do list.
    To-do lists work best when they’re focused on an overall theme or goal. For example, tasks that must be completed within a particular week, month, season, or for a certain project.
  • Collaborate on content and prioritization of tasks in a shared to-do list.
    Work together to come up with the items and tasks for shared to-do lists, and prioritize the order they need to be completed in. Sort them into chronological order and use bullets or automatic numbering to list tasks in the order they need to be completed.
  • Use simple descriptive language in shared to-do lists.
    Start each item in a to-do list with a verb describing what needs to be done. For example: Clean the communal kitchen, Phone the bank, Send invitations for the launch event.
  • Make a shared to-do list easy to read and complete.
    Use fonts and typefaces that are easy to read with space between items. Insert interactive checkboxes for people to get that sense of completion when they tick something off. Use colour to highlight items, such as red for urgent tasks.

How to share an existing PDF to-do list.

If you’ve already got a PDF to-do list that you want to share, you can do so in any of the following ways.

  • Share a to-do list with Acrobat Online
    Acrobat Online is our web-based application that anyone can access from any computer or phone browser. You can use it to share files in secure cloud storage via both free and paid options.

Screenshot showing options for sharing files stored in Acrobat Online cloud storage.

Just drag and drop files, log in to our secure cloud storage, and then change the default settings from “only you” to one of the sharing options. You can share the files with others or send them a link to access the file. Users can log in with an Adobe ID, email address, or Google or Apple account and work on the file you have shared with them.

  • Share a to-do list with Acrobat or Acrobat Reader
    From within Acrobat or Acrobat Reader, open your PDF to-do list, then go to one of the three icons in the top right-hand corner to share and track files.

Screenshot of an example of a to-do list PDF file open in Acrobat Reader showing the icons for sharing at the top right of the screen.

  • Share a link to your PDF to-do list — click on the link/cloud icon to get a public or anonymous link to your shared to-do list PDF file to share with others. They will access the file in your cloud storage when they click on the link.
  • Email people about your PDF to-do list— click on the envelope icon to send your shared to-list file to others via your email application. You have the option to send others a link to your file in cloud storage or attach it to the email.
  • Share your PDF to-do list with others — click on the people/plus icon to send notifications via email to others that you have shared a file with them. Users receive the link to open the PDF file.

How to create and share a new PDF to-do list.

Creating a new PDF to-do list to share with others is easy.

  • Create a to-do list PDF in Acrobat.
    Use Acrobat Standard or Acrobat Pro to create your interactive PDFs. Interactive features commonly used in PDFs include buttons and checkboxes that users can actively engage and interact with.
  • Start with a PDF to-do list template.
    You’ll find plenty to do list templates in PDF online, and we’ve got to-do templates on Adobe Express for you to use as well.

Once you’ve got a to-do list that you’re happy with, you can edit it, customize it, and update it to suit. Use the editing tools and features in any Acrobat app, and/or drag and drop into our Acrobat online services to do things such as —

Illustration of people sitting at a table and working on different devices with the concept of ideas and activities floating in the background.

When you’re ready to collaborate with others on your to-do list PDF, or have them mark off completed tasks, select one of the PDF sharing options above.

  • Acrobat apps to access shared PDFs.
    Wondering if you've used either the Standard or Pro versions of Acrobat to create a shared to-do list, whether the people you share it with will also need these versions

    Others can access and make edits, annotations and comments on shared to-do list PDFs using either Acrobat online or the free Acrobat Reader and our free Acrobat Reader for Mobile.

Along with shared to-do lists, there is a lot you can do with collaborative PDFs when working and interacting with others. A few other articles to learn more about how to work with PDF files include —