2 week notice letter template + 5 steps to write one.
Part ways politely from a job with the help of a template.

No matter the timing or the reason — be it a move to a new company or even a new industry — you should always try to resign gracefully, which includes giving your current employer a 2 week notice.
A 2 weeks’ notice is an official document you send to your manager explaining that you’re leaving and when your last day will be. You technically aren’t required to send in an official notice, but it’s a good idea to avoid burning bridges.
Giving your formal notice is a mark of professionalism and courtesy. Sending a letter two weeks ahead shows gratitude and respect for your employer, who will have time to wrap up projects, ask questions before you go, and perhaps get a jump on hiring your replacement. If you give notice, your employer is more likely to give you a good recommendation in the future. If you’re working on a project, you’ll be able to more easily maintain a good relationship with your teammates, who won’t feel you’ve left them high and dry. Submitting a resignation letter may also help you remain eligible for supplemental benefits, depending on your company’s policies.
Of course, leaving your job is no small decision, so you should put a lot of thought into your letter. In this guide, we’ll share a free 2 week notice letter template — with examples — and five tips to help you write a well-thought-out letter that preserves professional goodwill.
2 week notice template.
Regardless of your reasons for leaving (or who’s to blame), you want to be beyond reproach when submitting your resignation. While the requirements vary, standard convention calls for the following information in a 2 week notice letter:
- Basic information, including the current date and company name
- The date of your last day before leaving
- Name and signature
Not many requirements exist for this type of letter, but you can include a few more details to make it as respectful as possible. You put in a lot of hard work at your job, so preserve your good standing by saying all the right things in your letter. Here’s a 2 weeks’ notice template you can use to get started.
[Name of Receiver or Supervisor]
[Company or Organization Name]
Dear [Supervisor Name],
I’m writing to inform you that I will be leaving my position as [Position] at [Company]. My last day of work will be [Date].
[Optional paragraph]
While my experience with [Company] has been [excellent/positive], [explain reason for leaving].
I’ve enjoyed working with the [Team Name] team. Thank you for your leadership and for the opportunities for growth. I won’t forget the experiences I’ve had at [Company].
I’m committed to performing at my best until I leave. I would be happy to assist in the transition. Please let me know how I can help.
[Your Name]
[Contact Information]
This is a basic 2 week notice letter template, so feel free to adjust it for your unique situation. Be sure to provide a PDF signature on your letter before sending out the final product.

How to write a 2 weeks’ notice letter.
A 2 week notice letter template is a great starting point, but like writing a resume, only you can jazz it up with the right details. Follow these five helpful tips to write an airtight resignation letter.
1. Include the right details, but not too many.
Employers usually prefer all communication — even resignation letters — to be brief. But don’t let the need for brevity get in the way of communicating important details. All 2 weeks’ notice letters need to include this basic information:
- Date and recipient’s address. List the date, the recipient’s name, and the company address, whether you’re handing them the letter via email or in person.
- Greeting. Professionally greet your manager by their last name and, if relevant, their honorific (for example, “Doctor” or “Professor”).
- Resignation notice. State that you intend to resign from your position and provide the date of your last workday.
- Reason for resigning. This paragraph is optional, but it can help your employer see things from your perspective. You can explain your reason for leaving in one or two sentences. Whatever you do, resist the urge to complain or criticize. The goal of this letter is to preserve goodwill, not air grievances. If you have accepted another position and want to mention that information in your letter, you do not have to mention the name of the new company.
- Expression of gratitude. Thank your employer for the opportunity to work with them. Mention a couple of positive things you’ve experienced. Keeping your letter brief and professional is best for this situation. If you want to thank your employer at length, do that in person or on a call.
- Offer of support. State that you will continue working as usual until your last day. Offer to help your employer during the coming transition period.
- Signature. Finish your letter with your signature, printed name, and contact information. Use Acrobat to generate a professional digital signature in seconds.
It might feel strange to be so formal, but remember, this is an official document. Even if you have a casual relationship with your manager, the company will keep this document on file for years.
2. Get the tone right.
Now isn’t the time to use slang or emojis — these letters are supposed to be respectful and professional. You can always be more jovial when you chat with your manager and hand in your notice. Play with the tone and wording of your resignation letter until it feels right.
3. Give your letter some professional polish.
The more professional your resignation letter looks, the more likely your manager will respect your choice to move on. Few managers are happy about turnover, but adding professional polish to your letter can definitely make it sting less.
Use the Acrobat Edit PDF tool to change the wording on your 2 week notice letter template. If you’re wondering how to convert Word to PDF after you’ve typed up your document in Microsoft Word, Acrobat has a tool to ensure your document is delivery-ready. You can also use the PDF to Word converter if you want to rework the content before handing in your notice.
PDF is the gold standard for this type of letter because it’s stable and secure, giving the letter a more professional look. After writing your letter using whatever text processing software you choose, quickly convert it to PDF with Acrobat online services for a clean look.

