Adobe Acrobat

Study smarter, not harder, with Acrobat AI Assistant.

Save time studying. Get answers quickly, generate summaries across docs, and level up your schoolwork.

Students save over 60% on AI Assistant. US$1.99/mo US$4.99/mo for annual, paid monthly plan.

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*Generative summary not available on iOS.

Generative Summary

Instant summaries. Easy understanding.

Simplify subject matter. Create one-click summaries of key themes, insights, and sample questions so you're prepared for any discussion, project, or exam.

Acrobat AI Assistant

Boost your productivity with AI Assistant.

Everything you need — all in one place. Chat with your docs to get answers quickly, source references, brainstorm ideas, and more.

Insights Across Documents

Get answers you can trust.

Quickly pull info and references from your own docs across multiple different file types so you don’t have to second-guess your sources.

Save time. Study with AI Assistant.

Create a study guide. Fast.

Turn your course materials into one neat study guide in a few clicks with AI Assistant.

Show up to class confidently.

Get a quick overview of the research paper from weeks ago so main topics stay fresh in your mind.

Get quizzed by AI Assistant.

Prep for your test with AI Assistant. Ask for sample questions so you’re ready on exam day.

Study smarter. Try out AI Assistant with these sample prompts.

Try example prompts to save time studying. Prep for class with AI Assistant by summarizing docs, simplifying complex concepts, and brainstorming project ideas. Show me how.

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Create a study guide

Summarize these chapters into a succinct study guide.
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Sum up lecture notes

Give me the top 5 takeaways from last week’s lecture.
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Understand anything

Explain [concept] in more simple terms.
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Compare and contrast

What is the difference between [concept 1] and [concept 2]?

Frequently asked questions.

Acrobat AI Assistant

Students save over 60% on AI Assistant. US$1.99/mo US$4.99/mo for annual, paid monthly plan.

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