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Click. Capture. Create.

Transform images on your mobile device into creative building blocks for all your designs with our powerful vector converter.

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Mockup of Adobe Capture on laptop, tablet & phone

Capture in action.

Use your mobile device as a vector converter to turn photos into colour themes, patterns, type, materials, brushes and shapes. Then bring those assets into your favourite desktop and mobile apps — including Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, Dimension, XD and Photoshop Sketch — to use in all your creative projects.



Turn any image into a clean, scalable vector image to use in a variety of Creative Cloud apps.



Identify fonts and add similar ones to your Creative Cloud account.



Create themes to match any image or turn an image into a set of matching colours for your designs.



Turn any image into a seamless repeating pattern.



Create customised brushes and use them to paint in Photoshop, Photoshop for iPad, Adobe Fresco and Illustrator.



Quickly remove the background from any image and save it to your libraries.



Generate realistic textures with rich 3D surface details.



Record speech and sound effects and instantly clean up audio with AI-enhanced effects.

Learn & Support

Learn Capture with our easy-to-follow tutorials or find answers in the forums and FAQs.

Creative Cloud

Connected to Creative Cloud.

Save the assets you create in Capture to Adobe Creative Cloud Libraries so they’re accessible in other Adobe desktop and mobile apps. You can also share your libraries with your team directly from Capture.

Download the app today.

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