Cloud PDF Storage and File Sharing — Access Documents Anywhere, Anytime.

Easy access to your documents is a must, especially if you’re on the go, and/or sharing files with people in other locations. Yes, you can carry and swap USB drives or external hard drives to access and share your documents. But you can also say goodbye to the hassle expensive of purchasing and carrying physical storage devices and switch to cloud storage for your PDFs and other documents.

Cloud PDF storage has made document management a lot easier. With access and storage online, you can now manage files from any location worldwide from home computers, work computers, and mobile devices.

What you’ll learn.

  • What cloud storage is.
  • The benefits of using cloud PDF storage.
  • How to get started with cloud PDF storage.
  • Key document management features in cloud storage.

What is cloud PDF storage?

Cloud storage is a modern, secure, and convenient way of storing and accessing digital files on secure servers accessible via the internet or in “the cloud”. With cloud PDF storage, you can access your portable document format (PDF) files from anywhere, at any time, using any device — as long as there is an internet connection available.

Benefits of using cloud PDF storage.

Cloud PDF storage provides a wide range of benefits that can enhance your workflow, productivity, and collaboration with others.

  • Access and edit your PDF documents from any device, be it a laptop or a smartphone.
  • Collaborate in real-time with multiple team members on the same document to save time and increase efficiency.
  • Edit PDFs with features such as annotation, highlighting, and commenting to ensure that you communicate and customise your content needs.
  • Work offline and sync your changes when you are back online — an adaptable solution for when you're not in the best internet service area.
  • Organize your documents systematically and retrieve them readily to reduce your reliance on paper and contribute towards a cleaner, greener environment.
  • Use any device to check, edit, upload and download via in-browser uploads and drag-and-drop applications.
  • Set password protection and encrypted security to ensure your files stay private and out of reach of unauthorized access.
  • Centralize and organize your files to be easily accessible from anywhere.
  • Save and store your files securely in the cloud to manage the risk of accidental deletions, system crashes, or hard disk failures.
  • Assign people to contribute and collaborate on specific documents and sections within your documents with protection against unauthorised changes.
  • Engage and collaborate easily with others – colleagues, contractors, consultants, freelancers, students, teachers, clubs, committee members, and more.
  • Get closer to a goal of being paperless and say goodbye to carrying documents around, having multiple copies of the same document, and needing physical paper storage systems.

Get started with cloud PDF storage.

The first step to getting started with cloud PDF storage is to determine what type of cloud storage you need. There are many cloud storage providers. Take into consideration the number of documents you plan to store, access for other users and contributors, the security you require and, of course, your budget to choose the right provider for yourself.

Adobe has a couple of options for cloud storage to check out for individuals, small-medium-sized businesses, and large enterprises.

  • The free Adobe Acrobat PDF Reader is not just a reader. You can comment on documents within the app and create a free Document Cloud account. Then you can store and share files online from your mobile device or a browser. Convert your PDFs, use Microsoft apps, get e-signatures, and more.
  • Adobe Acrobat makes it easy and simple to keep connected with others. Set up simple workflows for your team in your Document Cloud account.
  • Go pro with Acrobat Pro. Ideal for working seamlessly across multiple devices and locations.
  • Get creative with Adobe Creative Cloud. Have cloud access to full versions of Photoshop, InDesign, Illustrator, and more to work on PDFs with a punch.

Once you have chosen your provider or service, simply prepare all the documents you plan to store in the cloud, upload them, and you are good to go.

Get to know the key features of cloud PDF storage.

Cloud PDF storage systems offer many document management system features that make them the perfect solution for keeping all your important documents organized and easily accessible.

For example, within Adobe Document Cloud services, you can —

  • Sign in via your Acrobat online account or social accounts (Google and Facebook.
  • View files that are shared by you or shared by others.
  • View agreements and templates.
  • Filter by status such as in progress, waiting or completed.
  • Upload and download files.
  • Move files within folders.
  • Share and track PDFs online.
  • Sort and search files.
  • Preview files.
  • View and edit PDF files in Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint.

Going to the cloud makes sense in today’s world.

Cloud PDF Storage has become a necessary tool for anyone who deals with PDF files often. Access to cloud PDF storage is easy on any device, from anywhere with an internet connection. It provides secure storage and backup, so you never lose your important files. Document sharing and collaboration are easy. Search and document management features save time, effort, and resources. Using digital and cloud storage cuts the use of paper, ink, and physical storage space, making it an environmentally friendly solution.

Frequently asked questions.

Can multiple people access the same document stored in cloud storage?

Yes, multiple people can access the same document stored in cloud storage. Files can be accessed from any device and facilitate real-time collaboration and document tracking. File ownership can be transferred, making it easy to share and collaborate on projects with team members. Online document storage solutions provide centralized storage and accessibility from anywhere, making it easier than ever to work remotely and be productive.