4. Submit your resignation letter in person.
Have you ever felt a pit in your stomach when resigning from a job? Even if you’re happy to move on, it can be tough to tell your boss face-to-face that you’re leaving. Some people try to avoid the awkwardness of resigning by simply emailing their boss their 2 weeks’ notice, but that’s a recipe for disaster. Your boss will be completely blindsided by the email, and they might not see it for a few days, anyway.
It’s a sign of respect to resign in person — or as close to in person as possible. When it’s time to resign, print a physical copy of your resignation letter and request an in-person meeting. If that isn’t possible, have a digital PDF ready and request a video call or phone call instead. After your conversation, email your boss a copy of the digital file so they have it for their records. Always email a copy of the resignation letter to your personal email address so you have it for your records, too.
Be discreet, and don’t share the news with any other coworkers or vendors until your manager tells you to. This gives them time to digest the news and develop a transition plan. Your manager may request that you send a copy of the letter to the HR department or other personnel as part of the resignation process.
5. Anticipate your employer’s response.
You’ve done the hard work of writing a 2 week notice and notified your employer. But what if they give you a counteroffer?
Counteroffers are tricky because they risk your reputation at your current employer. You’re more likely to be let go if they have layoffs, for example. Still, many counteroffers work out, so consider how you would respond to one. Be clear on your terms before handing in your letter, just in case your manager puts an offer on the table.
Other managers have emotional reactions to team members leaving. If you anticipate this reaction, try to remain as calm as possible. This isn’t the time to lodge complaints or criticisms — save those for your exit interview. If your manager responds inappropriately to your resignation, you can request a shorter notice period. However, this request could burn bridges, so speak carefully.
Additionally, if you live in an at-will state, some managers may ask you to leave the company immediately if they do not feel that having you stay an additional two weeks is beneficial for any reason. Although this type of situation is rare, be prepared in case this response is given to you so you aren’t caught off guard.

2 week notice letter example.
A 2 week notice letter template is helpful for getting started, but sometimes it’s best to see a real letter in action. Here’s a 2 week notice letter example to help guide you through your own:
May 10, 2024
Ms. Jane Doe
Acme Supply
Dear Ms. Doe,
I’m writing to inform you that I will be leaving my position as a marketing specialist at Acme Supply. My last day of work will be Friday, May 24.
While my experience with Acme Supply has been positive, I have accepted a new opportunity to expand my skill set and career trajectory as a marketing manager.
I’ve enjoyed working as a part of the marketing team. Thank you for your leadership and for the opportunities for growth. I won’t forget the experiences I’ve had at Acme Supply.
I’m committed to performing at my best until I leave. I would be happy to assist in the transition. Please let me know how I can help.
Create your letter with Adobe.
Writing a 2 weeks’ notice letter can be daunting, but the right tools make all the difference. Stick with the facts and stay professional to preserve the relationship with your current employer as you move on to greener pastures.
Downloading a 2 week notice letter template is the fastest way to write a pro-level resignation letter that includes all relevant details. Regardless of your template, the Acrobat suite of tools makes it a cinch to edit PDFs, fill in details, and drop in your signature for the ultimate professional touch.
Frequently asked questions.
How do you write a 2 week notice letter?
A 2 week notice template is the fastest way to write a resignation letter. Keep your letter short and to the point, including only the most relevant information:
- Date and recipient’s address
- Greeting
- Resignation notice
- Your last workday
- Reason for resigning (optional)
- Expression of gratitude
- Offer of support with the transition
- Signature
Can I email a 2 week notice?
Yes, but only after alerting your manager in person first. Sending an unexpected resignation letter will damage the goodwill between you and your manager. Resign as close to in person as possible. Print your letter and take it with you when you break the news to your manager. After chatting in person, you should also email them a digital copy for their records. If meeting in person isn’t possible, schedule a call with them either via video or phone.
Does two weeks’ notice include the day you resign?
Yes. For example, if you submit your 2 week notice on the 1st of the month on a Friday, your last day would be two Fridays from then, on the 15th of the month.
Does an employer have to honor a 2 week notice?
Not unless they’re contractually obligated to do so. In the United States, most workers are considered at-will, which means they don’t have a contract. An employer can let you go at any time as long as they don’t terminate your employment for an illegal reason (such as discrimination or unionizing). When you resign, they might ask you to leave immediately or ask you to extend your last day. Ultimately, you and your employer will negotiate your last day, but there is no legal requirement for them to honor your notice in the absence of a contract.
Is a 2 week notice 10 or 14 days?
It’s 14 days, including the day you submit your resignation. This means you typically have 11 working days, including the day you submit your resignation.
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