What are CMS signature requirements?

A man signing a document following CMS signature requirements.

Learn more about signature requirements for the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services when submitting claims.

In the field of healthcare, accurate documentation, electronic health records, and valid signatures are necessary to keep patient care moving. Missing or illegible signatures can create a delay in processing Medicare and Medicaid claims and potentially delay medical care. Let’s dive into standard CMS signature requirements to help ensure your paperwork checks all of the boxes.

CMS signature requirements for claims documentation.

What are the CMS signature requirements? In order for a CMS worker to adequately review a provider’s claim, the submitted information needs to be complete. This means that you must:

  • Submit your signature.
  • Make sure the date is added.
  • Include detailed medical documentation for your patient.

Follow CMS signature requirements to prevent delays.

It’s important to adhere to CMS signature requirements in healthcare documentation to prevent delays and claim denials. If the signature or date is missing, the CMS may deny the claims. The CMS does not accept retroactive signatures or dating, so including these elements when submitting documentation is crucial. Compliance with these requirements helps make for a smooth reimbursement process for healthcare providers and organizations.

What makes my CMS signature valid?

So, what makes a CMS signature valid? Here are some key factors:

  • You may use a handwritten or electronic signature.
  • The signature must relate to the specific services that you order or provide.
  • Your signature must be legible.
  • If a reviewer can’t easily read your signature, it must match your signature log.

Do CMS electronic signature requirements differ?

There are specific guidelines and considerations that differentiate CMS electronic signatures from traditional handwritten signatures. Here are key points to understand regarding CMS electronic signature requirements:

  • Secure authentication. Electronic signatures must verify the signer’s identity securely.
  • Audit trails. Systems should maintain records of who signed, when, and any document changes. An electronic signature audit trail helps verify validity.
  • Legibility and reliability. Electronic signatures must be clear and reliable, like handwritten ones.
  • Consent. Patients may need to electronically consent or acknowledge procedures.

What is a signature log, and how is it used?

A signature log is a collection of typed names and handwritten signatures from physicians and other healthcare providers. The CMS may refer to this log in order to cross-check and ensure signature identity when processing claims.

Make CMS signature requirements and paperwork easy.

Simplify CMS signature requirements and paperwork effortlessly with Adobe Acrobat and take your documentation and signature workflows to the next level, making compliance with CMS regulations more accessible. Discover what more you can do with Acrobat to simplify paperwork of all kinds.