Generative Summary
Instant summaries. Easy understanding.
Simplify subject matter. Create one-click summaries of key themes, insights, and sample questions so you're prepared for any discussion, project, or exam.
Students save over 60% on AI Assistant. US$1.99/mo US$4.99/mo for annual, paid monthly plan.
Not a student? Click here.
*Generative summary not available on iOS.
Generative Summary
Simplify subject matter. Create one-click summaries of key themes, insights, and sample questions so you're prepared for any discussion, project, or exam.
Acrobat AI Assistant
Everything you need — all in one place. Chat with your docs to get answers quickly, source references, brainstorm ideas, and more.
Insights Across Documents
Quickly pull info and references from your own docs across multiple different file types so you don’t have to second-guess your sources.
Turn your course materials into one neat study guide in a few clicks with AI Assistant.
Get a quick overview of the research paper from weeks ago so main topics stay fresh in your mind.
Prep for your test with AI Assistant. Ask for sample questions so you’re ready on exam day.
Try example prompts to save time studying. Prep for class with AI Assistant by summarizing docs, simplifying complex concepts, and brainstorming project ideas. Show me how.
Users can ask questions in a single document or across multiple documents, including non-PDF file types, and receive easy-to-understand answers with attribution.
Using responses from AI Assistant, customers can consume information across single or multiple documents and create impactful content based on their documents faster than ever — draft and share content for emails, presentations, meeting notes, research summaries, and more.
AI Assistant also helps break down complex contract language into key details, making it easy to read, understand, and compare contracts directly in Acrobat.
AI Assistant can also help you get more out of meetings by quickly generating meeting summaries from transcripts — saving you time by identifying key points, topics, and action items.
With generative summary, customers can get an easy-to-read outline with headings and section-specific key points to help them focus on what matters in a streamlined way. Users can easily find, discern, and navigate to essential information they need on demand.
Enhance productivity on the go with AI Assistant on Acrobat Reader mobile. Get key insights with voice prompts, making comprehension easier and faster — creating content for emails, study guides, blog posts, and more.
AI Assistant can help users accelerate document comprehension (across single or multiple documents) and transform their productivity:
Communicate with impact. Users can save time when AI Assistant helps them create content based on their documents.
Get inspired — see how others have incorporated AI Assistant into their everyday work.
Acrobat Individual customers can access these features in Reader desktop and the Adobe Acrobat desktop application on both Windows and macOS, on the Acrobat web application, on Acrobat mobile applications (iOS and Android), and in their Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge extensions. See here for more detailed information on surface feature availability.
These features are available to try before signing up.
Generative AI features in Acrobat are available for Teams, Enterprise VIP, and Enterprise ETLA customers. Learn more here. Eligible students and teachers can learn more about AI Assistant for education here.
At this time, this feature works for PDFs and documents that meet certain criteria. It doesn’t yet support the following types of files:
Students save over 60% on AI Assistant. US$1.99/mo US$4.99/mo for annual, paid monthly plan.